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Summary: Intern Claire has been manipulated into stuffing herself at the behest of CEO Dinah Grace, who has control of Claire’s future job prospects and university credits. Despite all the resentment at what has happened to her body and struggle to simply keep up with her life in the face of Dinah’s demands, Claire is determined to pass her final review, get the job and make this all worth it… but making Dinah fall from grace has its own temptations. Contains: Female: stuffing, weight gain, and more. Plot line created by Opik Oort.

Note: This is a companion piece to Opik Oort's ongoing comic of the same name.

Previous Chapter


The pop of a second shirt button signaled Claire’s completion of the brownies.

She covered her mouth but was hardly able to disguise her large belch. Her cheeks flushed red and she folded her arms over her torso, trying to hide the exposed skin. This wasn’t even close to professional. If anything, it was humiliating.

“Oh, you made a mess of yourself,” Dinah said with pleasure. She reached out with a fine cloth napkin and dabbed Claire’s lips, though didn’t nearly clean up the smears of food on the younger woman’s face. Dinah then reached into the candy bowl on her desk, unwrapping a piece with delicate fingers, until she exposed a cube of rich milk chocolate. As Dinah brought the chocolate to Claire’s lips, Claire automatically opened her mouth as she allowed herself to be fed. Claire didn’t realize that her eyes had closed until after the chocolate had completely melted on her tongue. She opened them again, now looking down. It wasn’t the first time Dinah had fed her chocolate. Dinah often ended lunch meetings like this. It was sort of intimate, and definitely odd. But it wasn’t as though Claire could complain to her boss. Dinah was the boss. Not that Claire especially minded the ritual.

It was only after she had eaten the piece of chocolate that Claire’s body relaxed enough to remember its distressed state. Her belly heaved in protest of her massive binge. Claire raised her hand somewhat while pressing her lips together.

The phone on the desk rang. “The conference call,” Dinah noted.

Claire barely managed a nod as sweat dampened her clothing. She would handle this. She always did.


Claire was snacking constantly. Even when she was off work, she couldn’t stop eating. It felt as though she had become addicted to food.

She would do computer work at home while stuffing handfuls of chips into her mouth. She would wake up in the middle of the night to indulge in the stash of individually-packaged cream-filled snack cakes she kept in her nightstand. Originally, she had been horrified by what was happening to her body. But lately, Claire found herself progressing deeper into resignation. She knew this was only temporary. And so, she indulged her continuous hunger and powerful cravings, and she ate.

As the weeks passed, Claire’s body grew fuller and softer. She no longer vaguely resembled the ecstatic woman who had been hired for the internship several months earlier. Claire had become dour, fatigued, and plump.

She had let herself go. Claire was long overdue for a haircut, now allowing tendrils of red hair to fall around her face. She didn’t have a social life anymore. Claire hardly had time for anything outside of the internship and schooling. But it wasn’t just her schedule that held her back. Claire was ashamed. She didn’t want any of her friends to see what she had become.

That morning, Claire strained to button herself into a yellow blouse, the material stretching against her form, practically pasted against her skin from its tightness. She didn’t have the energy to look for an alternative. Everything was tight on her these days. She moved about slow and mechanically throughout her morning routine. When she finally got to work, she was breathless just from walking from the parking lot to the elevator, and then from the elevator to Dinah’s office.

Claire got a glimpse of herself on Dinah’s computer screen. Dinah had Claire’s profile pulled up, the image displayed there of a slim, confident young woman wearing an optimistic expression; an image that was in sharp contrast to Claire’s presently fat and unhappy state.

The second thing Claire noticed was that a large, rectangular dining table had been placed before Dinah’s desk so that the two were set up parallel and pressing together. There was a long white tablecloth, upon which was a large assortment of covered platters, probably a dozen of them. Claire already knew what would be coming next.

Despite Claire’s generous breakfast of cream cheese bagels, her stomach grumbled as she eased her backside down in the sole chair placed at the dining table, opposite where Dinah was seated behind her desk. Claire absently settled her hands against her plump, fluffy belly.

Dinah settled her elbows on her desktop and interlaced her fingers while offering a small smirk. “It’s time for your final performance review.”

Claire’s blank expression did not change. She was aware of this. Today was the last day of her internship, and before it was over Dinah would determine whether or not Claire would be promoted to paid staff. It was everything Claire had ever wanted, and yet she felt defeated. She knew she had put in all her best work and done everything Dinah had wanted of her, even transforming her body for this program. Yet she still had no clue what Dinah would decide. Well, Claire thought. At least it’s over. After today, she would be able to move on with her life, whether it was with Dinah’s company, or back at home filling out job applications while figuring out what was next.

“It’s a special occasion. I hope you came with an appetite,” Dinah said as one of the maids hurried over to pour Dinah a glass of water. The other maid walked over to Claire’s table, beginning to pull the lid off some of the dishes. “What are you waiting for? Eat,” Dinah said.

Claire’s eyes shifted down to the food. There was a tall stack of thick pancakes drenched in syrup. There was a dish piled with eggs, sausage, and bacon—a mountain of the stuff. Claire saw a plate loaded with greasy hashbrowns and home fries, and another stacked with toast slices slathered in jam. There was just so much. Claire started with the pancakes, at first attempting to eat neatly, before just giving in to her impatience and stuffing huge amounts in her mouth at one time. She chewed only as much as she needed to, before forcing food down her throat, feeling it stretch wide before the contents shoved into her stomach. It took only seconds before the pancakes were demolished, then she got started on the eggs and sausage, filling her mouth greedily. She would not give Dinah any reason to grade her poorly.


To be continued in May…

In the meantime, be sure to check out the comic!



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