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Note: This is a female version of Bad Roommate.

Summary: Violet’s roommate secretly doses her with experimental drugs, causing Violet’s stomach to progressively transform into a giant breast. Violet is oblivious and horrified as to what is happening to her body. In the meantime, her roommate secretly documents the transformation. Contains: Female: belly expansion, breast expansion, belly-breast, and more.

Previous Chapter


Alex pressed her lips against Violet’s giant, throbbing nub, the whole of it no longer able to fit into Alex’s mouth. It had gotten too large. It was all just bizarre, how real this was. Alex found herself accepting it all over again. The uniqueness, but also the singularity of it. Something like this had never occurred before, and would probably never happen again. So despite the fact that Alex knew this was bad for her, she couldn’t help savoring it, as she took a long, hard, suck.

Violet groaned out, her eyelids shuttering and her shoulders sagging. “So…tight…” she moaned.

It was heavy. Probably the heaviest thing Alex had ever consumed. The substance was thick and dense, sweet but soft. It had the consistency of a very thick pudding and was almost buttery somehow. Overall, the milk was incredibly delicious. But after just a few gulps, Alex’s stomach was full, and her cheeks started to ache from having to suck so hard. The substance was difficult to extract by then. Alex didn’t know why things had taken this course, but despite the change in consistency, Violet’s milk had only gotten more delicious. So even despite it being too heavy and too hard to draw out, Alex couldn’t help trying. She sucked and sucked until her face was red. Then she sucked some more, filling herself till her belly started to ache from tightness. Violet squirmed and moaned all the while, looking squashed beneath the mass of her belly-boob. Alex didn’t know if it was getting any less tight. She grasped what she could reach of it, the span of both her arms unable to enclose it. But she clutched at it, allowing her fingers to sink into the plump, heated flesh.

“Unnnghhh…fuhhhh…” Violet groaned.

Alex wasn’t sure how, but she drank for hours. She had missed it too much. She was completely addicted. She sucked it down until she thought she was going to retch. Only then, as she started gagging, did she pull away, holding her gut. “Fuck,” she breathed.

Violet lay there slumped, hardly conscious.

And Alex didn’t know where things would go from there.


That evening, Alex found herself at her favorite dive bar only a few blocks away from campus. She didn’t have answers but she had alcohol, and sometimes that was all that mattered.

She was five tequila shots in when she felt a sudden surge of heat in her chest. She scrunched up her face, her grip tensing on the glass as all four breasts tingled and filled with tension, her nipples stinging as her jacket subtly tightened. She grunted and cupped her breasts through the jacket, astounded to feel them pushing forward, their increasing girth now causing her coat to push out, revealing the shape of them. She gawked down at herself, both amazed and disturbed. She’d estimate that they had gone up a full cup size in the span of seconds. “What the hell,” she whispered, now hunching and folding her arms, wincing at how sensitive and achy her nipples were. She glanced around the bar and it was unsurprisingly dead for a Wednesday night. No one had noticed her weird growth spurt. “’the fuck…” she muttered, shaking her head. What was she doing to herself? She had to stop drinking Violet’s milk. It was fucking with her body.

Someone sat down beside her. It was a well-dressed man, a little older than Alex was. The guy threw a glance and a smile Alex’s way. “Can I buy you a drink? You look like you could use one.”

Alex was flustered, and even a little paranoid, but as she examined the stranger, it seemed clear that the guy was just being friendly. Alex slowly uncoiled, even lowering her arms. The stranger’s gaze didn’t stray towards Alex’s chest. Maybe the growth wasn’t so obvious. Then again, who would even suspect such a thing? “Yeah, sure,” said Alex. She, indeed, could use another drink.


“Why not?” Alex wasn’t picky.

The stranger ordered two whiskeys and slid one over to Alex.

There was an old proverb about not mixing drinks but Alex couldn’t have given two fucks at the moment. The whiskey was smooth and sweet, and seemed to warm her insides.

“You know, a few of us are heading next door. The place is a little classier, and certainly more fun. You should come along.”

“Yeah,” said Alex. It wasn’t as though she had any better ideas.

Alex paid her tab and followed the smooth stranger out of the dingy little bar, onto the street, down an alley, then through the door of what looked to be an old warehouse. But as she stepped inside, Alex realized that this couldn’t have been further from the truth. It was nightclub, the place packed, people drinking and dancing, the servers and bartenders all dressed in black, skimpy attire, that didn’t even seem appropriate as swimwear. The place was huge, lights flashing, greens and golds. The music was deafening. It wasn’t exactly Alex’s scene, but she couldn’t help being mesmerized by it all.

Before Alex could wander off and disappear into the crowd, a hand grabbed her shoulder. It was the same stranger.

“This way!” the man called over the music, pulling Alex towards the back. Through a door, down a corridor, then into a room that was much smaller than the main floor, but still spacious, and much calmer. The music was soft, the place simultaneously sumptuous and cozy. There was a bar and some seating around a large table. It gave the place a communal feel.

“Conrad, I was wondering if you would show up tonight,” someone called. It was an older man, seated with some others, including one of the venue’s servers, judging by the black thong and bandeau the girl had on. He had his arm casually draped about her shoulders as she shuffled a deck of cards.

“So was I. Slow night at the office,” said the guy with Alex: Conrad, apparently.

“You playing?”

“I suppose I’ll just spectate tonight, Milton. Oh, I brought a friend. Seemed like she could use some excitement.”

It wasn’t all a card game. Only three people seemed to be playing. It seemed more like your standard VIP section of any club or event, if a little fancier. Everyone was well-dressed and well spoken. When Alex noticed that the drinks seemed to be on the house, she got herself a seat.

It was warm back here. The jacket was stifling. Alex lowered her zipper, if just a little bit. Just to breathe. No one paid her any mind anyway.

“Can they send in more girls? This is getting depressing,” said a stocky man in a fine Italian suit. He was holding a blunt in the same hand that clutched his drink.

“Some young men as well,” said another man with a twisted smile. His hair was slicked back into a bouffant, and retroactive as it was, he pulled it off well.

“Sorry Gregory, it’s a busy night,” said the scantily clad server as she finished dealing cards. “Chad says he’s running late as well.”

“Isn’t that one your favorite?” Milton asked.

“Nonsense,” said Gregory, the man with the bouffant. “You know I don’t play favorites. Though Chad does have a great ass.”

“So you’ve mentioned,” Milton said.

The door opened again and some girls strolled in, one of them completely topless. Alex couldn’t help the inane grin that crossed her face. So these were the entertainers.

Alex yelped as a girl plopped right down into her lap. She was dressed in some black lace lingerie that was especially strappy, complete with garters. “Oopsies,” she said, poking Alex in the chest. “Scuse me.”

“About time,” growled Milton, as the server under his arm slipped off. “Come over here,” he motioned to one of the girls. “Tell me what you think of this hand.”

“He’s not talking about the cards,” a woman at the table piped in. She was dressed in a blouse and pencil skirt, long hair tied back in a ponytail.

Alex sat back and watched. Alex swung her arm around the girl in her lap, as there seemed like no other place to put it that wasn’t awkward. “Rum and coke,” Alex mentioned as the server looked her way.

Her drink was served promptly, and subsequently replaced every time it got more than halfway empty. She could hear banter around her, in her periphery, but the world was getting hazy. She just kept drinking. At one point, the stocky man offered her a pull of his blunt. Alex accepted. She took more than a pull.

Her zipper went down another notch. Maybe it was the way the girl in her lap giggled and bobbed against her as she conversed and gesticulated, while still using Alex as a chair. Maybe Alex had pulled it down herself. It was awfully hot back here. And it wasn’t as though anyone noticed. Even when the girl pressed her back against Alex’s chest, causing Alex to groan, the girl in Alex’s lap didn’t notice the absurdity of Alex’s form. Everyone was pleasantly buzzed, happily chatting, or playing cards. A pair of guys to the side were talking business. Investments and such. Alex just nodded and smiled and drank.

Another notch, or two, or three. She wasn’t sure when this happened, or why it occurred, or if she was even okay with it. She just glanced down and noticed her own cleavage for the first time. Then she saw that her jacket was completely open, partially hanging off one of her shoulders, and everything was exposed.

Now other people noticed. The stocky guy was giving her the queerest of looks, and Conrad was staring, his jaw hanging. The girl in Alex’s lap gave a titter and poked at her tits, causing Alex to wince. Alex shoved her off as the girl’s face went solemn.

“What the hell are those?” the club girl howled.

“It’s…um…it’s a medical condition,” said Alex as she fumbled with her jacket, then failed at several attempts to connect one side of the zipper to the other.

“It looks like four boobs!”

“They…er…well, they are.” What the hell was she saying? A strange, hysterical giggle escaped Alex’s lips. “I’m a freak of nature.”

“Stop messing with us, kid.”

Then Alex’s fingers were working on their own. She started to unbutton her shirt.

Then she blacked out.


Alex awoke with a groan. Her head was pounding. A glance at her clock told her that it was three in the afternoon and she had missed her morning classes.

She couldn’t remember much about the latter half of her evening, or how she had gotten home, but she could remember bits and pieces; fleeting images of the people in the VIP room pointing or gawking, other times laughing. She could remember someone…touching her, as she groaned and arched and allowed it. She could remember the sensation of a hot tongue... Just the memory left her face burning and flesh tingling. Alex looked down at herself, unsurprised to see her shirt buttoned crookedly. Her jacket, meanwhile, was nowhere in sight. She didn’t think she had ever been so drunk in her entire life. Her weary hands slowly slid up, cupping her lower pair of breasts. She grimaced at how sensitive they were, and how truly sore her nipples felt. But also at the bloated sensation that now occupied them. She wasn’t sure, but they looked fuller; rounder than the last time she had checked. She estimated that they were botha solid C cup. This was going to be harder to disguise, but she would have to manage.

Alex slowly climbed out of bed, feeling dizzy. She was going to need some aspirin or something. As she shifted, she noticed that there was something in the pockets of her jeans. She reached inside and pulled out some paper — no, money. She stared down at the crumpled bills in her hands. There had to be a couple thousand dollars.

Alex was astounded. Who had given her money? What was it for? Shit, she wished she could remember. She had been so wasted, she didn’t even know how she’d found her way home.

But the money was welcome. Ever since Violet had disappeared over the summer, the payments from Alex’s secret employer had run dry. Alex didn’t know if things would change now that Violet was back, but Alex was behind in rent and all her bills. She needed cash desperately. But she couldn’t keep this...could she? She just wished she could figure out what was going on. Maybe if she went back; maybe tonight.

And so it was decided. Alex would swing by the club and see if anyone was missing a couple thousand bucks. If no one mentioned it, Alex would just assume that the money was hers to keep. It would be that simple. Alex drew in a deep breath and sat back down on the bed.

“Alex!” Violet cried from the next room. “Alex! I need you! Nrrgggghh!”

Alex rubbed her bleary eyes. Her stomach ached in hunger, her mouth watering at the thought of indulging. She resolved not to have anything to drink when she went back to that club that night, but Violet’s milk was a different story.

I owe her, Alex rationalized as she got up from bed for the second time. She gingerly walked out of her bedroom, buttoning up the rest of her shirt in the process.

Next Chapter 


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