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Multiple Mammaries on DeviantArt


It had taken a little over a year, but Connor had managed to reverse most of the damage done to his body though several medications and a few risky procedures. His team of doctors had worked wonders on him, returning him to his formerly slim physique. It wasn’t perfect. He had a subtle fullness on his chest - barely noticeable A-cups. And his bottom was slightly rounder than it had been originally. But overall, Connor was impressed.

Which made his disappointment all the greater, a month later, when he noticed that his stomach was getting full all over again. Worse, his belly button was protruding. This couldn’t be a good sign. He just hoped Ted didn’t notice.

It was wishful thinking.

One night, following a movie date, Connor allowed Ted to take him back to his apartment. The two immediately started kissing, Connor leaning on the wall. They tried to keep their relationship quiet at the office. The last thing Connor needed was for people to find out that he was screwing the boss.

Ted’s hands ran up and down Connor’s body. They paid special attention to Connor’s bloated stomach, squeezing, rubbing, as Connor grunted in discomfort. He couldn’t seem to hide anything from Ted. “Stop it,” he groaned against Ted’s lips. He felt Ted beginning to slide up his shirt.

“Why?” Ted leaned down.

“You’re just going to make it…worse. Please Ted…nnnghhhh…” Connor groaned and arched his back as Ted licked his navel, sucked the soft skin. Connor could feel it getting fuller, tighter. He finally managed to push Ted away from him, breathing heavily as he gently held his stomach. His belly button was pinkened now, a small plate of puffy skin forming around it. By then, it had gotten bloated enough to make him look six months pregnant. He groaned. Not again.

Grabbing his jacket off a chair, Connor headed for the door. He should have known better than to get involved with Ted. The man was bad for him.

Just before Connor could walk outside, Ted grabbed his shoulder, and turned him back around. As Ted kissed him, Connor melted a little, his knees weakening and his eyes lowering.

He allowed Ted to pull him back inside. He was oblivious of the moist spot forming on the front of his shirt.


A natural leader, Ted took control. He nibbled, nursed, and massaged Connor to his pleasure. Connor found himself transforming, and he had little power to stop it.

It was a few weeks later, and Connor was midway through a presentation at work. He felt parched, his throat hoarse from dryness. Ordinarily, a water bottle was left on a small table for presenters, but all that was there was a massive milkshake.

Connor knew this was Ted’s doing. He knew Ted wanted him to drink it, like all the other milkshakes, pumped full of weird hormones and lactation agents. Connor eyed the droplets of water trickling down the outside of the cool glass. He tried to present a chart, but coughed a few times.

“You okay, Connor?” said one of his coworkers – Bradley – awkwardly.

“Fine,” said Connor, directing a glare towards Ted. His boss merely stared back neutrally from his spot at the head of the table.

Connor lifted the shake and took several generous gulps. It moistened his mouth, but also helped cool him down. He lowered the glass only after he had sucked down every drop. He knew that Ted would be pleased by it. Not that it mattered. Connor threw another glance at Ted. Ted seemed pleased.

“Connor?” said Bradley, his voice breaking the silence.

“Moving on.” Connor waddled back over to the chart. His belly was a round beach ball of a mass that bobbed with his every movement. Flushed and panting, Connor continued. “This graph represents our projected income over the next quarter…” He went on with his facts and figures, though he was aware that the attention of his twelve coworkers was mostly focused on his gut. At least Ted was politely looking at the chart. Connor clutched his belly when he was finished, his back aching by then. His audience politely clapped, and he nodded. “Excuse me.” He waddled out of the room, to his office, where he eased himself down behind his desk, where the mound perched against him, wider than the rest of his body, pressing into the table and making it difficult for Connor to reach his computer. It was getting hard to get any work done at all. The mound rocked as Connor panted, his belly-nipple pointing slightly upwards. It resembled a doorknob in size by then, and no pump could accommodate it. The only thing that helped was Ted – Ted’s lips. Just the thought made Connor’s areola puff out and his belly-nipple distend. His milk was now the consistency of pudding. Things were getting out of control.

His boss appeared in his doorframe.

Connor reddened. “Ted,” he said weakly.

“Hey Connor, can you bring me the clause on the Feldman case?” Ted walked off.

Connor stared after him in disbelief. He knew that Ted was messing with him, but what could he do? He was still technically his boss. Connor wanted disability so badly, but his unique…condition…didn’t exactly meet the qualifications. Instead, he struggled to stand, and, clutching his mass, proceeded to search for the random file Ted had requested. He found it at the bottom of a filing cabinet after twenty minutes of searching, by which point his lower back was burning, and his forehead was sleek with sweat. Connor waddled off to Ted’s office, where he slapped the file on the desk, but Ted seemed all but interested in it.

“Oh, didn’t I mention? I found a copy.”

“No, you didn’t mention,” huffed Connor.

Ted smiled. “Sit down.”

Connor obeyed, if just because he feared he might collapse otherwise. He wasn’t too fond of Ted’s games. After plopping down on the couch, Connor’s face reddened, and he pulled up his shirt as his mass tightened, the nipple swelling considerably. Connor twisted and grunted as the nipple bulged more before starting to release a slow seep of his pudding-like milk. Connor gasped for breath. This always happened when he was alone with Ted. His body seemed keen about feeding the other man.

Ted smirked and approached. He kissed the plump flesh. Licked the steady ooze. A milk-bubble swelled and popped from Connor’s nipple. He groaned as his belly pushed out more. Ted rubbed, squeezed, massaged, and Connor whimpered.


Connor was perched on his bed against some pillows, his hands cradling what he could of his mass. His back was still throbbing, and he was having weird cramps. He looked up at Ted who was surveying him thoughtfully.

“A custom girdle might help,” Ted noted.

“That doesn’t…exactly…address the problem,” Connor grunted in discomfort.

Ted flashed him a smile and walked off to brush his teeth.

Connor just breathed. Ted was avoiding the issue, as usual. Connor didn’t know what Ted had in store for him that night, but he wasn’t sure he could take much more. Trying to distract himself from his discomfort, Connor lifted a magazine to his face and began to flip through the pages. He wiped some sweat from his brow, and was rather breathless. Everything felt weird that night. And his back was really aching.

Connor cried out as a sudden pain shot through his abdomen. He wondered if he was finally going to pop. As Ted hurried back into the room, Connor raised his shirt up, staring as his button-nipple swelled and took to aggressively pumping, the pore in the center opening, as something shoved against it from the inside. His belly rocked and quaked as more and more of a…mass…was shoved against his nipple, Connor groaning in pain as his nipple swelled and contorted, then opened, something crowning, something – protruding. Pushing out of it. Connor gathered the creature as it left him with a squelching pop. He was suddenly clutching a wailing, milk-covered baby to his chest. Both Connor and Ted were stunned silent, except for Connor’s panting. Slowly, their gazes shifted back down to Connor’s still-massive belly.

The End


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