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Note: This is the male version of Gretel.

Summary: Connor is kidnapped then forced to eat exorbitant amounts of food. Contains: Male: weight gain, stuffing, belly expansion, breast expansion.

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It took Connor some while of rocking and maneuvering until he was able to get up. He slowly climbed out of the tub, his belly aching from hunger, and his skin stinging where the chords had been digging into his flesh. Clutching his gut, he waddled his way over to the high basement window, and he examined it for a moment. He then looked around the room, spotting a small kitchen table. Still supporting his belly as it bobbed with his movement, Connor approached the table and placed his hands against the old wooden surface. It was about hip high, his round belly perching against it where he stood. Connor took a deep breath, and began to push the table towards the window, wincing as its jagged bottom scraped against the basement floor.

Once the table was beneath the window, Connor waited several minutes, staring at the basement door. Edna must have been asleep. Releasing a sigh of relief, Connor proceeded with his plan. He slowly lifted one of his knees up to the table’s surface. This left him leaning on his belly, feeling awkward and inflexible. It took him a while until he felt comfortable enough to ease himself up. He gasped as the legs of the chair wobbled, but everything held together. Seconds turning to minutes, Connor climbed up, his knees trembling, until he was finally standing on the table, gripping the high window ledge.

As he stood there, his belly pressed the wall, separating him from it a good deal. He felt so awkward and ungainly in his present condition. The window was at face-level, and as Connor peered through it, he could see the first bits of sunlight penetrating the thick foliage outside. Through his own heavy breathing, and the foreboding creaks of the table, it was hard to listen for noise. Connor couldn’t see much of anything beyond the woods, and he knew that there was little hope that anyone was out there. But it was his first look at the world outside Edna’s cabin for some while, and Connor appreciated it, awkward as he felt in his present position.
Prior to his weight gain, he would have easily been able to hop through and disappear into the thick trees, but now his belly was just too large and he neither had hopes of fitting through the window nor of making a swift escape.

So Connor bit the inside of his cheek and deliberated calling for help. What were the chances of someone actually answering? In fact, it seemed like there was a greater risk that Connor would just end up waking Edna.

Still, in his state of desperation, Connor wasn’t sure that he could stop himself. And so, leaning more heavily on his belly, he leaned up to the window, and in a weak voice, he started, “Hello—!”

There was a cracking noise. Connor’s released a yelp as the table gave way and collapsed to the ground beneath him. His weight dropped amongst the splintered wood, and he laid there, wincing and groaning, gripping the side of his belly where it had slapped against the floor.

Connor could now hear movement upstairs. He watched as light appeared beneath the basement door. Connor struggled to get up. Oh no.

The door flung open. “What’s going on down here?” Edna cawed, her frame filling the lighted doorway.

By some miracle, Connor had found his way back into the tub, his back hunched, and his body turned away from Edna. Taking quiet gasps of air, he lightly shook his head, but Edna didn’t back down.

“You better not be up to anything—”

“I’m just…s-so hungry,” Connor forced out in huffs.

Edna became silent. Connor turned his head slightly, and from the corner of his eye, he could see as the woman frowned. Connor’s hunger seemed to be the only thing that Edna had sympathy for. Edna disappeared back into the house, but returned shortly, this time carrying a large bowl of food.

Edna slowly walked down the staircase, Connor remaining in his position, hunched over, trying his best to conceal that he was free of the chords that had bound him. He supposed his panting was consistent with his earlier restriction.

As Connor heard Edna close in on the tub, he knew that it was time to act. With a surge of unfathomable strength, he gripped his at-term-with-child-looking belly and pounced up, out of the tub, tackling Edna in one desperate maneuver. Connor barely heard how loudly he was yelling. He just took in Edna’s wide eyes and stunned expression as a cake bowl of macaroni and cheese clattered to the ground. The back of Edna’s head knocked against the stone floor, and the woman was rendered unconscious.

Connor breathed heavily when it was over. He leaned down, his belly rubbing against Edna as he searched the woman for keys or anything else that might facilitate his escape, but Edna didn’t have anything on her.

Connor didn’t check to see if Edna was okay. In fact, Connor found himself staring regretfully at the fallen macaroni, before he lightly shook his head, and made his way for the stairs.

Connor was stunned by how difficult it was to move up them. He reminded himself that he was exhausted from the recent events, that surely he would be able to navigate his way out of the woods, granted he slowed himself down.

Huffing and puffing, Connor finally reached the exit. Taking one last look at Edna, Connor closed and locked the door behind him. With some difficulty, he also managed to shove the bookshelf back into place in front of it.

Connor leaned back on the wall, trying to catch his breath. Sweat poured down his brow, like he had just run a mile. Almost to comfort himself, he rubbed his hands up and down his belly.

He was used to the mound being painfully taut with food, but after several hours of not eating, it had softened and sagged somewhat. He thought it would have been a relief to, for once, not be overly packed with food, but for some reason Connor felt strange and uncomfortable, empty, almost. The hunger pains didn’t help. He groaned through another one, now tightly gripping the mound against him. He couldn’t deal with this now. He had to get moving.

Spotting his clothes lying at the top of the trash bin, Connor made his way over and grabbed them out. He awkwardly worked his way into the attire, his pants not buttoning and barely able to accommodate his rounded ass, in fact, several inches of his crack protruding over the hem. And his shirt outlines his newly grown moobs while barely able to pull over his belly at all.

But it would have to suffice. At least for the time being. He stared at the way the mass of his belly protruded from his clothing.

His gaze shifted to the couch. Regretful as he was to admit it, being back upstairs brought him to almost…comfortable territory. Life hadn’t been ideal. It certainly hadn’t been his. But he had gotten complacent in his endless cycle of sleeping and eating. The prospect of doing more—of leaving this simplistic environment—made Connor’s heart pound. He breathed deeply, trying to fend off his anxiety. He had to keep moving. This was his chance to reclaim his old life.

With that, Connor took to searching the living room up and down for keys that might unlock Edna’s front door. He moved on to Edna’s bedroom, emptying all the drawers out, even getting down on all fours, trying to check under the bed, groaning as his body pressed down on his bloated mound.

Now he was panting no matter how slowly he took things but a whole hour must have already passed. Connor moved back to the living room and began to fling books off the shelf, hating that he was removing weight from the main fixture that separated him from Edna…if Edna was even still alive.

Connor tried not to think about that. Soon they would both be dead if Connor didn’t find a way out of there.

Connor got down on his knees, the weight of his belly heavy before him as he tugged at carpet edges. Now his shirt was plastered to his moobs and bulging nipples because of how much he was sweating. Connor gasped for breath, his mounds heaving. Furiously, Connor banged his fist on the wall.

There was a clinking noise as a metallic object fell from atop the doorframe, clinked against the molding, then hit the carpet. Connor stared down at it.

A ring of keys.

He reached down and grasped it tightly in his trembling hand. Gripping the wall, Connor slowly got up to his feet. His back was throbbing by then. He staggered for the door and inserted one of the keys into the first of the locks. It took him several tries, but he eventually found a key that worked!

Connor cried out, he was so relieved. He went from lock to lock, inserting keys until he found the correct one. With each wondrous click, he felt a little lighter. Finally, the door was open, and Connor could feel the cool forest breeze blowing against his heated skin. He began to proceed, when a gasp escaped him, and he hunched down, clutching his gut. His shoulders trembled. “Nnnnghhhh….”

The hunger pains were getting out of control.

Connor had to grip the doorframe to keep himself from collapsing. He threw a glance towards the kitchen.

Maybe he would have one more snack.

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