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Note: Story-prompt for VHAGasa.


Tina was an athletic girl. But since her…developments…she had begun to fall behind in her running routine. When she went to the gym, she limited herself to the bike, because the sensation of her breasts bobbing about when she was on the treadmill or elliptical left her winded, aroused and a little unbalanced.

The growth had slowed down some but there seemed to be no sign of an end. She presently had two honeydew-sized mounds stuffed into her baggiest sweater, stretching it out as her swollen, sensitized nipples visibly protruded against the tight fabric.

She didn’t know whether it was a good thing or bad thing, but she was putting on some weight (aside from her breasts), which helped make her dimensions a little less ridiculous. Tina had always been stick-thin, but with a recent surge in her appetite, her thighs were thickening, her hips were widening, and her shoulders were softening. She was becoming more full and soft and feminine. Her stomach was beginning to take on a soft, plump padding, and in only another week, she had developed a small belly.

Still, Tina’s breasts were the most prominent of her changes. She often took breaks at work to lock herself into a bathroom stall and pull off her sweater to air out the mounds. She took deep breaths of air as her breasts wobbled on her chest, the mounds tingling and her nipples practically throbbing from the continued sensation of fullness and growth.

They were getting so, overwhelmingly, large. Tina stared at where they bulged over the neckline of the tank top she was wearing.

She had outgrown her latest bras and hadn’t bothered to get more, and it was astounding how little support her breasts seemed to need. They were both plump and fat, but also had the natural droplet-shape that natural breasts had. They were so big already, she didn’t think she could handle them getting much larger. Routinely they perched themselves on her kitchen table when she sat down for a meal, and recently, they had begun to press against her steering wheel when Tina got into her car. Tina wrapped her arms around them, supporting them, watching them heave up and down with her breathing. Gently, she released them again, instead letting her hands slide down to her stomach.

Recently, her belly had begun to take on a lot of growth as well. It had gotten fat and pudgy, and made her look as though she was seven months pregnant. Tina had been so distracted by the development of her breasts, the belly-weight had snuck up on her. It was like she looked down one day and noticed it there, perched in her lap, heaving her breasts just slightly, as if wanting to grow bigger and push out from beneath them.

What concerned Tina the most was that her stomach seemed full of that same tingling pressure that occupied both of her breasts. And it seemed to be growing more rapidly than them as well.

Tina was oblivious of how this all started, but she was progressively ballooning out of control. Her family was concerned. Her coworkers were relentless in their gossip. And all Tina could do was marvel at her ongoing transformation.



Did this person win two prompts? Or will they all get sequels? Very nice buildup here, I hope we get to find out what's in her belly!