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When Tina came to, her aunt was hovering over her.

“Tina—how are you feeling?” said Misty nervously.

Tina looked down at herself. She was sprawled on Tina’s living room couch and was stunned to see that her midsection was flat again. She ran her hands up her torso, flooded with relief. Had it all been a dream?

“… wasn’t sure how to get you out of there,” Misty was saying. “I’m just relieved they were like normal slugs—a huge aversion to salt. You looked ready to burst. I was actually worried you would. Thankfully I was able to get you here in time to pump those things out of you… Well, most of them.”

Upon closer examination of her midsection, Tina noticed a small mound just beneath her navel. Tina touched it, and it squirmed, causing Tina’s body to shudder.

“It’s a stubborn little thing. I did my best, but maybe if we try—”

“Thanks Aunt Misty.” Tina embraced her aunt, her body trembling with sobs. The nightmare was over. At least for the most part. What harm could one slug do? Tina released an awkward chuckle, embarrassed by her show of emotion. Misty lightly patted her back, and the two separated.

Tina excused herself and went to the bathroom, where she examined herself in Misty’s full-length mirror. She noticed that her bottom was still much plumper than it had been before her body’s strange invasion by the slugs. Tina self-consciously tugged down the back of her shirt. She also noticed that she still had full breasts on her chest. Tina slid her hands up to cup the mounds.

But her hands soon returned to the small lump on her abdomen. She grunted as it wiggled inside her. Strangely, her labia tingled, and she had to grip the wall to try to get a hold of herself.

There was a knock on the door. “You okay in there?” Misty called.

“Yes,” Tina called back. She would be.


Tina’s life returned to normal as she supposed it could be following the strange situation with the slugs. Tina got a job at a nearby call center, and the first thing she did with her new income was move out of her basement apartment. The one-bedroom that she found wasn’t too expensive. It was on the second floor, small but cozy.

Tina lost her appetite for going out, socializing, or doing much of anything anymore. Her appetite for food, however, surged. She also found that she was abundantly tired most of the time. Between her cubicle-job and her reclusive behavior, she had gotten quite sedentary. Tina found herself mostly lounging around her apartment on her days off, playing video games and snacking continuously. She would groan and redden when the slug squirmed, but it was sluggish and infrequent, and it didn’t bother her too much.

One day Tina’s doorbell rang.

Tina ignored it at first, but the ringing persisted. Climbing off the couch, she opened the entrance door. “Aunt Misty,” she said in surprise.

“Tina,” said Misty, wearing a surprised expression of her own. “You—changed.”

Tina shrugged. “I got a little out of shape.” Tina tugged up her sweats, but her plump bottom was still bulging over the back waistband. Her ass had gotten round, fat—like Nicki Minaj’s—only Tina’s was real. Her chest had gotten plumper, the mounds there D-cups now. Her stomach had gotten fatter and rounder, protruding like a massive beer belly. It was soft but plump. As the slug within squirmed, Tina gripped at it, clenching her teeth as sweat formed on her brow. She resembled someone who was six months pregnant.

“I don’t think that’s all it is, Tina,” said Misty. “I’m glad I came to check up on you. I feared something like this would happen.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The slug, Tina. It’s growing. The only way stop it—”

“You’re being ridiculous,” Tina cut Misty off. “It’s fine.”

“Tina, I know this sounds crazy, but you’re going to have to give birth to it. It’s gotten so big, there’s no other way.”

Tina stared at her aunt. She wanted her to give birth?. Aunt Misty and her looney ideas, Tina thought, lightly shaking her head. “Aunt Misty, I’m not pregnant. It’s just a parasite.” Tina absently rubbed her belly.

“But the slug—”

“Yes, I put on some weight. Thanks for rubbing it in my face. Do you know how crazy you sound?”

“But Tina—”

“You should go, Misty,” said Tina firmly. She just wanted to put the whole thing behind her.

Misty frowned, but left.


Over the following weeks, Tina ignored her aunt’s phone calls. She continued to lounge at home stuffing food into her mouth every spare moment of every day. Her paychecks went towards donuts, pizzas, tubs of ice cream, chocolate cookie sandwiches, burger deliveries, cartons of Chinese food, and boxes of macaroni and cheese. Playing video games had become inconvenient to her eating habits—it was easier to keep her hands free—so Tina took to watching movies and TV shows during the day. She was barely conscious of how truly poor her eating habits had become. She was just vaguely aware that she was getting really out of shape.

When Tina had to, she hauled herself to her cubicle at work. She ignored the odd looks people were giving her lately as she tugged down the front of her too-small shirt.

“Hello, Ms. Brown?” said Tina into her earpiece, her belly perched in her lap. “If I could just have a moment of your time, I wanted to ask you if you’re satisfied with you cable service and—aahhh…ohhhhhh…” she groaned as the slug started to squirm again.

She gripped at her belly, the whole mass of fat seeming to be shifting, twisting, and moving as she grunted. “Oh god…” It had gotten larger. Stronger. Tina hated to admit that Aunt Misty had been right. “Nnnggghh…ahhh…I’m sorry Ms. Brown, I have to go,” Misty ended the call. “Hahhhh…hahhhhh…” she struggled to catch her breath. Finally, the slug relaxed. Tina rubbed her hands up and down her belly where diamonds of skin had formed between the buttons of her blouse. She stared for a while.

Ripping off her head piece, Tina heaved herself up from her chair. She looked due with twins by then. How had she managed to ignore it for so long?

Tina waddled off towards the exit of the call center, ignoring as her boss inquired about where she was going.

Holding the underside of her belly, Tina made her way to the parking garage. She may have been imagining it, but her stomach felt as though it was getting tighter and tighter. She was drenched in sweat by then, her shirt pasted to her, and stretching tighter over her plump stomach. Slowly, it slid upwards to reveal her swollen, throbbing belly button.

Tina finally made it into her car and collapsed in the driver’s seat, her belly pressing against the steering wheel. Her pulled her keys out of her pocket, but they slipped free from her trembling fingers. They hit the floor, by the gas pedal. She tried to reach for it, but didn’t nearly have the flexibility to achieve even that. And the pressure was surging, fully occupying her belly. “Nnggghhhhh…” The slug squirmed again. She didn’t think she would make it home.

The mass of her belly was low now, very low on her torso, and very large. Her breasts looked bloated rounder, full DD-cups, and her ass was plumper than ever beneath her.

Somehow, Tina managed to prop her feet up on the dashboard. Releasing a hoarse cry, she pushed, and struggled, and bared down as much as she could. Her face was red and pouring sweat, her body trembling as she pushed harder and harder, until she felt something start to crown, start to push right out of her, tenting out the crotch of her pants as Tina grunted and trembled and tears streamed down her cheeks.

Then strangely, horribly, whatever had begun to exit retracted right back into Tina, popping back into her lips as Tina gasped, and stared at her low, plump, pregnant belly. Gripping the mass, Tina tried pushing again, but she didn’t even come close this time. She was out of energy. Now the buttons of her shirt were popping off, her belly surging more, rising like dough on her lap. Her breasts wiggled as her body was racked with sobs. “I can’t get it out,” she cried aloud, her hands moving up to hold her sweaty face. She had waited too long. It was too big. Tina gasped for breath, her car seeming to shrink around her.

Resigned, Tina lowered her legs and slumped forward. She took to rubbing circles on her belly, before her hand shifted to stroking her tangerine-sized belly button, as it distended, and twitched, and her lips tingled more.

What the fuck, was all Tina could think as she continued to absently stroke. Her soft belly continued to heave, and throb, and rise, and squash against her. What the fuck am I going to do?




Man i want a slugs 3 so bad