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Summary: Cara, a 20-year-old college student, had the wildest night of her life. Unbeknownst to her, she has been impregnated by an alien species. The alien grows and feeds off of arousal, so any time she get aroused, the alien grows. The alien has a 12-month gestation period and Cara must try her best to abstain from any sexual activities or anything that arouses her. The amount of arousal will affect size of the alien offspring, but it will still take 12-months until birth. Idea submitted by Jacob.
Contains: Female: belly expansion, alien pregnancy, breast expansion, stuffing, lactation, and more.

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“You like that?” Amber murmured against her jaw line.

Cara caught Amber's lips, kissing her harder, but groaning as expert fingers explored her keenly, twisting and teasing. The two women were pressed close, bodies tangled as they explored and indulged a desperate, desperate hunger. The heat compounded until the tension reached its apex, and Cara could no longer ignore it.

“Nnghhhh…ahhhh…” Cara threw back her head as Amber’s hand covered her mouth, the overlapping orgasm and growth leaving Cara dazzled. The sensations had become one in the same, a searing pleasure that left every muscle in Cara’s body contracting. Cara fell back against the wall, her hands shooting down to clutch her tight stomach.

It felt as if it was pulsing with residual throbs of growth. She could tell that it was bigger – much bigger. Cara gave a whimper as she felt the way it bulged away from her now, her sweater hugging against it. Her legs felt weak, limbs jittery. She was panting and dazed between the growth spurt and afterglow.

Amber stepped back from the curious curve pressing into her. She looked Cara over, finally starting to realize that something had occurred. “What the fuck,” Amber breathed, staring at the mound.

Cara knew she looked as though she was seven months pregnant by then — maybe eight. She tried to explain, but all that came up were flustered, wearied half-sentences. “I think I…” Cara trailed off, panting. “It’s just…” She had nothing. This was mortifying, but also horrible. She was — she was ruining her own body!

“I have to go,” Cara finally managed, pushing past the other woman while hugging her swollen torso. She knocked something over in the kitchen and could hear it clattering to the floor, but she didn’t look back; she didn’t even sign out to end her shift. She ignored the concerned looks of residents as she hurried for the door, pushing her way out into the night.

Fuck, was all she could think. She couldn’t hide this; not anymore.

In a frenzied state, she sped back to campus and stumbled her way into her dorm. When she got inside, she saw that the TV was on, and immediately regretted glancing towards it. It was a body wash ad, shirtless men littering the screen. Cara quickly squeezed her eyes shut. “Fuck!” she shrieked, before hurrying into her bedroom.

“Cara?” Jessica called.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

“What the fuck?” Jessica echoed Cara’s sentiment as she barged into the room. She was staring at Cara’s body with huge eyes. “Oh my god. You’re pregnant!?”

Well, there was no other explanation for this shit.

“Yeah,” Cara forced out, even as she tried to hide it, arms folded over the obvious bump.

“Shit, why didn’t you tell me!? How were you even hiding it? You’re just so — big!

Cara flinched. She restrained herself from throwing her flat iron at Jessica’s head. “Yeah, well, I wasn’t really, like, showing much before. This thing kind of just fucking popped.”

Jessica continued to look baffled. “Is that how pregnancy works?

“I swear to god, Jess —” Cara was ready to maim the other girl.

“Okay, okay, just — we’ll figure this out. Do your parents know?”

“No one knows. I didn’t want this to get out, but now I’m just screwed.”

“It’s all right, Cara. It’s like — motherhood. You should be like, embracing it. Or something. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Well yeah, it kind of sucks, I mean you still have two years of college and you’re only twenty, plus you can say goodbye to nightlife…”

Now Cara was getting teary-eyed.

Jessica noticed. “Oh, come here!” She pulled Cara into a tight embrace.

And as truly irritating as Jessica could be…

Cara thought it was nice to open up to someone. If just partly.


It was the following day that Cara got a visitor.

“Fuck,” she spat once she saw who it was.

Lor let himself inside.

“How do you know where I live?” Cara said, but immediately realized that it was a stupid question. Lor had been here before. This was precisely where he had ruined her life.

“I’ve been here before,” Lor echoed her thoughts in his usual, monotonous, tone. Cara was relieved to find that she didn’t even feel a tingle. Between all her meditation and focus exercises, and perhaps her general contempt since her last encounter with the man—and maybe even her little rendezvous with Amber in that pantry that might have taken the edge off Cara’s arousal— she wasn’t turned on by the attractive alien’s presence. Not even a little.

“Then what are you doing here?” Cara seethed, her arms compulsively folding over her sizable bump.

“Is it unusual to check in on you?” Lor countered, looking her over as he closed the door behind him. Thankfully, Jessica was in a class.

Then he pulled out that remote-looking device, unceremoniously aiming it towards her chest.

Cara furrowed her eyebrows. “What are you —?”

Lor pressed a button, causing a beam of light to shoot out. Cara gasped as she felt a tingling sensation spread across her breasts. She cupped them with her palms, breathing heavily. “What – what was that?” she managed.

“Herbal medicine,” Lor responded. “We don’t have much need for this treatment on my home world, but I developed this concoction just for you. It took several of your earth hours. It serves a dual function, with none of those, ah — what you earthlings would call side-effects.”

Cara was aghast. “You drugged me with something?”

“It’s completely natural — well, natural on my planet, at least. These herbs do not exist on earth. But you might think of them as more of a vitamin supplement than a drug. This is a one-time treatment, and will serve to stimulate your appetite to facilitate high caloric intake and weight gain. As we have confirmed, the larger our child, the greater the health.”

Cara continued to stare at him, stunned.

“Additionally, it will also increase certain hormone levels, stimulating breast growth and milk production. You yourself informed me that your human breast milk is critical to the immune development of offspring, and my research has only confirmed it.”

Cara was furious. “Don’t you ever — ever — come near me again,” she seethed, all but pushing Lor towards the door. “Keep your stupid alien devices, and your stupid alien dick, far away from me. If I ever see you again, I swear, I’ll to rip out your spleen through your asshole!

Lor did not at all look perturbed. He raised his finger as he informatively started, “my kind does not have—”

Whether it was spleens or assholes that Screalans were lacking, Cara would never know. Before Lor could finish his sentence, she had slammed the door shut in his face.


The following day, Cara called out from work. She hadn’t been back since her last growth spurt, but things were decidedly…precarious.

Now, she was flushed, and even warmer than before, breathing heavily, and a little dazed, because that tingling in her breasts would come and go now throughout the day. And her nipples—fuck— they had gotten insanely sensitive, just overnight, just since Lor had — zapped her, or whatever.

And the achy, tingling, hot sensitivity of her nipples proved a direct pathway to her poorly-suppressed arousal. It was twelve noon, and Cara had already taken two cold showers. Presently, she was in her bedroom, struggling with a bra that she seemed to have outgrown overnight, breast flesh overflowing the cups both at the top and bottom.

She grunted as she struggled to clasp it closed, not giving up on the straining undergarment. An ill-fitting bra was still preferable to the truly torturous sensation of her nipples brushing directly against the inside of her shirts.

By the time Cara finished getting dressed, her chest was feeling uncomfortably compressed, while the rest of her was still feeling awkwardly heavy. She sighed and made her way into the living room where she curled up on the couch in front of the TV with a blanket. She put on a reality show and tried desperately not to think about food.

“How are you feeling?” Jessica asked as she put together her latest fruit smoothie in the kitchen area.

Cara grunted in response, not really in the mood for chit chat.

There was a knock at the door, but Cara ignored it. Probably just another of Jessica’s suitors. The blonde was truly living it up since the break-up had become official.

“Got it!” Jessica volunteered unnecessarily, walking by in infuriatingly tiny shorts, but Cara did her best not to look at her.

Cara heard the door open, then some muttering. She closed out of the bland television program and began to scroll for a different one.

“Cara, your friend stopped by,” said Jessica as she walked back into the living room, beaming. She had been insistent that Cara needed something, or someone, to cheer her up.

“What?” said Cara, feeling herself go tense. She had pretty much been ignoring all her friends. No one would just show up — unless it was fucking Lor again. She swore to god, if it was Lor –

“Hey,” said Greg with a sheepish smile as he appeared from around the corner.

Cara felt her heart leap into her throat.

“I’ll let you two talk.” Jessica winked as she grabbed her smoothie and slipped into her bedroom.

Fuck, was all Cara could think as she pulled her blanket higher, wondering if it was thick enough to…to hide things.

“I heard you were under the weather,” said Greg awkwardly. “I already had the day off, so thought I would come and check in on you.”

Cara shrank as Greg stepped closer.

He noticed and his face fell. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have bothered —”

“Greg,” Cara cut him off, in a too-high voice, just before he could abscond. “It’s not you.”

“Right,” said Greg with clear self-depreciation. “’It’s not me, it’s you.’ Excuse me as I just get the hell out of here…”

“No!” Cara said, because she couldn’t do this anymore. She couldn’t ruin everything she had with — with everyone. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair. She had no one left, well, at least not since she had opened up to Jess. And that had felt kind of…nice. “No, that’s not what it is at all. I’ve been going through all this stuff and I — I…” She seemed to have lost her voice. So Cara did the only thing she could think to.

She pulled down the blanket.

Greg’s jaw dropped.

“I’m pregnant,” Cara announced, her voice sounding shrill and terrified.

Greg whispered a curse. He blinked hard, like he was certain he was hallucinating. “Shit, Cara, how can you be — you weren’t a week ago.”

“I was really good at hiding it, and I guess I just--I guess I had a growth spurt.”

“No fucking way.” Clearly Greg wasn’t as gullible as Jessica was.

“I don’t know what to tell you. It’s the truth,” said Cara.

Greg crept closer, staring at the round mound that was presently stretching out Cara’s tank top. Slowly, he extended a shaking hand. “Can I?”

Cara knew it was a bad idea, but she couldn’t say no to him again after breaking his heart the way she had at the café. So she gulped, and nodded.

The sensation of his fingers was…good. Warm and sweet. They slowly slid along, gliding over the firm surface of her belly. He was so careful and tender. It shouldn’t have been arousing.

But she was a train wreck. And somehow, it was.

“Greg,” she said thinly. “You have to…” She trailed off, intending to tell him to stop touching her, but she was just so flustered and warm, insides churning, belly heating. “Ohh…” she whimpered.

She should have been used to it by now, as her stomach heaved with a new bout of growth. Greg tore his hand away, startled by the movement. Too little too late. Cara groaned, clutching her side, as she panted and it throbbed, belly pulsating with steady growth that only seemed to exacerbate her arousal. Because for some reason this felt so, so fucking, goood. “Goddd…” she groaned, arching, squirming, belly tightening and nipples tingling.

He had set off a chain reaction. Cara whined as her abdomen shuddered. She yelped at a popping sensation, hands shooting down to cup her navel. She was stunned to find that her inward belly button was now protruding outward. “Gregggg…” she moaned helplessly, struggling to bare the overwhelming waves of sensation.

But it was too much, even for Greg. He stumbled back. “No—this—this isn’t—” He failed to form an intelligible sentence, so he just resumed his stunned staring.

Eventually he came out of his reverie as Cara continued to whimper on the couch, desperately trying to avoid reaching orgasm right there, induced by her own body. She wanted it so bad. She was on the fucking cusp. Yet she knew that it would result in another powerful wave of growth. She squirmed and struggled.

“S-sorry,” Greg managed, but he seemed uncertain of what he was apologizing for, let alone what the hell was going on. He looked spooked and unsteady as he backed away further. “I – I have to go.” Duly, he fled.

And Cara was left with the mounting mess that had become of her existence.

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That's two people who have given up on the jackpot oppurtunity to arouse Cara as much as they can and watch the resulting show!