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Note: This is a story-prompt for D F.

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“There have been several reports of chemical spills and illegal dumping near the north campus of Brim University. Authorities warn residents to…”

Claire was only half-paying attention to the news as she exchanged texts and emoji’s with some of her soon-to-be sorority sisters. It was rush week and she was one step away from being a fully-fledged pledge!

Her phone chimed again. Hey, I’m outside, said the latest text, this one from Brad.

Smiling, Claire grabbed her purse and got up from the couch. Outside, her boyfriend’s car was waiting by the curb. She hopped in and soon they they were on their way to their university’s biggest sorority—Phi Kappa Delta Mega Pho Kock— known for its bright students, accomplished alumni, and absolutely insaneparties.

“I can’t believe I’m in,” Claire giggled as she took her second cup of punch from the large bowl on the refreshments table.

“You did it, baby,” laughed Brad, who was already a little buzzed. They embraced and danced, and had the night of their lives.


By the next morning, Claire felt off. Heavy, fatigued, and even a little nauseous. Weird, she thought. She hadn’t even drank that much.

The following week, Claire found herself studying her profile in the mirror. Had she put on weight? It wasn’t like her, yet she couldn’t deny that her butt looked bigger in all her outfits, panties cutting into her flesh.

Claire turned the other way. She was wearing a pink mini-dress, the hem riding up against a rounded backside that had previously been — well — flat.

Her boobs had changed as well. They were overflowing her B-cups bras, now decidedly plumper on her chest. Though she was accustomed to being very slim and petite, Claire couldn’t deny that she was liking her new curves. “Better go bra shopping,” she muttered with a sheepish smile.


Over the next two weeks, her appetite had surged. Claire usually limited herself to avocado toast and the occasional salad, but lately she was ordering takeout regularly, stuffing down burgers, pizza, and other unhealthy things. She didn’t know what had gotten into her. And her weight was climbing. She was even starting to get bloated in the midsection.

But that was nothing compared to her butt and breasts, both of which had continued to surge. Her breasts had rapidly shot up to plump D-cups, and her backside was just big now as it protruded out behind her.

She woke up one morning to find that few of her clothes would even fither anymore! Her panties would no longer accommodate her round ass, so she had to settle for thongs. And more troubling, none of her jeans would fit her. As much as she strained, she could not cram fat backside in, and Claire was just stunned. How had she grown this much?

Fuck, she thought, tugging and straining. She had that big presentation for Eco today. “Fuck this!” she snapped, shoving off the jeans and returning to her closet. She found some leggings, and quickly stretched them over lower body. They truly strained at her hips and ass, but she managed to get them up.

Sighing in relief, Claire paired it with a tank top, then grabbed her backpack and hurried to class.

Within minutes, she was doing her presentation, and it was going well. The students who weren’t focused on the data were just staring at her swaying ass, but at least she had their attention. Admittedly, the tank top was too tight on her as well now, cleavage bulging prominently against the low neckline, but Claire just tried to get through her presentation. She would worry about her clothes later.

Everything was going well. The data was solid. She turned to the chalkboard to write down the final numbers, but then her backside quavered, and Claire heard a tearing noise. She froze.

There were gasps.

“Holy shit!” a male student said.

There was a nervous giggle, then hushed silence. A cough.

Claire could feel it before she looked. Her leggings had torn right down the middle! She quickly turned to face the class, her butt wobbling with the quick movement. “Oh my god,” she said, completely mortified.

The class just stared. The professor sputtered.

“I—have to go!” Claire blurted, before hurrying away, backwards, while trying to cover the tear with her hands.


“God, what’s going on,” Claire groaned two weeks later, as she tried to zip up one of her newer, “roomier,” skirts. She had literally just replaced her whole wardrobe with larger-sized clothing, but again, she found herself struggling! How could she be gaining this much weight, and so quickly!?

“Freshman fifteen?” her roommate, Jane, remarked as she watched Claire struggle to get her zipper over the rounded curve of her belly.

Claire rolled her eyes and ignored Jane who was spectating the scene, eating chips. The cunt. Claire had a sorority meet that evening. I’m not gonna fit in, not looking like this, she thought in panic. “Fuck this,” she mumbled, giving up on the skirt. She went back to her closet. Two-piece outfits clearly weren’t working out for her. Claire studied her variety of little dresses before grabbing a strapless number. She hadn’t worn it since before the weight gain, but she would just have to make it work. Spandex it is, she thought.


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