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Idea submitted by will taft: Adrian arrives at a beach resort and Joe, an employee with a thing for turning twinks into waddling gravid femboys, slips something into adrian's drink and covertly knocks him up.  Adrian grows from his lithe 110 pounds into a round femboy with a swollen breasts, big pregnant belly, and fat ass.  Adrian is at first oblivious but then confused at his changes but each time he starts to figure it out Joe sneaks him another dose, teases him mercilessly, using his horniness and increasing lack of access to his genital to coerce Adrian into stuffing himself and growing bigger.


Joe saw Adrian the moment he arrived at the resort, Joe’s eyes practically magnetized to the blonde hair, slim body, and flamboyant mannerisms. Adrian was thin, lithe, cheerful and open-minded. He was here for fun, friends, and fucking—your typical vacation. That perfect combination of escapism and hedonism. He fully intended to have a good time, and Joe would ensure that one was provided.

Joe served various functions at the small resort, but he was mainly stationed at the front desk, welcoming new guests and getting them checked in. He liked his job because it was laid-back and easy. He saw people at their happiest and most relaxed. Additionally, the resort was the ideal spot to find prospects. And by prospects, Joe meant twinks. Joe had a thing for them, particularly.

“You’re all set,” said Joe, handing Adrian the room key. Then Joe pulled out his card, scribbling some digits on the back. “And this is my personal contact number. Feel free to call at any hour if you need anything at all.”

“Going above and beyond?” said Adrian in clear pleasure.

“I like to ensure that all of our guests are entirely comfortable,” said Joe as he leered.

“Good to know,” said Adrian as he sauntered off. He gave Joe a backhanded wave, the card clutched between his pointer and middle finger. “I’ll keep this on hand.”

They fucked that evening.

Joe almost felt guilty, but the guilt made it hotter. He knew he should have told the truth, or pulled out, or used protection – done something to prevent the inevitable.

Male pregnancy was unbelievably rare, at least not without costly fertility treatments. Joe had given Tristan just that. He had popped several potent fertility drugs into the wine he had brought, and from which Adrian had drank generously. This wasn’t the first time Joe had ceded to his sick desires.  Over the years, he would watch slim young men blow up with his abnormally large babies. Skinny, sexy, vain twinks struggling with their inflating abdomens and crumbling self-images. Some developed breasts — big ones — and fat asses that practically bounced as they walked. The bigger the better. Joe fucking loved it. And as he fucked Adrian, he couldn’t help imagining the blonde’s pale skin flushed with strain, his flat chest swollen with milk, his belly the size of a basketball as he waddled and clutched it helplessly, burdened, ruined, and womanly.


Adrian released a small belch and covered his mouth while blushing in embarrassment.

It had only been a few days, but he was already putting on weight. It didn’t help that he was unnaturally slim, probably underweight. His previously concave abdomen was rapidly filling with the first hint of a baby bump. Even despite his thinness, this was an extraordinary growth rate. But of course, Joe was drugging Adrian’s meals and drinks with potent prenatal drugs at every opportunity. Prescription stuff, some off-the-market stuff, and one drug that was blatantly illegal globally. Working at the resort offered Joe many international connections, including people in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. It wasn’t hard to acquire things.

The most recent cocktail of drugs Joe had slipped Adrian included a fetal growth acceleration drug, as well as a drug that wasn’t even prenatal, but one for preterm babies to help speed up their weight and development so to avoid complications in those early stages of life.

It was completely unprecedented for pregnant person to be consuming a drug formulated for preemies, but Joe liked to experiment. He wanted to see Adrian grow as much as possible during his limited time at the resort. Perhaps Adrian could even be convinced to stay longer. Joe was certain of it. He needed Adrian to stay, and he needed to see every bit of his growth.

Adrian was clearly pregnant. Just the confirmation of it was exciting for Joe. Male pregnancy was practically mythical in its rareness. Adrian didn’t suspect a thing, instead sometimes throwing an odd glance down at himself, or smiling good-naturedly when one of his companions made a jab about his weight gain. He would unconsciously fold his arms across his chest which was getting discreetly pointier. Yet he couldn’t help himself at the buffet. From behind the bar, Joe watched Adrian lick his fingers clean after sucking down a dozen mozzarella sticks. Joe smirked as he prepared Adrian another special beverage on the house. Things were only getting started.


Adrian must have started off at a dainty 110 pounds.

Within two weeks, he looked six months pregnant, and Joe was truly impressed by his own handiwork. He’d never seen a twink blow up so damn fast. It helped that Adrian was stuffing his face relentlessly. Between the appetite enhancers Joe had introduced into Adrian’s diet, and Joe’s commitment to continually offering Adrian complementary drinks and snacks, Joe ensured that Adrian was never without something to munch on, and Adrian was inflating in consequence.

Adrian’s chest had gotten softer and fuller, his belly now bulging out so that his shirts stretched taut over them, a couple of inches of flesh protruding out beneath the stretched hem. His shorts were beginning to bunch down beneath the curve as it became increasingly defined and sharp, less like weight gain and more like a pregnancy.

When Adrian ordered room service that evening, Joe arrived with a cart loaded with enough food to feed a dozen people. Adrian’s eyes lit up, his gaze darting between Joe and the cart, and Joe could hardly control himself. He had to touch him; feel the growth. He kicked the door closed behind him and pinned Adrian to the wall. “What’s this?” Joe teased, rubbing his hand into the growing curve.

Adrian broke the kiss to take a gulp of air. “I’m blowing up,” he said with clear unease, a blush painting his cheeks pink. “I think, maybe it’s a medical issue. I should probably —”

“No, it looks good,” Joe protested whatever Adrian was going to say, quieting him with another kiss. His hands roamed Adrian’s body, paying special attention to the bump. “God, you look so fucking good.” His lips traveled down Adrian’s throat, to his shoulder, then his chest, causing Adrian to gasp.

The last time Adrian had gone shirtless by the pool, some people had stared. His chest had softened and gotten plumper, fuller than some women’s. It was kind of adorable that he had yet to realize that he had a pair of full breasts. Joe sucked a nipple, causing Adrian to whimper.

“You like that?” Joe said, sneering. “Fuck, look at you, all round and chubby. You’re like a little pig.”

“Stop,” Adrian puffed, blushing.

Before Joe could be fully consumed by arousal, he managed to pull away. “Try some of this cake I brought. You’ll fucking love it.”

“On the bed?” suggested Adrian slyly.

For the rest of the night, Joe fed and fondled him, rewarding Adrian’s food consumption with nipple play and hard fucking. Joe made him suck down beverages loaded with more appetite enhancers, growth accelerators, and fertility drugs. Then Joe tried his darndest fuck more babies into him.


Joe pulled Adrian into a supply closet during karaoke. It proved a tight squeeze, but they made it work.

Before he knew it, they were fucking between some old appliances and industrial cleaning supplies as someone belted out Copacobana beyond the door in painfully squeaky tones.

Joe had already convinced Adrian to extend his holiday twice. It was like the fatter Adrian got, the more pliable and complacent. Joe could no longer fuck the blonde face to face. Adrian was too big by then. Adrian already looked nine months gone despite being there only a couple of weeks. So Joe fucked him from behind, long and slow, while cupping at the round flesh with rough, greedy fingers. With the progression of the pregnancy, Adrian was getting desperately horny, and he was always up for a rendezvous. It was vacation, after all.

“I have a boyfriend back home,” Adrian admitted between his grunts and groans, hands braced on the wall, back arched almost painfully so his big belly was pushed forward.

This revelation only made it hotter. “Oh yeah? He’s back home waiting for you? What’s your boyfriend gonna think of all the weight you’ve put on?”

“Nghhhh…” Adrian was truly struggling to hold it together. He freed one of his hands and fumbled clumsily for his groin. Joe was delighted to see that Adrian was having difficulty reaching it past the prominent curve of his belly. He was just getting so big, and so fast. It was fucking gorgeous. “It’s not a joke,” he gasped out. “I think—think somehow I might be—”

Joe came. He knew he should have pulled out. He knew he could have worn a rubber. What’s one more? he reasoned, breathless and sweaty as he leaned more heavily on Adrian, his legs going weak.

“Errgghhh…!” Adrian moaned, arching harder, and Joe swore, Adrian’s belly was inching forward. It pressed harder into the wall as Adrian’s flush deepened to a beet red, a muscle bulging on his forehead as he grunted and strained, helplessly grasping at his groin then at his belly.

Joe reached down and gave three firm tugs, and Adrian lost himself completely.

They hadn’t nearly recovered, slumped and gasping, when Joe heard the muffled voice of the announcer saying: “Up next is Adrian Smith performing Total Eclipse of the Heart! Get up here, Adrian!”

Adrian muttered a curse but showed no signs of moving.

On the contrary, Joe was wiping their sweat away with some towels he’d found. “You’re up, piglet.”

Adrian’s blush deepened, were that even possible. He warily swatted at Joe’s arm after he finished jerking up his shorts. “You’re kidding, right? I’m wiped out.”

“Oh come on, it’s your big debut.” Joe tugged down Adrian’s tank top, amused to see that it hardly went halfway.

“Yeah right.”

But Joe opened the door before Adrian realized what he was doing. He pulled the blonde out, calling up to the stage, “he’s here! I’ve got a him!” Adrian tried to back away, but Joe hauled him up to the platform, and suddenly Adrian was under the spotlight, all eyes on him. The room went silent. People stared. Joe slid back to the front of the crowd, clapping and grinning his ass off.

The music started. Adrian began to stammer the song, “E-every n-now and th…ohhh…nghhhhhh!”

It was happening. Another growth spurt. Adrian hunched forward, groaning and clutching at his inflating midsection. His body was flushed and pouring sweat as the music continued to play, and Adrian struggled on the stage while his belly visibly inched outward, growing farther and wider, his shirt sliding upward to reveal more and more flesh.

When it finally stopped, he seemed like he could barely stand. He clumsily staggered back until he hit the edge of the DJ table, then used it for support. And even the DJ was gawking at him, the karaoke music continuing to play in the otherwise silent room.

Finally snapping out of his own astonishment, Joe began to enthusiastically clap again. Slowly, the rest of the crowd followed. Adrian’s belly heaved up as he drew in a deep breath, looking ready to pass out.


Adrian was huge; a fucking whale by then. He was the biggest Joe had ever seen, male or female. And he was Joe’s best work yet. Joe had never gotten anyone as pregnant as this twink was.

Accompanying his massive belly, Adrian had grown a huge pair of jugs, and a plump, round ass, that bounced as he waddled around. He was just massive all over. Joe wanted this to go on forever.

By then, Adrian couldn’t even touch his genitals with his fingertips, and his neediness had only escalated. They were fucking several times every day.

When Adrian finally started to have Braxton Hicks, Joe took the liberty of drugging him with some labor-delaying agents to ensure that his condition persisted. It was something to be savored, not wasted.

He enjoyed watching Adrian groan while rubbing himself as his belly jerked and tremored, or the occasions that he lay sprawled on the beach, looking so huge and helpless there. His belly was wider than the rest of him. He was eating nonstop. He could hardly stand anymore.

And every time Joe knew that he should pull out, something stopped him. Something in the back of his mind just kept urging him to go on, release, one more. What was one more.


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