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Summary: Intern Claire has been manipulated into stuffing herself at the behest of CEO Dinah Grace, who has control of Claire’s future job prospects and university credits. Despite all the resentment at what has happened to her body and struggle to simply keep up with her life in the face of Dinah’s demands, Claire is determined to pass her final review, get the job and make this all worth it… but making Dinah fall from grace has its own temptations. Contains: Female: stuffing, weight gain, and more. Plot line created by Opik Oort.

Note: This is a companion piece to Opik Oort's ongoing comic of the same name.

Previous Chapter 


It was the thickest steak she had ever bitten into. It was juicy, greasy, salty and well-seasoned. It was also incredibly heavy. But Claire refused to show weakness as she cut chunks off of it, placing each piece into her mouth, and chewing calmly. Just because she was a girl didn’t mean she couldn’t bond with clients over steak dinners. Mr. Greene started to discuss contracts and Dinah politely responded to his inquiries while watching Claire from the corner of her eye.

The steak was huge. Every bite hit Claire’s stomach like a rock. After twenty minutes of working on it, Claire was only halfway through, and she desperately needed a break. Rather than sitting there, looking pathetically full, she turned her attention to the mountain of french fries. She slowly picked at them, feeling herself sweat. She placed fries slowly into her mouth, letting them sit there a moment before she started to chew. She was already stuffed but she kept going.

“How are you doing with that steak?” Dinah called. Mr. Greene’s attention also swung Claire’s way as he gave an amused grin.

“It’s delicious,” Claire said, though she knew she was flustered.

“I can have them bring you a to-go box,” Dinah said, and Claire knew it was a challenge.

“No, that will not be necessary.”

Mr. Greene chuckled at their antics, looking from one woman to the other. “Don’t tell me she intends to eat that whole thing?”

“Little girl, big stomach,” said Dinah.

“I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Claire returned her attention to the steak, cutting off another piece. She poured some gravy over her plate, allowing it to saturate the meat. Then she ate, one piece after the next. She worked out her jaw, but then stuffed more between her lips. She ate before she could allow herself to register just how much food it was. Because the steak was heavy, and even as she swallowed she wanted to retch. It is too thick, too fatty, too much weight and pressure in her gut. She gulped down piece after piece, even electing not to chew when she thought she could manage it. When the meat was done, she ate the fat trimmings she had originally intended to exclude. By the time she finished the large slab of meat, her belly was aching, and she was sweating through her blouse.

Immersed in conversation with Mr. Greene, Dinah lifted a single leaf off her salad with her fork and munched on it.

Maybe this was a lesson on etiquette. Keeping classy and cool when a client treated one with large dinners. Claire’s eyes widened as a gas bubble began to rise to her throat. She quickly covered her mouth against the belch, and hoped that the commotion of the restaurant drowned out the sound. Claire looked down at the remaining dishes surrounding her. Mostly processed foods and starches. They seemed like a cakewalk compared to the massive steak she had managed to consume, but she was already so stuffed. Claire quickly covered her mouth with both hands as she belched again. This time both Dinah and Mr. Greene threw a glance, causing her to blush.

Hands shaking slightly, Claire lifted her fork. Without allowing herself to hesitate, she forced her way through the large bowl of macaroni and cheese, stuffing pasta into her mouth, filling her cheeks. She overfilled her mouth to the point that she had no choice but to swallow. And thankfully the gooey noodles didn’t necessarily require chewing. It was so soft, so slippery, it slid down her throat without much trouble. She restrained a groan, and ate another mouthful. She just had to get it down fast, before her stomach could process just how much she was over-packing it.

She rounded on the potatoes and vegetables, occasionally snatching up a piece of bread for variety. She tried not to make a mess of herself, but it was difficult to overeat with any sort of grace. Bite by bite, she steadily emptied her dishes, moving on to the remaining french fries next. At times when her belly heaved, she paused, and drew long, deep breaths, raising your head up to the ceiling, willing herself not to completely humiliate herself and potentially ruin her career by throwing up right there.

The plate of dumplings was the last thing in front of her, and by then her belly was aching. It felt terribly bloated, pushing hard into her waistband, making her fidget in discomfort. The conversation between Dinah and Mr. Greene was winding down, the two of them shifting more of their focus, again, to her.

So Claire ate slower, attempting to imbue some elegance into her sweat-soaked, trembling body.

“You weren’t joking,” said Mr. Greene wryly. “Kid, I like your style.”

“She has quite the appetite,” Dinah said as she lifted her wine glass.

Claire plucked the last dumpling into her mouth, chewed slowly, and swallowed it down.

“How was the food?” Dinah wanted to know. Dinah herself had hardly touched her salad. She’d never been one for common food, and yet had chosen this restaurant. The woman was full of surprises and hidden messages.

“Everything was d-delicious,” Claire managed. “I could do seconds.”

Thankfully, things didn’t come to that.


It was a couple of weeks later, and Claire was struggling with her wardrobe. Her clothing didn’t quite fit her anymore, everything too tight, flesh bulging out between buttons. Some of her skirts and dress pants couldn’t even pull up over her backside anymore. Her body was getting fuller and softer, hips wider, belly rounder, thighs fuller, and breasts plumper.

It was astonishing to see how much weight she had gained in just a couple of weeks. The cause was obvious. All the business lunches and client dinners. Even when Claire was just shadowing Dinah at the office, Dinah always arranged meals for them, the dishes large and the food heavy.

But no longer was it the sumptuous, fine cuisine Claire had gotten used to. Lately Dinah ordered common food; things like burgers, fries, meatloaf, pastas — anything cheap, but more specifically, fattening. At first it was difficult to understand it. Dinah’s budget seemed infinite. Which meant she had to be doing this purposely, watching Claire stuff herself with calories as she sat back and watched.

It was odd. And a bit unsettling. But what was a little weight gain next to this incredible opportunity.

Next Chapter 

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