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Summary: Olivia is faking a pregnancy, and it has to be convincing. She  proceeds to  continuously stuff herself with food to keep up the  appearance. Contains: Female: weight gain, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, eventual pregnancy.

Previous Chapter


“God, it’s hard to leave you,” Mike said as he gave Olivia a hundredth goodbye kiss at her front door the following morning. “Have I told you how amazing your tits look lately?”

“Yes, several times,” Olivia responded, unable to help smirking despite her present discomfort.

Mike’s inability to stop touching her notwithstanding, Olivia tried to maintain some distance between them. Her belly was far softer than it should have been. She suspected she looked fat rather than pregnant at that moment.

“We’re going to be late for work,” she gently chided as she pushed him out the door.

Mike grinned back at her. “See you later, then.”

“In about an hour,” Olivia responded, rolling her eyes.

Mike blew a kiss before he walked off to his car. Olivia stood by the door and waited until the moment his car drove off, before she slammed it shut and hurried to her kitchen, her gait awkward as her large, soft belly wobbled low on her torso. She grimaced and clutched it with one hand, opening her fridge with the other.

Since she hadn’t been prepared for Mike’s overnight stay, she didn’t have any food. And by now it was too late to order in. She really did have to be at work in an hour. Slamming the fridge door shut, Olivia began to desperately open cupboards. She found a package of crackers in the back of one. She tore it open and began to desperately stuff the dry crackers into her mouth.

Her stomach grumbled and pain assaulted her midsection, causing her to groan. Feeling a little dizzy, Olivia went back to the fridge, desperately scanning the interior with her eyes again.

There was a tub of butter. She grabbed it up, peeling the lid away. In the past she would have never considered doing such a thing, but hunger and desperation fueled her into scooping up a large clump in her hand, and bringing it into her mouth. She sucked it down, moaning as she did.

It was disgusting, yet amazing somehow as well. She ate more and more, packing it into her mouth. It was so salty and greasy, coating her tongue and mouth unpleasantly. She finished the whole gallon-sized tub, which had been at least half-full when she started. After that, she just dropped the container to the floor, because she still wasn’t close to stated. Her eyes scanned the fridge shelves for anything else that might help.

The only thing that caught her attention was one of those squirt bottles of mayonnaise. It seemed even less appealing than the butter. Even as she lifted it, she wrinkled her nose, but she dutifully popped up the cap, tilted her head back, and opened her mouth wide.

She squirted the thick mayonnaise directly onto her tongue, filling her mouth and gulping. She repeated the process until the container was empty. Then her mouth tasted sharp and tangy. She wrinkled her nose and smacked her lips a few times as she tried to get the taste to dilute a bit.

It still wasn’t nearly enough but she was out of time. Giving one more mournful glance around the kitchen, Olivia clutched her belly and hurried into the bathroom. She got washed up and dressed in a fitted skirt and blazer she had purchased during one of her outings to Mommy Madness. Then she jammed her feet into a pair of heels, grabbed her keys, and left.

On her way to work, Olivia managed to stop at a fast food drive thru, and she ordered every sandwich on the menu in addition to a mountain of fries. Driving one-handedly, she stuffed herself as much as she could during the remainder of the trip to work. She finally managed to get the edge off her hunger. Her belly gurgled in appreciation, and she ate more.

She had five burgers left by the time she had parked at the office. She stuffed them into her purse, before opening her car door, pausing to breathe for a moment. Her belly was already a bit firmer, and incidentally, uncomfortable. But Olivia had long gotten used to the lethargy that came with routinely binging. So she planted her feet firmly against the pavement, then heaved herself out of her car.


Around lunchtime, Olivia was wondering if she could discreetly put in an order to the bakery around the corner. Then again, if the delivery person showed up with a mountain of boxes, her staff would think she was hosting some meeting or office birthday party or something. But what if she just went downstairs and met the deliveryman at the garage…she could probably get a garbage bag from maintenance, and…

There was a light rapping on her door frame. Olivia snapped out of her reverie to see Mike leaning against it. She sighed.

“Last night was great,” he said as he stepped into her office.


“Can I suggest a repeat?” Mike said with a sly smile.

“Actually,” Olivia tried to sound regretful, “I can’t tonight.”

Mike’s face fell. “Olivia…”

“I just need some time to decompress. It’s been really stressful. I swear, next time.”

“This is so typical.”


“You’re always pushing me away. I want us to be a family. For when the baby comes.”

Olivia kept her face carefully blank. “I know. I know you do, Mike. We’ll talk, I promise.”

Maybe he could sense her insincerity. He sighed, shook his head, and left in clear disgust.

It was hard for Olivia to feel much sympathy for the man. It wasn’t as though he didn’t know her. It was his own fault for getting his expectations up. He had chosen to pretend that she had changed just because she was “pregnant.”


The pastry plan worked out. She had gotten several boxes delivered during her lunch break, then proceeded to stuff danishes and eclairs into her mouth for the rest of the workday, her desk drawers serving as more of a pantry these days.

By the time Olivia left work, she was stuffed, but also kind of spacey and happy. She felt as though she had a weird binge-afterglow, if that made any sense. Her belly was uncomfortably tight and pressurized, but she had gotten used to the sensation by then, and even found it a bit nice. She covered her mouth just as a belch came up her throat. Her free hand absently cupped her swell. She was just fat and happy. Which seemed the antiphrasis of her personality. A few months ago, she would never have dreamed of seeing herself in this state. It would’ve disturbed her. But here she was, slow, supple, and slovenly.

Olivia knew her blouse was tighter on her than it had been that morning. The buttons strained as she heaved herself out of her car.

She walked slowly into her favorite maternity store: Mommy Madness. She came here at least weekly to pick up more of those cookies Peggy had introduced her to. They were absolutely delicious, and though it had only been four days since her last visit, Olivia had run out of the cookies and was craving them madly.

Olivia wandered through the store, now both of her hands absently clutching the flanks of her large swell is it gently bobbed with her movements. She was making her way towards the food aisles, but allowed her eyes to trail over the large offering of maternity clothing. There were also pumps, vitamin bottles, bras, and…what were those…girdles?

Olivia finally made it to the food aisle. There was a large variety of snack options for any craving or nutritional need. She quickly found the cinnamon cookies. “Boost your supply in three days!” they guaranteed. Olivia couldn’t help opening the box right there, tearing the packaging open, and starting to stuff them into her mouth. It wasn’t as though she wasn’t going to pay for them. Her appetite was just voracious lately.

There was a chuckle nearby. “Cravings, huh?”

Olivia turned her head to see one of the uniformed employees. She was a slightly plump woman with wavy red hair. Her name tag read “Cindy.”

“Yeah…” said Olivia cagily. She caught sight of a box of granola bars. “Formulized to help increase body weight.” Olivia grabbed a box, looking it over. This might come in useful. She noticed that the same brand had products in the forms of milkshakes and protein powder, all touting the ability to increase the user’s weight significantly to facilitate a healthy pregnancy. She picked up a couple of each variety, filling her arms.

“Let me get you a cart,” said Cindy, still lingering around. She left, but returned not two minutes later, and began to take the items from Olivia’s hands and pile them into the cart she’d found. “Oh, if you like those cookies, you’ll definitely love these sweet buns.” Cindy arbitrarily threw an additional two boxes of packaged snacks into the cart.

Olivia frowned. “Do you work on commission or something?”

“Love your outfit,” Cindy drawled. “From our spring collection? Though it looks like baby’s outgrowing it a bit. Can I help you find anything new to try on?”

“No… I think I’ll just…”

“It’s no trouble at all,” Cindy insisted, and before Olivia knew what was happening, she was being pushed in the direction of the fitting rooms. “Some nice professional attire, right? Look at you, doing it all. You wait right here, I’ll go pick out some things I think will really suit your figure.” Then she closed the fitting room door in Olivia’s face before Olivia could get a word in.

Olivia fumbled with the knob. “I really just came to pick up some cookies,” she called as she heard Cindy walking off.

It seemed like seconds later that several outfits were being thrown atop the door from the other side. “I’ll keep browsing around. Tell me what you think of those.”

Despite her annoyance, Olivia couldn’t help reaching out for a skirt that caught her eye.

So she tried it on. It really did suit her, for the office. She grabbed the blouse that matched it, then looked at her reflection in the full-length mirror. She felt more comfortable and looked a lot less sloppy than she had with her buttons straining, at least. Her hands automatically slid to the underside of her belly, where she found herself supporting it a lot lately. Despite its appearance of rounded firmness, it was still just fat, still a bit soft and quite heavy. Lately it was becoming a strain on her back.

Yet more outfits were being thrown atop the door. There was something that intrigued Olivia. One of those girdles. She frowned, then grabbed it, holding it out to examine it. It was like a bra for someone’s belly. How bizarre. But it looked like it offered a good deal of back support. Olivia doffed the clothes she had on, then carefully wrapped the girdle around her.

A deep sigh puffed out of her throat. Despite it looking like some sort of torture device, it was astoundingly comfortable. Oh yes, she was definitely taking this one. Cindy was a fucking godsend.

Olivia tried on another outfit atop the girdle. This one was a sundress, and it looked adorable even with her belly. She was astounded with how pleased she was with her appearance in the mirror at that moment. She had thought herself to be nothing more than a disheveled mess, but in this outfit, she was gorgeous. Olivia lifted her arm to glimpse the tag, her face falling at what she saw.

‘Forty weeks.’

Forty weeks? Wasn’t that at-term in a real pregnancy? She couldn’t be that big, could she? Olivia held her belly in uncertainty.

Yet more articles of clothing were thrown on the door. Olivia wondered if Cindy had brought her the whole store.

“I figure you’ll need a maternity bra soon,” Cindy called from the other side.

Olivia looked down at her chest. Admittedly, her breasts were bulging significantly from the bra he had just purchased the week before. They had rapidly blown up to fat EE-cups. She actually kind of liked them this big. It was kind of sexy. She’d never had big boobs before. At the same time, it could be uncomfortable at times, especially when she couldn’t fit into her bras, or when her boobs jiggled on her chest. Her nipples had really swollen up for some reason, and lately, they were erect all the time, always uncomfortably tense and hard. She could hardly stand the sensation of them rubbing against her clothes when she went braless. They ached to be touched, yet when she made contact, she could hardly keep her legs beneath her. Her areolas were puffy now, and her breasts as a whole were still so new to the growth, and they didn’t sag in the least. They were round and perky almost to an unnatural degree. She could see the way all her male colleagues stared at her. Perving on a pregnant woman. She snorted at the thought.

“I think this is enough for today,” Olivia said, grabbing up the bra without bothering to try it on. It felt soft, and looked stretchy. If it didn’t work out, she could just return it next week. She was running out of energy and was getting kind of hungry.

Next Chapter 


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