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Egg Sac on DeviantArt


Cona was sprawled on her back, her legs spread wide, the plump pinkish sac perched on the ground between her legs. It was like a massive, fat slug was coming out of her, stretching her wide. The mass pulsed and heaved as Cona groaned, her body continuing to pump eggs into it as it grew more and more bloated. It was taking up half her living room by then.

But as Cona grunted and squirmed, virtually pinned to the floor, she couldn’t help noticing that the pressure in her bloated belly had decreased somewhat, as though it now contained fewer eggs. She slid her hand to her abdomen to feel her belly become incrementally smaller until it had somehow returned to being flat and smooth.

There was a wrenching sensation where the sac connected to her body – not painful, just strange and frightening. Cona groaned as the sac – detached from her, gummy strands of its composition snapping away from her body until Cona was upright and panting, staring at her newly revealed vagina, which seemed more plump, flushed, and sensitized than it had ever been before. Her clit was bloated massive, bulging through the lips. Cona’s hand hoovered over it, but she held herself from making contact.

Her eyes raised to the sac on her living room floor, still pulsing and warm, but now a separate entity. She continued to pant. Was it finally over?

The front door swung open and Philip strolled in. As the sight of her perched there, apart from the sac, his eyes widened, and a smile spread over his face. “You have become the perfect breeder.” He approached and patted the bulging sac in admiration. “You are even more equipped for it now that you have given birth. Our next litters will be most abundance.”

Next ones? Backing away, Cona shook her head. “No, I don’t…”

But as Phillip closed in on her, Cona was overcome by a strange, compulsive arousal. The next thing she knew, she was waking up in her bed.

Cona looked around her room. Everything was tidy, and orderly, and she was alone. “A…dream?” Cona wondered, rubbing her head. It had been a bizarre one at that.

A glance at the clock told Cona that she was running late to work. She quickly got up to put on some dress pants, a blouse, and a blazer, then hurried off to the bank.

Her morning was spent exchanging money with customers and it was pleasantly mundane. When Cona glanced at the clock and saw that it 11:55am, she felt a compulsion to head to the bathroom, but she laughed herself off, and dismissed the idea. That dream had been so vivid, so elaborate, it was a relief to be out of it.

The minutes ticked by. Cona dabbed some sweat off her temple. When noon hit, she froze for a moment, then sighed. Had she really thought that something would occur?

Cona lightly shook her head, but paused at feeling a tingling in her loins and a pressure in her abdomen. Moisture began to seep into her panties, Cona’s face contorting as the pressure grew and grew until her vaginal lips bulged, slowly parting, making way for a…mass. She groaned and stared at the crotch of her pants in horror.

Cona began to get up so she could examine herself in the bathroom, but another wave of pressure caused her to stumble, gripping the counter. She panted and reddened as she felt her vaginal lips stretch wider, giving way to the mass of a new sac pushing out of her. By then, sweat was pouring down her brow.

Walking by, one of her colleagues frowned at Cona’s disoriented state. “Cona, are you al-”

“Ngghhhhh…” Cona groaned as the sac grew yet more, the rounded mass pushing out in the crotch of her pants. Her coworker’s jaw fell open.

Her knees trembling, Cona cradled the mound, and tried to push it back into her, but as if in rebuttal, it surged forward in another growth spurt, bursting through the taut fabric of her pants and dripping slimey goo all over the floor. Cona moaned and cradled it as it grew larger and heavier from her abused lips. Soon she had a football-sized mass in her grasp, and it was swelling by the moment, her belly beginning to bubble up with eggs.

Cona’s knees trembled. She gasped for breath, only then noticing that she was surrounded by colleagues by then, and all of them were staring, their faces pale.

“Apologies,” Cona managed. She grunted as she experienced yet another surge of growth. “I appear to be…expecting.” She fell into more gasps as she felt the dimple at the tip of her sac forming, deepening, to finally open like a mouth, clit bulging through. From it, fluids trickled onto the floor. The sac swelled again, and Cona sunk to her knees.


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