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Summary: Derek Carter, CorpaCorp's Chief Executive Vice President, gets knocked up…by the janitor. And subsequently blackmailed by said janitor into carrying the baby (babies?) to term. And further blackmailed into doing various other disturbing things that exacerbate his expanding condition. All while fruitlessly battling an unwanted addiction to the aforementioned janitor's...impressive portfolio. Contains: Male: belly expansion, breast expansion, stuffing, weight gain, butt expansion, pregnancy.

Previous Chapter


It was kind of bizarre.

Derek had just given birth to five of the man’s babies.

Yet Derek hadn’t seen or heard from the janitor in days. Derek had become…inconsequential, now that he was “dropping the weight,” so to speak.


Not that it bothered him. The affair had been meaningless. Derek didn’t have any feelings for the janitor. On the contrary, Derek despised the other man.

Still, Derek was human. And even knowing that this was all probably just part of the janitor’s sick, depraved games…

It bothered Derek a little.

Fucking hormones, Derek thought as he leaned back in irritation.

He wanted to get out of the hospital, but the doctors insisted on continuing to observe him, and even study him a bit, study his oversized newborns and the babies still inside of him, not that anything was medically wrong, but just because of how insane this whole situation was.

His sister had showed up for a beat, sobbing and coddling him, cradling each baby in turn. But once she had gotten over the thrill of the newborns, she got a little dazed. Her odd looks would alternate between Derek, the newborns, and the physicians, who were still puzzled but a little less stunned by then.

Then Amy seemed upset—a little teary-eyed—as she sniffed and claimed how happy she was. Straining a smile, despite looking disturbed, like she thought this was all some sick joke, and maybe it was. Amy, healthy, lovely, biologically female, was unable to conceive, and here was her older brother, a certifiable freak,who had just managed to push out five babies, and had more on the way.

Derek was relieved when she left. He didn’t think he could have felt anymore awful. He had thought the nightmare would end after his labor, but clearly he’d been wrong. This was a cruel, demented, ceaseless hell, that seemed to just compound and cycle, going on and on.

Derek was emotionally and physically exhausted. He just wanted to run and hide, but then he had these…babies…to think of.

His colleagues came by as well, bringing flowers and gifts. They tried to smile through looks of bafflement and alarm. Then they tried to segue to safer matters. Like work.

“You’ll be back in the office before you know it,” Chuck, from accounting, mentioned.

Did he mean that? Did he think that Derek would actually be back?

Derek wasn’t sure. The more he suffered the imposition of visitors—having to indulge their pleasantries; their meaningless chatter—the more he was assailed with awkward questions. Everyone wanting to know what the hell this was. It was humiliating. It was only a matter of time before they realized what he’d let the janitor do to him.

This would get out — Derek knew it. With him still being pregnant — being bred like a cow. He needed to divest himself of this affliction; this addiction. He had to get away. From the janitor. From everyone.

Until then, his old life was behind him.

“Oh,” gasped the intern.

Derek looked up, wrenched from his thoughts, by Nick, the intern, who had been rearranging one of the piles of gifts close to teetering over the counter in Derek’s hospital room.

The intern was still so slim; all belly. Except for a little padding on his chest, where, perhaps, his tits were finally coming in. But the belly remained the main attraction. The mound was pressing into the counter where Nick stood, having to fully extend his arms to reach the presents. Not that he was fiddling with them anymore. His brows were knit, and now he was cupping his huge abdomen, made him look at term with twins, maybe bigger.

“Oh!” Nick repeated, wincing. “Fuck!” he groaned out. “I think…I think I’m—”

The intern was in labor.


Derek could only watch Nick through the large glass window that looked into the kid’s hospital room. They wanted to keep the intern isolated. They said his condition was high-risk, for some reason.

Maybe it was because he was in labor with a baby the size of a goddamn melon.

Nick was so small. How could there only be one?Derek had no clue how Nick was going to give birth to that thing. But cesareans could not be done on men. That much had been pounded in Derek’s head, despite his fervid resistance.

“Get –g-get Dr. Brooks,” Nick stammered to his companion. He looked terrified as he squirmed, fidgeted, and contorted himself on his bed. Sometimes he shuffled around his room, arching and groaning as he clutched the wall. He had already been in labor for days, with no sign of progress. Weirder, he was still eating constantly. And he was still growing.

Derek was truly stunned the first time he saw the partner. Nick’s boyfriend. This other young man — Taylor — looked overwhelmed and flustered. He was decidedly uneasy about the whole thing. And yet he had stuck by Nick.

It was interesting.

Taylor would get behind Nick and massage his belly, that looked as though it was stuffed with past-term triplets by then. The mound seemed to be inching out every day. But not just that, but Nick’s tits were steadily growing, and his ass was definitely getting bigger. But his belly was just surging, blowing up, like it was being steadily inflated.

“I c-can’t —” Nick whimpered, where he was knelt on the bed, arching and sobbing. His belly shuddered and he whined, the mound inching outward, growing bigger as the tie in the back of his hospital gown came undone.

“You’ve got this, Nick,” Taylor encouraged shakily.

Nick was red and sweaty, panting and groaning, looking completely spent, and Derek found himself wincing whenever he thought of what was to come, and his own recent, laborious hell.

“I’m seeing a little progress,” said the doctor encouragingly. He was a flustered, chubby man, looking a little dazed, himself.

“AARRGGHHHHHH!” Nick screamed as he bored down, his massive baby only seeming to inflate in rebuttal.

Derek had watched as much as he could stand. He was still too shaken from his own recent birth.

As he walked off, hand cupping his belly, still acclimating to the lighter weight of his body, he saw a passing hospital worker that looked oddly like the janitor. But as Derek looked at the man’s retreating form, he was sure he was mistaken. Seeing things. These hormones were really getting to him.


Taylor was dazed.

Over the course of a week and a half, he had learned and seen far more regarding male childbirth than he had ever expected or wanted.

Nick was exhausted.

He had slimmed down a good deal. Most of his belly was gone. Just a small pooch remained. It was still insane, how such a huge baby had managed to work its way out of Nick’s little body. The kid had to be twenty pounds. Even then, Taylor didn’t feel like twenty pounds accounted for how truly massive Nick had grown. But it didn’t matter. It was over. Nick was no longer pregnant. Taylor would like to say that Nick was back to normal, but…things had…continued to develop.

“Ohhh…” Nick groaned. He was slumped in the hospital bed leaning back against some pillows, cupping his chest; the soft mounds there that had sprung up from nowhere. They must have grown to D-cups, in what felt like minutes.

The physician snapped out of his reverie, lightly shaking himself out of his stunned stare. “You may be oversensitive to post-birth hormones. But it’s — it’ll be good for nursing,” he said, clearly trying to maintain a calm and professional demeanor.

“Mgghhh…god…” Nick moaned, and right there, right before Taylor’s eyes, Taylor watched Nick’s breasts swell another few inches, fuller and rounder, overflowing Nick’s hands. They were the size of fucking honeydewsby now. Nick was red and mortified. He shot Taylor a panicked look.

Taylor tried his best to offer a reassuring smile, though he wasn’t sure it was working. He wasn’t sure he had gotten his jaw off the floor.

Taylor was a good guy. Soft, some people might say. He hadn’t broken up with Nick when Nick had tearfully admitted to the cheating, and even the pregnancy. Nick had been terrified. And Taylor…well, he was quite kind.

At times, he’d even tried to convince himself that this could work out in the end. He’d even told himself, repeatedly, that he wasexcited about this – this other man’s baby.

But as Taylor stood there, frozen, continuing to watch as Nick, and their lives, transformed…

“Ohhhhh!” Nick whined as his breasts bloated to the size of volleyballs, nipples looking like coke caps, and puffing out. Nick was breathing heavily, looking frantic. “God I—I think I—AHHHHHH!” Then his nipples just started squirting, forcefully, milk spraying all over the place. Taylor jerked as a torrent splattered across his face. Nick was writhing and whimpering on the bed, breasts continuing to grow, in pulses, steadily taking over his torso.

The doctor was pressing the pager on the wall. “Can I get a nurse in here?” he said desperately.

Taylor took off his glasses, numb from the shock of it all.


This was over.


“You kept me waiting, Brooks.”

Dr. Brooks frowned as he closed the door to the exam room. He finally looked up at the man he was meeting there while absently tugging down the shirt of his scrubs. Brooks had noticed that it wasn’t fitting him as of that morning. Instead, a bit of his belly kept pushing out under the shirt, while the pants consistently slid down under his curve. Scrubs were stiff and inflexible, so he would have to go up a size or two. Thankfully, no one had noticed his…his changes so far. The lab coat was voluminous enough that it hid everything, for the time being. But his colleagues weren’t stupid.

“You look out of it,” commented the man, the new maintenance worker, with a smug look. “Like my handiwork?”

Brooks could not deny that he was shaken. After looking in on that — that gigantic fucking corporate executive, Chambers, who was still pregnant even after five babies. And after personally delivering that poor intern’s huge kid, then watching his tits blow up like goddamn balloons. And this maintenance worker was responsible. At least, he claimed he was. After Brooks’s discovery of his own pregnancy, he had no reason to believe that it wasn’t true.

Fuck, was all Brooks could think. Was he going to turn out like them in the coming months?

“What did you see on the sonogram?” the janitor questioned.

Brooks had shakily, awkwardly, conducted one on himself, after his work hours, last night at the hospital. “Multiples,” he breathed. He had suspected as much. Given the rate he was growing. “I don’t know how the hell you did it.”

“How many?” the maintenance worker inquired now.

“T-too many to tell,” said Dr. Brooks. Even as a physician – even as an OBGYN – he was terrified. How was he even supposed to – christ.

The maintenance worker looked entirely delighted with the revelation. “What are you gonna do?” he practically growled.

Brooks was going to get huge. That much was clear. He was going to get massively, disgustingly, huge; maybe even bigger than the ones before him. He might be the laughingstock of the medical community. His patients would look at him as though he was insane. There might even be inquiries. People would think he had done this to himself, purposely.

“You’re gonna take it,” the janitor decided, answering his own question. He grabbed Brooks by the shirt, pulling him closer.

The End


Sequel Pitch: After being fired from the hospital, Dr. Brooks opens up a fertility practice, using his own condition to market his fertility treatments to current and potential clients.



The Janitor has been one of my favourites and I live the sound of the sequel!


...Tbh a sequel I sort of want to see is all the people the Janitor has knocked up ganging up on him and giving him some good ol karma, turn the tables on him. Though the current sequel idea sounds amazing too :)


I’d actually love the tables to be turned on the janitor. I still remember the Farrow where Gina ended up impregnating everyone there with the animal hormones and sped off before she got caught.


I was hoping it was going to continue or be like a squeal similar to due2 or midlife where it continue in a cycle of Derek being a baby machine or something but either way I enjoy the story, one of my favorite and enjoy the creativity of your story. I'd love to read the squeal and see what surprise lies head.


I think the twist for the sequel pitch should be that the janitor forced him to start up the fertility practice, just so he can spread his "influence" to as many unsuspecting guys as possible. (side note, you could have it where the practice accepts sperm donations, but unbeknownst to the patrons all the samples are replaced with the janitors')


This is mor e along the lines I was thinking. Obviously, the janitor will need to be involved, but so will the doctor. I can totally see Derek and Ben as clients


But they obviously need it. How interesting if they'd be willing to pay for such treatment


well at first they probably assume there's only a "chance" of them becoming pregnant, what with how rare male pregnancy is, plus many of them would be thrilled to finally become parents with their partners at all. As time goes on however, word starts to spread regarding just "how" pregnant these men are becoming, and soon men from all over the country (even across the whole world) seek the doctor's "treatment", and with how effective his practice is at guaranteeing successful impregnation (not to mention how effective and thorough they are at monitoring these pregnancies) soon hospitals and specialists start referring their few pregnant male patients to them, and before you know it that darn janitor has a hand in causing practically every male pregnancy on earth : )


But Brimming, why on earth would Derek and Ben show up as clients? Hence my "unwilling clients" remark 😂😂


Yes Zork27, The janitor could single-handedly become responsible for massive g lobal overpopulation 😂 I also like the idea of men coming from all over the world and just getting way more than they bargained for. Then again, that sounds like the "Regret" storyline.

Alec Poland

Aww. I wanted to see the janitor end up with Derek