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Summary: Rachel has a remote control that can influence the body of Lisa, a high school bully. She can add babies to Lisa's womb, change Lisa's breast-size and their contents, completely alter the weight and shape of Lisa's body, among other, stranger, things.. Contains: Female: belly expansion, breast expansion, and more.

Previous Chapter 


Rachel raced home on her bike and impatiently dumped it on the lawn of her house. When she got inside, Eric was already home. He was seated at the kitchen table, spacing out.

“Eric, this isn’t a game!” Rachel told him.

Eric startled and looked up at her. “Rachel, what the hell was that? With — with that girl.”

There was a knock on the front door. More like a pounding. It sounded both desperate and impatient, and Rachel could make out someone’s voice calling out to her. Lisa’s voice. Her heart pounding, Rachel hurried over to the door and unlocked it. She could hear her brother following, but the only thing she could think about was how Lisa was doing.

Lisa stood wavering on the porch, huge and panting. She grunted as she clutched at her round midsection. It had grown. Had Eric accelerated the levels even more? Lisa looked as though she was at term with child! “God,” she puffed out, her face flushed and sweaty. “I — I need help.”

Rachel hurried to help usher the other teenager inside. Lisa’s stride had devolved to a slow waddle. Rachel got her onto the living room couch, where Lisa leaned back, continuing to puff out forceful breaths. Eric was making such a mess of things. Rachel turned just so that she could glare hatefully at her brother.

Rachel was appalled to see that Eric had taken the remote back out. He was staring at Lisa with a dazed expression, as his finger absently traced over the buttons.

“Don’t you dare-!” Rachel started.

But it was as though Eric couldn’t hear her. He started pressing a button on the remote, Lisa groaning out as he did.

“No way…” Eric breathed as he watched.

Rachel quickly turned back to Lisa. Lisa’s belly was visibly inching out, swelling as it shoved the hem of her top higher and the waistband of her skirt lower as she arched and whined, spreading her thighs to make more space for her abdomen. Her breasts were shelved by the mound, fat EEE-cups, nipples unnaturally large, just weird-looking, the size of golf balls as they seeped into her straining top. Her skin was still lavender, but was gradually changing, brightening to a deep orange as Lisa moaned and twisted, her belly throbbing with growth, perched on her thighs, practically pinning her to the couch. It was just getting bigger, now starting to resemble a beach ball against her. She was blowing up, and Rachel wasn’t sure how much more Lisa could take before she popped! Lisa’s irises rolled upward, then her eyelids sank, and she became motionless. She passed out yet her belly continued to throb.

“Eric, you have to stop! She can’t take anymore!” Rachel pleaded with her brother. Even as she spoke, her eyes were glued to Lisa’s contorted physique. It was just so strange and unnatural. She had never seen anything like it before. Rachel jumped slightly when she saw Lisa’s skin push out to the left of her navel, like something was shoving at it from within. Was it possible? Was there an actual… baby in there?

“What the hell is this thing?” said Eric, frequently looking between Lisa and the remote. “This is crazy. Is she like a, like an alien or something?”

Before Rachel could respond, a sharp gasp signaled Lisa’s revival. Lisa briefly looked confused, then her face twisted in discomfort. Her eyelids fluttered, then her gaze finally shot down to her massive abdomen. “Oh fuucckkkk…” she whined, gripping her mass. There was a splash of fluid.

No way, was all Rachel could think.

Lisa was in labor.

“Nghhhh…guhhhhh…” Lisa groaned out, gripping what she could reach of her mass, as it heaved and tightened with tremors. “No, no, no…” Tears finally leaked from her eyes as her belly gave another forceful heave. “Fuhhh…no… I’m going to burst!”

Rachel wasn’t sure who Lisa was pleading with. The thing inside of her? Rachel turned to Eric to see that her brother was standing frozen, his jaw hanging. His arms hung limp, and the remote was lying on the floor beside him. Rachel knew this was her chance to retrieve it, but instead found herself stepping forward, joining Lisa on the couch. “It’s okay, you’re all right,” she attempted to comfort.

Lisa had spread her thighs. Everything was happening so fast. Her belly quaked with another heave as she moaned, face red and eyes squeezed shut. “W-what’s happening to me? How is this even—errggghhhh!”

Something was coming. Rachel could see it as Lisa’s thighs spread wider, her skirt drawing up.

“Oh my god,” was all Rachel could think, her mind blank as she gaped stupidly, Lisa squirming and screaming out on the couch as she pushed, and something advanced. Rachel knelt down without even thinking about it, her head in a numb, panicked haze.

The crying noise seemed to awake Rachel. A baby crying. There was a baby. Rachel was holding it. It was pink and slimy, and squirming in her arms. It was a real baby. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. She didn’t trust her strength, so she gingerly lowered the infant to the armchair beside her.

“Nghhhh, goddddd!” Lisa cried out, causing Rachel’s attention to shoot back towards the other girl. Lisa was still huge, her belly still giving those forceful heaves — the contractions. She was still in labor, still full of — babies? There was already this one. Rachel’s mind couldn’t compute. This wasn’t right — there weren’t supposed to be — her eyes shot to her brother, who still stood frozen, looking completely gobsmacked. And then Rachel’s eyes moved down to the remote on the floor. She practically dove for it.

Neither Eric nor any force of nature put up any fight to her reunion with the device, but Rachel’s hands still trembled as she grasped it tightly. She had to fix this. Could she? Rachel didn’t know. But Lisa was wailing and getting started on pushing out another baby. Rachel's hands worked on their own.

She went to the LITTER setting. It was on six! Rachel started pressing the down arrow as rapidly as her fingers would allow her. Lisa released a wheezy gasp. She was… deflating. Getting smaller with each time Rachel pressed the down arrow. Rachel didn’t consider the moral implications of her actions. She neither had the time or the – the brain capacity. This was too much, too confusing. She just knew that with each time she pressed the arrow, things were getting better. Lisa was getting better.

Then suddenly Lisa wasn’t even pregnant anymore, no longer spread and screaming, no longer hugely inflated, belly contracting. In fact, there was no sign that she had ever been, except for the flush of her face and the whimpering infant sprawled on the armchair.

Lisa slumped back on the couch, panting and shaking. Her hair was a damp, disheveled mess, her skin still a deep orange hue. She drew up her knees and hugged them to her chest, staring vacantly at nothing. She was in shock. So was Rachel. Rachel’s legs felt like jello. She dropped on her ass on the living room floor, and just tried to fill her lungs with air.

The things that followed were a haze. Mom and dad arrived home, looking utterly baffled. Soon there was an ambulance, and paramedics. Lisa was escorted off to the hospital. And Rachel’s brain still wasn’t working.


It was only a few days later that Rachel could properly register what her parents had to say about the whole thing.

“I didn’t know that girl was pregnant. She wasn’t showing at all.”

“Kids these days, always in such a rush.”

“Why was her skin orange? I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

“They said it could be anything from skin allergies to, heaven forbid, organ failure. I’ll call the parents tomorrow to see how she’s doing. I’m just glad she wasn’t alone. Rachel, you should be proud of yourself, helping deliver Lisa’s baby.”

Rachel snapped out of her reverie. She had been jittery for days and still couldn’t gather her composure. “Right, um, I’m going to go study,” she said inelegantly as she forced a smile then headed up to her room, ignoring her parents’ concerned faces in her periphery.

Rachel got to her bedroom and closed the door behind her. Not for the first time, she wished she had a lock on her door. She couldn’t believe what Eric had done; forcing Lisa to have a freaking baby. Rachel pulled the remote out from her dresser drawer, where it had been buried under her socks. She went to each setting, one by one and restored them to their defaults.

The only setting Rachel didn’t touch was CUPand VOL. Lisa might have to nurse, right? Rachel didn’t know how her changing those settings would impact Lisa’s ability to do so. Rachel decided to just leave those settings alone, at least for the time being.

Rachel then took the batteries out of the remote and went up to the attic. It was the weekend and her parents were off with Eric at one of his softball games.

She buried the remote deep at the bottom of a trunk full of Eric’s baby clothes. The trunk was old and dusty, and creaked loudly as she strained to open it. It had not been touched in several years, she had her doubts that it would be touched again rather than just forgotten with all the other junk that was abandoned up here.


Rachel moved on. She started to genuinely focus on her studies again, not thinking about all the things that had transpired over the past several days since first discovering the remote. She knew that she wasn’t a bad person, she had just gotten a little… lost. But she was better because of it. And she would do everything she could to make up for what she had done.

It wasn’t for a whole month until Lisa showed up to school again. There had been whispered gossip regarding what had happened to her. That she’d had a baby. That she had hysterically denied being pregnant, even after giving birth. The medical staff at the hospital had thought her insane, and her parents had even considered taking her out of school altogether. But this was the first time anyone had actually seen her, and her appearance seemed to corroborate all the rumors about her.

Lisa looked exhausted, but that wasn’t what people noticed. Her breasts were massive on her body in the absence of other curves. They were huge, round, bloated mounds, resembling honeydew’s in size, and that wasn’t all. Her nipples were still outrageously, unnaturally large, bulging out, practically staring at people. The mounds bobbed with Lisa’s every movement, heaving up and down, straining the blouse she had on, which had to have been made custom for her. Because her physique was just so unusual; huge breasts on a slim girl. Breasts so large and round they looked almost as though they were fake. Rachel thought they still looked quite perfect. They were flexible, soft, flushed, and sweaty. There were tells that proclaimed they were utterly real, if engorged, and far too large for Lisa’s comparably small body.

Lisa tried to keep her head down and stay to herself, but it was impossible. People goggled her in the hallways and in classes. People even pointed and whispered when she ducked into a bathroom. Guys cat-called or just threw out rude remarks. Many just stared in a perpetual stupor. There was nothing discreet about Lisa’s form or the rumors surrounding her. She was practically an attraction.

“Damn girl, ‘the hell have you been eating?” Lawrence Wright called after Lisa as she ducked into the library. “Not that I’m complaining,” he added, to sniggers from the surrounding students.

After watching the scene, Rachel swallowed. Adjusting the strap of her backpack, she walked into the library as well. She glanced at the tables up front, but Lisa wasn’t there.

Rachel moved on, walking through the shelves of books, until she found herself at the back of the library, but still no sight of Lisa. It wasn’t until her third lap through the back shelves that she found the other girl, on the ground, by the books on 18th-century architecture. Her legs were crossed, fingers digging into carpet. Her head was bowed to a book in her lap, but she didn’t seem to be reading. Her long hair hung in her face, curtaining it.

Rachel gingerly approached. “Lisa?”

Lisa jumped. She looked up, then the look of alarm drained from her face. She sighed and went back to slumping her shoulders. “Oh, it’s just you, phlegm.”

Rachel winced. “You okay?” The inquiry seemed utterly inadequate. She got down on the carpet beside Lisa to sit beside her.

“I’m, um…yeah,” Lisa said, but her words sounded weak. There was a long silence and Rachel didn’t know what to say. But then Lisa continued, “this is karma, right? For being a shitty person.”

“No,” Rachel protested. “It’s j-just a freak accident, I guess. I — I don’t really understand it either. I’m sorry.”

“God,” Lisa breathed. In her position seated on the floor, her breasts were really straining her top, gaps forming between the buttons. The mounds were just so big, so round, and so perky. And they were full of milk. Milk for her baby. “Mmghhh…” Lisa groaned, cupping the underside of one. Her nipples were just so weirdly large, bulging out so prominently. And yet everything about it was perfection somehow.

“I just t-tried so hard,” Lisa finally broke. “Suddenly I’m responsible for this baby. I might not be able to go to c-college—” Lisa couldn’t talk anymore. She was crying. Her tough exterior had crumbled for the first time since Rachel had known her. Lisa covered her face with her hands, as though ashamed by this. And Rachel couldn’t stop herself; she embraced her.

Lisa was so warm—her whole body, but her chest particularly. Her breasts pushed into Rachel, heating her like a radiator. And she was so soft, so comfortable, so easy to hold.

Rachel let Lisa cry against her shoulder.

Next Chapter 


Joshua S

This is, without a doubt, one of my favorite series, the danger behind her brother getting the remote.. loading Lisa up, Jesus I nearly died. I cannot wait to see what direction this next takes. Secretly hoping we get that big again.. mayhaps even bigger, if Lisa can keep it together. Heh!