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Summary: After being abducted by aliens, Wendy, who is pregnant with multiples, is  fattened relentlessly, to be served as a delicacy at an upcoming holiday feast for alien royalty. Unfortunately the heavily pregnant Wendy goes into labor a week before the feast, and the babies want out. Knowing  that the moment she gives birth, she will be of no value to the alien captors, Wendy struggles to contain the children, all while plotting an  (increasingly hopeless) escape. Contains: Female: belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, and more.

Previous Chapter 


Several armed men stood in the entryway. “How is it that my men are ssstarving yet the prisonersss are getting fatter? Get up!” one of the Zulians demanded.

Wendy grunted as she was jerked to her feet. The guards paused to inspect her through the darkness for a moment.

Finally, one said, “We take this one to the palace.”

“No!” Wendy protested as she was dragged through the cell door. “Not without my friends!”

Again they paused, this time regarding the crumpled forms of Frisk, Fah, and Sreemun on the floor of the cell. Their dirty faces looked ghostly as they gazed up at Wendy and the lizard people who flanked her, their eyes ranging from terrified to disoriented. Fah looked as though he might prefer to stay in the cell.

“Take them,” the same guard growled. He seemed to be in charge of the others but Wendy could find no features or adornments to distinguish him. Then the guards were dragging her again, and Wendy could hear them dragging the others as well, behind her. Once they emerged from the prison, the sunlight was painfully bright, Wendy wincing against it as her eyes burned and watered despite their dryness. She was shoved onto a crude wooden cart, barely managing to avoid landing against her belly. Her colleagues were shoved on after her, then the cart was moving against the dry earth, as a spindly beast with skin the color of tar began to drag them away. In the distance was an expansive building that hovered over a dusty city. It was as crude as everything else on that world, the architecture simplistic and uneven. Wendy would not have considered it a palace, but… That had to be it, right?

The road was bumpy, but Wendy still managed to doze against the rough, splintered wood on which she lay. She was just so weary. When the cart came to a jerky halt, Wendy gasped awake to find that it was nightfall. She looked at the others, who were huddled and shivering. The captain had fallen unconscious again.

The back of the wagon was pulled down, scaly hands grabbing at Wendy’s limbs, dragging her down to the earth. She didn’t have the energy to resist as she was ushered through broad wooden doors, then a variety of wide corridors, to eventually be dumped in a large room that actually had a…bed, to her intrigue. It was a very simplistic bedroom, perhaps even a little dirty, or at least not lived in. The air smelled stale, and the sheets that adorned the bed were worn, even torn in places. Wendy jerked around to face the door as her comrades were shoved in after her.

The door shut again, and the small group was back to being alone. Wendy could not say this new location was much of an improvement. She leaned her weary body back against the far wall, crossing her arms over her abdomen, trying to figure out what these developments meant.

It was warmer. That was something of note. The air was actually quite hot, yet fresher somehow. Dusty yes, but it didn’t stink of mold.

Sree had crept up to her feet. In a show of more courage than Wendy could have hoped to summon herself, Sree went over to a door that Wendy only noticed as Sree pushed it open. She disappeared into another room, Wendy just staring as the door swung closed behind her. But then Sree returned not a moment later. “A water closet,” she hissed quietly.

Really? An actual bathroom?

Now Sree, pale and bony as she was, crept over to the door through which they had been brought into the room. She slowly turned the knob. It was open! But just as Sree steadily began to properly test it, the door swung back, causing her to stumble. She managed not to lose her balance, but then she quickly scurried back, sinking down into a corner, as though in hopes of disappearing somehow.

Someone entered. Guards, several of them, but a somewhat different Zulian accompanied them. He was dressed in clothes that were clean and flowing. He also looked less gaunt than the rest of his people, which made Wendy realize that it wasn’t their natural appearance. Like the other Zulians, he had a flat face and vertical slits for nostrils. Occasionally his tongue peeked out, tip split like a snake’s. His skin was pale green, his fingernails the same color but darker, and he stood on two feet like the others, but moved with a grace that seemed almost human.

This one spoke better English than the others as well.

“I am Lord Serse,” he informed calmly. “I rule this planet upon which you invaders landed with no clearance or identification.”

“Lies,” said Fah. He was shaking with indignation, his despair taking hold of his tongue. “We are Starforce. You sent a beacon. You t-tricked us. K-killed our men.”

“Silence,” said Serse.

Before Wendy even registered it, one of the Zulian guards lifted his laser gun, and with hardly a noise, Fah was dead. His body dropped with his last wheeze. Wendy could only stare, her mouth ajar at the horror of seeing her ally die right in front of her.

“As I was saying,” Serse went on. “Your presence on my planet was neither requested nor welcomed. However, I have been made aware of a development.” His yellow eyes moved directly to Wendy, then shifted to her stomach. Drinking it in. Wendy could hardly swallow against the knot in her throat. “You are with child.”

Wendy couldn’t even respond, she was too terrified. She opened her mouth but words failed her. Finally, after what felt like far too long, she managed the slightest of nods. All the while, Serse stared intently.

“You are a human?”

“Yes,” Wendy managed the single syllable but it was more like a croak.

“True mammals such as yourself are such a rarity in these parts. And for one to be pregnant… How is that even possible? For one ship to employ two humans… No, not likely. They are too weak, too rare. Yess…”

Wendy was trying not to shake. Serse’s eyes had not deviated from her midsection.

“The great feast approaches rapidly. It is our greatest celebration of the decade. And you show up on our doorstep, just in time. Indeed, this was fate. Humans are quite the delicacy in these parts. Yes, this will be the most indulgent, the most sacred meal. You claim our planet is dying but the gods have not forgotten us. This is the most blatant of offerings, for you to arrive while you claim our land is barren. Do you not understand?” He actually released a wispy laugh, his lips curling more than they should have been able to.

His eyes finally lifted, doing a slow lap over Wendy’s body. Without saying anything more, Serse turned and left, his posse marching after him. The door slammed shut in their wake.

Wendy’s knees could no longer support her. She felt them hitting the floor hard. Then she just sat there, her only company being Frisk’s sprawled form, Fah’s dead body, and the sound of Sree sniffling on the opposite side of the room. Perhaps Sree was crying because she was reacquainted with just how expendable they all were. At least she wasn’t guaranteed to be eaten. The Zulians had expressed no interest in eating any of the others, just Wendy. The human. Wendy’s best hope was a quick death, rather than something likelier, something slow and torturous. “When did he say the feast was?” she rasped. She turned to look at Sree, but she had no answers.


Wendy didn’t know when she managed to doze off, but she was jerked awake by the sound of the door banging violently open. As several Zulian guards marched into the room, Wendy found herself scrambling back. They were coming straight towards her.

“No!” She struggled as they took hold of her arms and hefted her up. Was it time already? It couldn’t have even been a day since they had arrived at the palace.

But they weren’t dragging her out. To her surprise, she was being pulled towards the bed. She started to panic all over again. This — this was wrong. Sreemun stared on in silent horror as Wendy was pushed against the squeaking mattress, propped up against the headboard and a thin pillow there. The four guards held her limbs as the door opened again behind them, and yet more figures marched in, these once carrying a table and several…dishes?

The medium–sized table was set up beside the bed as several covered food platters were lowered to the table one after the next. An endless stream of the reptiles filtered in, lowering dish after dish, until the table was nearly overflowing. The file of Zulians marched out just as promptly, leaving only the four that held down Wendy’s limbs, as well two others, who stood before the table surveying the feast. Even Wendy could not deny that the aroma was not opposable. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a proper meal. Sree stared on owlishly but stayed tucked in her corner.

One of the snakes uncovered a dish. The other one by the table, who stood closest to Wendy, lifted the dish carefully in his hands. It was a large platter piled with what could have been anything from meats to pastries or dumplings. They were circular mounds covered in a translucent orange sauce. The Zulian raised one of the balls in a bare, clawed hand, and presented it to Wendy’s lips.

Wendy hesitated for barely a moment. She was terrified, but she was also starving. Hunger didn’t facilitate the necessary wariness that should have been employed at the arbitrary presentation of suspicious alien cuisine. And so she opened her mouth wide and took the whole thing in. It was about the size of a golf ball and reminded her of rice and its consistency. The sauce was shockingly salty but she didn’t care. She knew that food was in short supply on this planet. Every morsel was an invaluable resource, yet they were being given to her. She swallowed it whole and grimaced at the way her throat ached, unaccustomed to being stretched or employed much lately.

Another clump of food was presented to her, and Wendy took that in as well. She could start to distinguish the nuances in flavor. This wasn’t salt, but perhaps some mineral she had never consumed before. She didn’t care how sharp it tasted, she just wanted to take her fill while she could. Who knew the next time she would eat again.

The food kept coming. Wendy took in morsel after morsel, now taking the time to chew as it had become clear that she was being fed generously. She finished the first dish, then was fed something distinctly meaty. It was soft and fatty; tender enough that she could sink her teeth in. Additionally there were no bones to chew around. Wendy ate greedily, even as she became uncomfortably full. She felt her face heating from the strain and discomfort. She knew that with sustenance came strength. So she forced more food down her throat, even to the point that it was getting painful.

She was already on her fifth dish and getting rather lethargic. Shame though it would be to waste whatever sustenance she was offered, she didn’t think she could continue. What was this, anyway? Why the sudden generosity? Breathless and achy, Wendy tried to pull back to indicate that she didn’t want anymore. Frisk and Sree had yet to eat, after all. But to Wendy’s surprise, her resistance was not accepted. The reptilian being continued to present food to her lips, and when Wendy resisted it, it was shoved into her mouth. She nearly choked the first time this occurred.

Her belly felt fuller than it had ever been before, pushing out with the strain of its contents. It gurgled with indigestion as Wendy’s legs twisted, but the aliens kept a firm hold on her. She could hardly breathe. She squirmed and moaned, wanting to voice her protest, but not wanting food to go down the wrong pipe. She grunted as a deep funnel was suddenly pushed into her mouth, and held tightly there, so tight that her lips stretched and ached around it. The Zulian who had formerly been in charge of uncovering the platters came over, now hauling a large bucket he must have gotten from a rack beneath the table. Substance slopped over the edge, something yellow and slimy–looking. Wendy’s eyes widened as she realized what the alien intended to do with it. She gave a muffled cry.

The Zulian tipped the bucket towards the funnel. He must have possessed extraordinary strength to be able to maneuver it so easily. Substance poured into the funnel and Wendy’s mouth correspondingly filled. Her face twisted when the taste hit her. It was bland but unpleasant, and terribly oily, yet had the consistency of pudding with chunky bits to it as well. It made her gut heave, and she might have retched if more of it wasn’t being forced down her throat. She had little choice but to gulp if she didn’t want to choke.

“We are only getting ssstarted,” hissed the alien that fed her. He licked his thin lips with his snake tongue, and he wasn’t looking at the display of food. He was looking at Wendy’s belly.

Next Chapter 


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