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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ryan Caday.

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Carrie awoke with a groan, refusing to open her eyes. There wasn’t a bit of her that wasn’t uncomfortable. She realized that she was sprawled across Sid’s couch, the room now darker and dependent on the ceiling lamps for illumination. It must have been nighttime. When had she passed out? And how long had she even been here?

Carrie whimpered, covering her face with her hand, suddenly wondering why any of that mattered. She felt sick, but not in a way that she bought she could retch. If anything, she was chronically peckish, always open to another feeding.

It took a while before the grogginess faded enough that she could will herself to open her eyes. Carrie rubbed her face then stretched her arms out, only then realizing that her torso felt somewhat odd, her stomach still uncomfortably tight and pressurized. Carrie looked down at herself, and was surprised to find a curve there. She ran her hand over it, staring at this new swell of belly fat bulging out over her skirt.

Her gaze roamed, taking further inventory of her body. She could see that her arms were pudgier as well. It seemed that all her binge-eating was finally taking its toll on the rest of her body.

“You’re finally awake.”

Carrie looked up to see Sid standing in the doorway of an adjacent room, what looked to be the kitchen, based on the broad-tiled flooring. He was carrying a large bed tray, the curiously, there was no food on it. Just a couple of gallon-sized milk jugs and a huge glass, an extra large straw poking out of it. Carrie could not deny her feeling of disappointment. But it was hardly her fault. She had become completely addicted to being stuffed.

Balancing the tray carefully as he moved, Sid lowered it to the wheeled table, then rolled the whole thing over to the couch where Carrie was sprawled. She managed to sit up, her face twisting at the awkward sensation of her body being perched atop her over-packed backside. She grimaced at the way some of her belly flesh poked out beneath the hem of her top.

“How does a milkshake sound?” Sid asked.

“I’m up for anything,” Carrie said, honestly. She was practically panting at the thought of consuming.

Sid chuckled as he uncovered the milk jug. He began to fill the large glass, and Carrie could see that it wasn’t milk that filled the jug. The substance was so thick, Sid had to use a good amount of maneuvering and force to shake it out of the jug. It did look like a milkshake, an extra thick one. And it was so sweet Carrie could smell it. She unconsciously licked her lips.

Sid tilted the straw her way. “Help yourself.”

With no hesitation, Carrie leaned down and took a hard suck from the straw. Her mouth was flooded with a substance so thick, it almost felt like custard. But it was impossibly creamy, sweet, and buttery. And the greasiness this only made her like it more. It was absolutely delicious.

“Glad you’re enjoying it,” Sid said, as he watched her drink and drink, without pause. Idly, he lifted the jug and started to refill her glass before she had even finished. “I made it myself. It’s loaded with fat, sugar, lard, and some chemical weight gain supplements. It makes your body store fat like crazy.”

Carrie’s eyes widened in alarm, yet she couldn’t stop sucking. She had already gotten through the liter-sized glass, and Sid was happily refilling her cup for a third time.

“You’re going to suck down both of these gallons. How does that sound?” he asked her.

Carrie fervidly nodded despite herself, the pressure in her stomach growing. She never stopped drinking once, filling her mouth, gulping it down. Sid continued to consistently refill her glass, never allowing her to empty it out, or pause. Before she knew it, she had swallowed down both gallons of the thick milkshake. She moaned and leaned back into the cushions, cupping her stomach. But then Sid was gripping her wrist, dragging her up to her feet. She whined.

“You never disappoint, Carrie,” Sid said pleasantly as he helped her over to the door.

Carrie waddled after him, struggling to stay balanced as her backside rocked and her stomach lurched. She didn’t know where they were going next, but she hoped there would at least be snacks.



Love this! It's great how honest she's become to her appetite.