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Note: Story prompt for Night Akula.



Her nipples were tingling, her whole chest heated, and Sandy didn’t know why. She had spent most of the day squirming behind her desk, trying to get ahold of herself. Finally, when her four-hour class came to an end, the college Freshman hurried into a bathroom and locked herself into a stall.

As she unbuttoned her blouse, she couldn’t help noticing how tight her bra was and how bloated her breasts seemed. Usually small A-cups, they seemed suddenly very round, and about a cup size fuller. Sandy removed the painfully tight bra and was surprised to notice how her nipples had become a dark pink color, while being heated and swollen. They stuck out, proudly erect, and Sandy just tried to breathe through the sensation of their contact with the cool air.

Uncertain of what was going on, Sandy reached up and carefully examined her breasts with her hands. Her fingers grazed her nipple, causing her to pause and shudder. “Nrrgh…” she grunted, before several white droplets of fluid pushed out of her nipple and rolled down the underside of her breast. Sandy stared at her chest in shock.

Feeling alarmed, she attempted to replace her bra, but it was just painful at this point. Instead Sandy dumped her bra in the garbage container within the stall then buttoned her blouse around her. Her impulse was to leave school and see her doctor, but the more logical side of her brain reminded her that she had a final exam in just a few minutes. There was no way she would pass her class if she skipped out on this test.

Sandy took a deep breath. Though her condition was unusual, she was in no imminent danger. She was sure she could make it through another few hours.

Now set on taking her exam, Sandy stuffed some tissues into her top and exited the bathroom while trying not to think about whatever was going on with her breasts.

The test was three hours long with no bathroom breasts. Sandy was focused for the first hour, but by the second, she couldn’t help being aware of the intensifying sensations or warmth and tingling that alternated in her breasts, as her face and the rest of her body also became heated, and her juices freely seeped into her panties. A glance down at her chest told Sandy that her breasts had gotten yet fuller, rounder, and they certainly felt tighter. Beginning to sweat, Sandy pulled off her blazer. She could see that her blouse was now stretching over her chest, but she ignored it. She just had to get through this test.

With their increasing weight, and lack of a bra, Sandy’s breasts had taken on a <i>wobble</i> that she was not accustomed it. With any miniscule movement, her breasts bobbed and her top stretched more, her face reddening as her sensitive nipples pressed and rubbed harder against the thin cotton fabric that contained them.

Despite it, she just fidgeted more, took deep breaths, and tried to just get through her latest test page.

The top was <i>squeezing</i> her, and it was causing some undesirable side-effects. Sandy could feel the front of her top beginning to get wet, her large, erect nipples becoming even more prominent as the blouse moistened against them. Sandy became scarlet in panic, and she hunched forward in hopes to hide it. Her pen shook as she tried to etch down her latest equation. And with each heaving breath, her swollen breasts rocked more.

And her top was just getting wetter with her milk. The more it confined her, the more that milk spilled out. Sandy was disturbed by how much she had managed to grow in such a short time. Her breasts had to be DD-cups by then.

And suddenly her nipples were dripping, dripping through her top, onto her desk—on her test paper. Sandy nearly cried out, she was so horrified. Her eyes widened as she heard a tearing noise. She watched her buttons start to pop off, one by one.

Freeing themselves of confinement, her breasts surged with growth. Sandy clutched the remnants of her top against herself, but it could barely accommodate her at all.

Everyone in the room was staring at her, shocked expressions on their faces. Her breasts were round, each the size of a head of lettuce now, each so plump and gorgeous, they didn’t even seem logical. They swelled and swelled, warm milk now pouring, seeping through her clasping arms to splash onto her desk and in her lap. Her face hot and body tingling, Sandy tried her best to ignore the stares. She clutched her breasts the best she could as she heaved herself up and staggered out of the room, leaving a trail of milk behind her.



Very nice. I like how much it leaves open to the reader's imagination.