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Summary: In his career, Logan likes to fuck his competition. Literally. He gets them pregnant and they get out of his way. Contains: Male: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiples, weight gain, stuffing.

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“I trust Lou has been informative?”

The trio turned to see that Mr. Oharo had appeared.

“Yes, of course,” Logan sputtered.

“Mr. Oharo, I was just telling your guests about all the perks and incentives you offer,” Lou said pleasantly. “Oh, and I got to introduce them to Mr. Sao as well.”

“They met Tim?” Mr. Oharo said. “What do you think?” He directed his attention to Colton and Logan. “Tim has been great so far. He’s about five months.”

Logan felt his jaw drop. He suspected that Colton was wearing a similarly shocked expression.

“Tim’s still trying to hide it from his friends and family.” Lou gave another little snort.

“Yes, the boy is just eighteen. It’s his first time away from home for college. He had a little too much fun that first semester, I suspect. But it worked out well for everyone. He started with just a couple hours a week, but we quickly advanced him to full-time. The money is good for a boy like him. He has tuition to pay. And as Lou said, his parents don’t know about his pregnancy. I suppose he’s embarrassed.”

“He still acts like its reversible,” said Lou lightly, rolling his eyes. “Like he’ll find some pill or procedure or wake up one day with no bump.”

“Male abortion is still illegal globally,” said Colton quietly.

“Tim’s a star.” Mr. Oharo ignored their remarks. “I knew it from the first moment I saw him. He’s very good with feedings, very complacent and eager to grow, with the business. He wants to advance. I think he might end up even bigger than Cam.” Oharo was talking about the kid practically like inventory. Like a farm animal.

“In this province, even women cannot terminate past the twenty-first week, which Tim is only days from,” Mr. Oharo went on. “And for men, the physiology is still too poorly understood. Termination isn’t an option. Tim is in this for the long haul, despite his denial. Here, we just try to discourage that sort of negative thinking. We remind the boys how great they look and we try to keep them busy.”

A new man stepped into the cafeteria, spotted them, and started walking directly towards Mr. Oharo. He was wearing a tight jumpsuit, the curve of his bump making him look about eight months along. He waddled somewhat with his approach before he leaned over to Mr. Oharo and whispered something in his ear.

Mr. Oharo’s eyebrows rose, his face brightening in a look of pride. “There is a problem in wardrobe. Would you to care to accompany me?” he asked Colton and Logan as the new guy left.

Logan nodded despite his better judgment.

And then the four of them were walking out of the cafeteria, down the hallway, and into the fitting room. There, they found Tim, standing in a tight undershirt and briefs with his arms spread as a disgruntled man wrapped a measuring tape around his swollen waist.

“What’s going on, Pablo?” Oharo asked.

The man — Pablo — turned to give Mr. Oharo an irritated look. “First Cam, now Tim—and in the same week! You don’t pay me enough for all these little emergencies.”

“You can schedule a meeting if you want to discuss your salary. Now what is the issue?” said Mr. Oharo.

“It’s just, I, er, p-popped some buttons,” said Tim, his face red.

“It was the largest size of the uniforms,” said Pablo. “It should accommodate the men up to term, even a little past it.”

“I had a big breakfast,” Tim said, clearly mortified. “It’ll go down.” He looked down at his swell, cupping it.

“Tim, Tim, you’ve done nothing wrong.” Mr. Oharo approached as Pablo stepped back. Oharo took Tim’s chin, gazing into his panicked eyes. “Your babies are growing. It’s completely natural.”

Tim’s swallowed, and gave a slight nod.

Mr. Oharo released his chin. “In fact, I think this is wonderful news. You look great, and the customers love you. I think you are the best worker we’ve had since Cam.” He turned to Pablo. “Pablo, let’s explore some custom options. Something a bit flashier – in white, just like Cam. Tim is meant to stand out.”

Tim gulped, hands still loosely clasped over his swell.

Pablo sighed. “I’ll see what I can put together,” he said dourly.

“And Lou.” Logan startled a little when Mr. Oharo turned back towards him, Colton, and Lou, who had been standing mutely, observing the scene. “Get Tim a snack. He looks famished.”

Lou saluted. “Right away, sir,” he said, before hurrying off.

Mr. Oharo returned his attention to Tim. “You’re taking good care of the babies,” he assured. “Look how much they’re growing.”

“Do you really think there’s more than one?” said Tim, his voice tight.

Mr. Oharo ushered him over to a chair, where Tim sat down. Oharo was almost paternal in the way the spoke to the kid. “You’re doing just fine. Now eat. You look starved.”

Lou had just returned, his arms loaded with options. Mr. Oharo accepted a large glass the size of a 2-pint beer stein. It was wet with condensation and filled to the brim with what looked to be a vanilla milkshake. He brought it to Tim’s lips, and Tim dutifully leaned down, taking the straw into his mouth. His thin hands carefully cradled the huge glass.

Pablo had been watching the scene with a scowl, his arms folded. He gave a disgruntled huff and stalked off, grabbing some fabrics off hangers as he disappeared into the back.

“Don’t pay him any mind,” Oharo told Tim as Tim continued to drink. “Let’s see how fast you can outgrow the next thing he makes you.”

Tim reddened and choked a bit. He gulped down his latest mouthful. “I’m still not sure if I even…” he trailed off, looking nervous. “God, I don’t want my family to find out. But I’m so big now; I can’t even hide it.”

“Tim, Tim,” Mr. Oharo gently chided.

Tim hiccupped. “I waited too long. I mean, I should have…I should have figured something out.”

“Eat, eat.” Oharo took the emptied glass from Tim’s hands, now offering him a large bowl of creampuffs. Tim popped one into his mouth, chewed, and swallowed. Then he did it again, sort of mechanically. One after the next. Pop, chew, swallow.

Logan was admittedly fascinated by the way Oharo was growing Tim. Nurturing and expanding, methodically transforming him.

Tim’s belly bounced as he hiccupped again. He clutched it, grimacing.

“You must not think about such troubling things,” Oharo said. “Just enjoy how good this feels.”

Tim groaned, yet he continued to eat.

“Now, for all your hard work, we must discuss getting you a raise.”

“R-really?” said Tim breathlessly between bites.

“Yes, you are by far exceeding my expectations with your performance. Lou, let’s have Tim serve Mr. Ford today.”

“But isn’t that usually C-Cam’s table?” Tim managed.

“You will be taking over some of Cam’s customers for him. I have high expectations of you, Tim.”

“Yes s-sir.” He was panting and sweating, belly heaving up and down with his heavy breathing. His hand trembled as he hesitated to reach for another pastry.

“Is there a problem?” Mr. Oharo asked, ostensibly with concern.

“No, sir,” said Tim quickly. He stuffed another pastry into his mouth, trying not to grimace as he swallowed it down. There were only a few left. So he ate another, rubbing his abdomen with his free hand.

“I know it’s a lot of hours lately, and a lot of work,” Oharo said as Tim struggled. “But I really want you to enjoy your time here. Think of us as family.”

Tim gulped down his latest cream puff, looking pained. “Between school and work,” Tim panted. “It’s hard to find time to even think about all this.” He frowned down at his belly. Tim finished the last pastry, his face flushed as he fidgeted in his seat.

‘He was never much of a thinker,’ Lou mouthed to Logan.

“Sometimes you have to turn your mind off,” Oharo said. “All this anxiety. It’s not healthy.”

Tim resumed panting and massaging his belly with both hands. Grinning, Lou handed Oharo another milkshake, which Oharo, in turn, offered to Tim.

“Here, wash it down,” Mr. Oharo urged.

Tim’s jaw was clenched, face daunted. “I – I t-think I’m at my limit,” he managed, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. His belly was heaving with his rapid breaths.

“Nonsense,” said Mr. Oharo dismissively. “That was barely a snack.”

Tim hesitated more, looking queasy.

“Don’t embarrass me in front of my guests,” Oharo warned.

There was no escape. He leaned down, taking the straw, and sucking forcefully, as though he just wanted to get it over with.

“There, there…” Oharo said, continuing to hold the glass for him. “That’s it, just a little more…”

“Tim’s great at eating,” Lou piped in.

The boy was being groomed to eat constantly. Perhaps just like Cam had been. Mr. Oharo was smart. He knew what he was doing. He kept the boys either too busy and overwhelmed, or stuffed and lethargic, to think about anything, let alone ending their pregnancies.

Tim pulled off of the straw, looking dazed. The beverage was finished. He leaned back in his seat, gasping for breath, hands desperately rubbing his swollen midsection.

“Are you all right, Tim?” Lou asked cheekily.

The kid was truly struggling. “I um —oh g-god—” But he couldn’t fight it. “Nnnggghhh…” His belly shuddered outward, visibly inching forward as his undershirt tightened against him. He clutched it, as though to contain the growth, and push it back in, as he panted and arched. “Errrrgghhhhh!” There was another heave of growth, his shirt straining painfully as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Then Tim was flustered and gasping, body slumping. “S-Sorry,” he choked out. A belch erupted from his throat, his belly popping forward another inch as he grunted and tensed.

“There is nothing to forgive.” Mr. Oharo reached out, wiping Tim’s tears away. Oharo wasn’t as hard on Tim as he was with Cam. Or maybe he didn’t hold Tim to the same standards, for now, at least. “Excellent work, Tim. Excellent.”

Logan had to grab onto the back of a chair to stay balanced. Fuck, he could watch these boys blow up all day.

Tim was still panting and heaving, and perhaps still growing. His belly looked as though it was pulsating as it rose and fell, rose and fell.

“Now it’s time to get you dressed. The customers will love this,” Oharo continued. “Let’s see what Pablo has put together.”

“Y-yes, s-sir,” Tim rasped. “I just—I n-need a m-minu—ngghhhh...”

There was the faint sound of fabric tearing, and Logan was certain that Tim’s shirt was coming apart.

“Very well,” Oharo conceded, looking pleased all the same. “Don’t keep us waiting.”

“No s-sir,” Tim wheezed.

As the group left Tim there in the fitting room, groaning and tearing through his shirt, Logan couldn’t help whispering to Lou, “what the hell was in that milkshake?

“Oh, they’re not really milkshakes. It’s more like a pudding, almost. There’s vanilla ice cream of course, sugar, heavy cream, butter, and lard — well, it’s mostly lard, to be honest. The rest is just flavoring.”

Logan was stunned and Colton just looked nauseous. His lips mouthed the words ‘what the fuck?’ In the meantime, Mr. Oharo led them to his office.

“Yep, it’s the same stuff we inject into the creampuffs,” Lou went on. He seemed to delight in Logan and Colton’s baffled expressions. “Of course, the milkshakes and creampuffs are a staff thing. We even have this game where the customers feed us. We give each table a basket of cream puffs, and they get to feed the waiters as they come by. It’s gimmicky and silly, but the customers love it. Of course, Cam and Tim kind of monopolize the treats. Everyone wants to feed those two. The customers just love watching them eat.”

The quartet had walked into Mr. Oharo’s office. Mr. Oharo motioned for Colton and Logan to take seats in the chairs in front of his desk, but Lou remained standing.

“Anything else, sir?” Lou asked.

“No Lou, you can head to orientation. We have a few new hires. They should almost be done with the video.”

Orientation? Logan thought, rather dizzy. He wondered what that involved.

“Yes sir,” said Lou with a grin. He offered Logan a little wave as he left, closing the door behind him.

Mr. Oharo turned his attention back to his guests. “What do you think?”

“It’s…quite the operation you have here.” Logan was impressed with himself for being able to produce words, even generic ones.

Colton mutely nodded, perhaps not trusting his voice.

“Yes, yes,” said Oharo. “Of course, Tim is still quite slim. He has not filled out like a mother. Perhaps it is time to introduce him to some supplements that might help.”

Logan opened and closed his mouth. He was not sure what supplements to which Mr. Oharo was referring, but his mind was going wild with it.

“Not many men can carry multiples,” Oharo remarked. “It is quite rare.”

The door opened and a guy walked in with a tray of tea and pastries. He settled them on Mr. Oharo’s desk, giving a slight bow before he departed again.

“But I could see the signs in Tim from his first day here,” Oharo went on. “You see, I have an eye for these things. Tim has more potential even than Cam. He has the greatest potential I have ever seen in any pregnant man, at least until very recently,” and as Mr. Oharo said this last part, he was holding Colton’s gaze.

Next Chapter



I really hope that Colton is going to feel the full force of Longans pent up frustration sooner or later - but regardless this is an amazing story and I can't wait to see where it goes