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Summary: Olivia is faking a pregnancy, and it has to be convincing. She  proceeds to  continuously stuff herself with food to keep up the  appearance. Contains: Female: weight gain, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, eventual pregnancy.

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“Ohhh…” she groaned. A tingling sensation overcame her breasts. It had been happening – well, inconsistently – lately. Usually it didn’t bother her, but now it was accompanied by heat, and her nipples started aching. Olivia moved her hands up towards her chest, but stopped herself just short of touching them. They were so sensitive lately. The bloated sensation only intensified, causing her to twist her face and arch. “Nghhh…” Her nipples started truly stinging, then there was an abrupt sense of relief, followed by…moisture?

Olivia slowly looked down at herself, blinking at the way her swollen nipples bulged out in the cotton of her dress. It took her a moment to notice the increasing dampness of the material, moist patches steadily growing against the fabric where her nipples protruded. It took her brain a moment to compute, because it just didn’t make sense. The moisture was coming out of her body. She was…lactating.

“What the fuck,” Olivia breathed in astonishment. She quickly cupped her breasts, as though to conceal her body’s betrayal, grunting in discomfort as the palms of her hands made contact with her tender, swollen nipples. How was this even possible? Only new mothers were supposed to lactate. Or people in the later stages of pregnancy—which she wasn’t. Olivia wasn’t actually pregnant. There was no way this made any sense, it was —

The cookies. Olivia cursed under her breath. Could those lactation cookies really have triggered this? She had thought they only worked on people who were actuallypregnant. This was such bullshit.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she hissed, grabbing up a wad of toilet paper. It wasn’t as though she was leaking a lot, it was just a steady dripping from each nipple that wouldn’t seem to stop. Her dress was getting soaked. What a mess.

Her heart was racing, her breathing going thin. Olivia wondered if she was having an anxiety attack, or if the pregnancy girdle she had on was just slowly strangling her. It felt as though it was getting tighter by the moment as she sat there. She unconsciously fidgeted with the fasteners, wishing she could take it off.

“Breathe,” she told herself. “Just breathe.” She couldn’t go out there. Not looking like this, leaking, as her dress steadily got wetter. But what if she…okay, that could work. Olivia rummaged in her purse, grateful that she had brought it with her. She pulled out her cell phone and called her assistant, Cindy, at her desk. “I need you to run down to my car and grab the shopping bag in the back seat. Bring it to me, I’m in the bathroom by my office.” Then Olivia hung up before Cindy could start asking awkward questions.

The shopping bag from Mommy Madness contained the dress that was a little too low-cut, but it would have to suffice. Olivia had even made the spontaneous purchase of a bra, which would definitely help in her current predicament.

Within ten minutes, Cindy had arrived, and was handing Olivia the shopping bag above the stall door.

“Are you okay in there?” Cindy called.

“You can go now,” Olivia responded snippily as she began the arduous process of getting changed. After a momentary hesitation, Cindy left.

With some wriggling and fumbling, while still perched atop the toilet seat, Olivia managed to get her wet clothing off. She then eased her breasts into the new bra, whimpering in discomfort as the constricting undergarment was fastened around the bloated, tender mounds. She made sure to immediately stuff the front of the bra with toilet paper to catch the leakage. She couldn’t afford to ruin a second outfit that day.

Olivia then pulled the new dress down over her head. She frowned down at her appearance, the square neckline too low for the office as her cleavage bulged heavily over it. It wasn’t nearly professional but it was the best she could do in her current predicament. She tried tugging it up, but the design didn’t sit that way, and so the neckline slid back down.

Olivia sighed, continuing to adjust the maternity dress, pulling it around her waist. It laid formfitting against her body. She gave herself another couple moments to gather her composure. She just had to get through the rest of the day, then she would figure out this lactation situation later. She was quitting the cookies, that was for sure. And Olivia was sure, with some research, that she could find some other remedies to get herself to stop —well — leaking. She grimaced, frowning down at the swollen mounds on her chest. What a fucking nightmare.

Olivia raised her hands to press them against either side of the stall. She shifted to the edge of the toilet, planting her feet firmly against the ground. With a groan of effort, she heaved herself up.

Her belly bounced against the stall door, causing it to burst open. Breathing heavily, Olivia moved forward, making her way over to the sink. She leaned her hands against while her belly pressed into it. She looked herself over in the mirror, staring at how her large, round breasts were even more absurdly high and perky with the aid of the bra. They were so full and bloated. She probably should have realized what was happening a while ago. But it had never even been a possibility to her. Olivia sighed and shook her head in disgust.

Again, she attempted to adjust the neckline. She was practically spilling out of it. It wasn’t nearly professional, and Olivia knew she would be frowned on for this. “Just get through the day,” she mumbled to herself as she ran her hand through her long, thick hair. Her other hand continued to lean on the sink edge, offering some support to her heavy body. She cupped the underside of one of her breasts, still astonished by how hot it was. How saturated it had become without her even noticing.

Her attention shifted to her belly. Olivia wasn’t sure how much bigger she could handle getting. And yet she kept on growing. It would probably be smart to ease back on all the snacking, though when she did, her belly had the tendency to start sagging. Of course, that was where the girdle was supposed to help. So maybe it really was time to cut back on her diet.

Olivia frowned, biting her bottom lip as she thought of the three dozen cupcakes she had waiting for her at home. Starting tomorrow, she decided, nodding to herself. Or at least until I get through the extra food in my house. It would be a shame to be wasteful, after all.

She had been in the bathroom for a while. Olivia drew in a deep breath, then stepped away from the sink. One hand cupped her belly as the other grabbed the door handle, pulling it open. She made her way to her office, offering a strained smile to those who nodded or waved to her. Some of her colleagues raised their eyebrows at her wardrobe change, but thankfully no one said anything. Olivia closed herself into her office, relieved to see that Mike had left already.

Olivia looked at her desk, but couldn’t bear the thought of sitting down. Though her legs were tired, and her back was sore, the girdle just felt so tight after hours of her wearing it. She was getting breathless just thinking about trying to sit down again with it on. Instead she leaned on the wall, deliberating the matter. Olivia didn’t have any meetings or conferences planned for the rest of the day. In fact, if she really tried, and really utilized Cindy, she could stay in her office till five. If anyone came, she would be seated behind her desk, and they would not be able to see her form anyway.

With that in mind, Olivia decided to take off the girdle. She made sure that her blinds were shut before she hefted up the dress and began to unlatch the device, sighing with each clasp she undid. Her belly progressively inflated as it was freed of confinement, until it was at its full mass, but also a deal softer. Olivia exhaled a deep breath. God, this felt so much better. Now her hands were gripping her belly harder, trying to rein in the way it had become more prone to bobbing against her.

One good meal would do the trick, Olivia mused. Not that she needed it. She would be staying in for the rest of the afternoon. A weary smile across her face, Olivia made her way to her desk and eased herself down.

She should do this more, actually. Hide out in her office. Not have to deal with the constant congratulatory remarks, coddling, or the people who just stared at her like a bomb that was about to blow.

Her belly pressing into the edge of her desk, Olivia pulled her stack of papers towards her and began to go through reports, giving them each a quick review and sign-off. It was quite easy but also incredibly dull. After about five reports, her eyelids started to grow heavy. The world blurred in and out, and she dozed.


“Olivia! Olivia, are you in there?” There was a harsh rapping on her office door.

Olivia awoke with a start. She found herself slumped over her desk, belly squishing against it. She didn’t know how long she had been sleeping, but the toilet paper stuffed in her bra was almost saturated with milk. Wrinkling her nose, she quickly replaced it with tissues from the tissue box on her desk, throwing the dampened paper into the garbage basket beside her. “Yes? Come in,” she called belatedly as she straightened her top.

John burst in. “Feldman’s calling an emergency meeting.”

“What?” said Olivia in concern. Feldman was the company CFO. She hadn’t even known he was in town. This must have been big.

“You haven’t heard it from me, but we lost a chunk of funding. There are going to be cutback and layoffs. Corporate’s thinking of shutting down this whole office.”

“What!?” Olivia snapped. Her job was her livelihood. Without it, she wouldn’t be able to afford her new car or house payments. This job was the whole reason she had gotten into this fake pregnancy nonsense in the first place. If she lost it now, it would have all been for nothing. She would be back where she had started. No, she would actually be worse off! Fat, single, unemployed, and now in massive amounts of debt.

“We’re trying to convince him to give us a chance to break even. Olivia, I need you at this meeting. We have to really step it up. Our jobs depend on it.”

“Fuck,” Olivia whimpered.

Ted looked sympathetic. “I’m sorry to spring this all on you now. With the baby and everything. Bad timing.”

“I don’t think there’s ever a good time to get fired,” Olivia said quietly.

Ted gave her a pained smile. “Meeting’s in ten. Conference room 4B. Let’s give it our best. I’ll see you out there.” Then he left Olivia to her racing thoughts.

Losing this job just wasn’t an option for Olivia. She had invested too much of her entire being into it. Things couldn’t end here. Not like this.

Olivia pushed back her chair, groaning as her belly gurgled, and she realized that she had not snacked in a while. She cupped the mass of it, fingers sinking into several inches of softness. It was starting to sag a little, and get squishy. It didn’t look like a pregnant belly and she would have to amend that.

She opened her bottom desk drawer and was about to withdraw the pregnancy girdle, but paused. She could do better than that.

Olivia reached under her desk, and with effort, withdrew a huge container of lard. She kept it at the office just for emergencies.

This occasion certainly qualified. She needed to garner as much sympathy as she could. She needed all eyes on her belly. She needed every corporate monkey at the meeting to know that she had a baby to support. Maybe even multiple babies. And soon!

She wasn’t going to take this without a fight. She would make them think twice before they tried to lay her off. And so, Olivia unscrewed the cap on the lard, her face twisting as she took in the greasy aroma. Not even looking for a spoon, Olivia dipped her whole hand in, scooping out a large handful of the gelatinous, oily gunk.

She stuffed it into her mouth, groaning. She had almost gotten used to the taste. She had never consumed this amount at one time, and usually she mixed it with something more palatable, yet she had no time to worry about that now. Olivia gulped the lard down, feeling it slide down her throat and drop heavily into her gut. She moaned as her skin warmed, her belly gurgling again, almost as though in pleasure. She needed to fill herself before the meeting. She had to down as much as she could; firm up. Most importantly, Olivia needed to be bigger!

And so, she stuffed her hand back into the container, and scooped up another handful.


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