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Please choose the stories you would like for me to update in January. The top three choices will have guaranteed posts. The rest will be chosen by me. Poll will remain open for 48 hours.

Note: In event of a tie, the story that has been waiting the longer time for an update will be the one which is chosen.

Body Switch: Gina has the ability to possess other people’s bodies. In a scheme of jealousy and revenge, Gina sabotages Cona by possessing her and making her act recklessly - including but not limited to binge-eating, exposure to weird experiments, consuming strange things, fertility drugs, reckless promiscuity, etc. Throughout the story, Cona is consistently, unknowingly possessed by Gina. Cona even develops a multiples pregnancy, to her astonishment. When she is at term, continued possessions by Gina prevent her from going into labor (labor-delaying drugs) or ever seeming to make it to the hospital to get induced (Gina keeps possessing and redirecting her). Cona just grows more pregnant, and helpless, and tight.

Gina, meanwhile, starts to become disoriented from continuously possessing Cona. Gina begins to mix up her life with Cona’s, which is reflective in Gina’s weight gain, poor eating habits, and slovenly behavior.


Joshua S

100% always Remote.


Let the fellow finish a story before starting a new one 😂


I voted for delicacy!