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Summary: Tori is transformed into a snake from the hips down. Contains: Female: stuffing, weight gain, pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, transformation, and more.

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Weeks passed and Tori continued to eat and she continued to grow. Her appetite was only surging. She was eating more than ever and getting bigger than ever. By then she thought she was at least as big as her peak size during her last pregnancy. Yet she couldn't stop working her way through livestock like popcorn. She was an expert by now, gulping down her prey at rapid speed, acclimating quickly then seeking out more, enjoying the sensation of her meals stretching out her belly, pushing it past capacity and she just sought out yet more food.

She was massive. Her secondary pair of breasts had grown and were continuing to swell, now shelving and heaving the upper pair.

"Oh—my," said Sid the first time he noticed them.

"Yeah," said Tori, her face hot. "They just came out of nowhere. Doesn’t make sense. I didn't even realize that I was still, um, changing."

"Well you have a lot of hormones swirling around inside of you. Human ones, snake ones, and all at great concentrations. It's a confusing jumble," Sid muttered thoughtfully. "Tori, it's truly amazing what your body is capable of."

As impressive as it might have been, Tori wasn't at all pleased. She kept her arms folded where they seemed to be permanently stationed these days. It was the only way to really contain things lately.

"Oh wow, I'm sorry," said Sid as he seemed to finally notice Tori's inadequate state of dress. "Let me see if I can put something together for you." He hurried off.

Sid returned shortly with a bedsheet to wrap around Tori's shoulders. Tori supposed the indignity of wearing a sheet wasn't as bad as walking around half-naked all the time. It was a relief not to feel so exposed.

Somehow Sid looked just as embarrassed as Tori did. "I'll pick up some maternity clothes. I'm sorry, Tori, I've just been so busy lately. This has been no way to treat a guest.”

"It's fine," said Tori. “I understand that you're…ohhhh...” Her hands slid down to her massive belly which seems to be perpetually pulsating these days. The skin pushed out in one place and shuddered in another. She couldn't believe how heavy she was, even her superior reptilian anatomy feeling the strain and drain lately. She was blowing up, getting bigger by the day, and she felt helpless to stop it. After all, she couldn't stop gorging herself. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do," she admitted uneasily. "I don't know if I'm supposed to just wait for labor or if I'm supposed to be induced or something. God, I'm a blimp."

"No you aren't."

“I can barely squeeze through the door anymore," said Tori shakily. "God, what do I do?” She felt like she had a bolder attached to her body. It was huge and overwhelming. The bed could barely support her anymore. And in any position that she lay down it was like she was being pinned by her own weight. She was certain that if she was still a full human she would not have any mobility at all in this extreme condition.

As it was, she was part-snake, her human flesh sweaty and strained, belly flushed and throbbing, angry veins rising to the surface at times. And the worst part was that she was lost as to what to do about it. She didn't know if she needed some sort of treatment or if things would occur naturally.

The fact remained that she was not going into labor. She longed for answers yet she couldn't bring herself to go back to Valerie and Wilson. Just the thought of their cold clinical treatment towards her made her cringe.

And Tori was getting scared. This pregnancy hadto end, just as all pregnancies did. This had to lead somewhere and she was growing increasingly concerned that it would be with pain, injury, or even death. She was just too pregnant, too swollen and packed.

But maybe it would be for the best. Tori didn't fit into this world. And she wasn't sure she even wanted to be part of it. Morbid as it sounded, she was honestly exhausted. She couldn't continually exist in fear of the next procedure.


"Nghhh...what’s... " Tori blinked into darkness. It was night time and she was...in bed? A bed. It didn't feel like her bed at Sid's apartment, it was a little too firm, the sheets too crisp.

She could hear the faint breaths of another being somewhere above her. The position she was in was not conducive to rest, lying flat on her back so her weight was practically crushing her.

Tori tried to turn to her side, only to discover that she couldn't move freely. There were…binds? Leather binds, wrapped about her shoulders and, she thought, her hips, under her belly. They were also tied around her wrists and ankles, strapping her to the bed. She registered that she was no longer remotely free by any definition. She had become an object again.

“What's going on?” Tori just managed to wheeze. She blinked several times in the heavy darkness, trying to get her eyes to adjust. There was no sign of moonlight, street light, or stray noises from outside. This was the darkness of being beneath the earth. Tori was lost as to how she could have even been moved here.

“It's okay, Tori.” Sid's voice startled her slightly. Tori just wouldn't have associated the young man with this increasingly grim atmosphere.

“What's happening?” said Tori.

“We're in the basement.”

The basement. Then Sid meant the...lab there.

“I'm going to turn on the lights, Tori. Just don't panic. I want to help you. I want to get those eggs out of you.”

The lights switched on with a searing brightness, illuminating the clutter of medical equipment surrounding them. There were so many different machines and devices. There was a saw, an actual saw, small and spherical at the end of a short metal wand. There was a surgical tray with scalpels, probes, tongs, and various other foul instruments. Panic rose in the back of Tori’s throat. Wilson and Valerie had never done invasive surgeries on her, and certainly not in some cramped basement with no aid from qualified physicians.

“I—I just need some sort of drug. To induce this thing. I don't—this isn't a surgical thing,” Tori stammered. “You’re not even a surgeon.”

“I'm an accomplished scientist.”

“You dissect dead things.” Tori’s indignation was growing, and with that, anger. Her four breasts heaved and jiggled. “Untie me. This isn't what I need. Untie me, Sid.”

“Tori, everything's going to be just fine,” Sid monotoned. He began to lower a mask towards Tori's face, a gas mask like those used on Tori years ago for dental surgery. The dentist had asked her to recite the numbers one through ten, and the memory became a doomed countdown in Tori's head.

She gave a forceful jerk, the leather snapping as her shoulders were freed. The bounds at her wrists were next, leather tearing like paper. Sid had underestimated Tori's strength.

Sid gasped and backed away as Tori rose and towered over him. Her belly bumped against Sid, causing the young scientist to stumble back, nearly losing his balance.

“Please Tori,” Sid pleaded, emotion now coloring his voice that had previously been apathetic. “I'm just trying to help. Let's, let's sit down and talk.”

“You want to ‘help’ by knocking me out? Cutting me open without my consent? You called me human. You told me I wasn't a lab rat anymore.” Tori slithered forward as Sid backed into the wall.

“Tori, please, you've got to calm down!”

Tori closed their distance and wrapped around Sid before she had even decided on the action. Her tail looped twice around Sid's waist, then Tori squeezed him, mouth wide and hissing, face contorted in unrestrained fury.

It only lasted a minute or two before she came out of her reverie. But by then it was too late. Tori quickly unwound herself from around Sid, letting the scientist free. Sid dropped limply to the ground, eyes open slightly. He was dead.

Tori’s belly shuddered and heaved, causing her to groan. She lowered herself to the ground, curling around the orb, all while staring at Sid's body.

And then the desire bloomed, Tori shaking from the need, the hunger.

“No,” Tori hissed to herself, but she only seemed to draw closer to Sid's crumpled form. Her hands reached out, grabbing hold of Sid's shoulders, pulling the corpse into her, against Tori's four swollen, aching breasts. Then to Tori's lips, Tori's tongue against the sweat cooling on Sid’s forehead. Tori stretched her jaw, opening her mouth wide.

Sid’s body reminded Tori of that of a pig’s: meaty and flexible. The process was similar though Sid was longer, limbs more gangly. But it wasn't hard. Tori grabbed hold of him, pushing him through, gulping against the continuing procession of the body thick in her throat.

When Sid’s head began to shove into Tori’s already over-packed stomach, Tori groaned against the girth still filling her mouth. She had immediate regrets and considered retching, trying to pull it out. It was horrible after all, to descend to eating another human. Maybe Tori really was a monster after all.

But as logical as retching seemed, her throat gulped and her body contracted against Sid's form, pulling it in, pushing it down, the corpse curling as it pushed more into Tori’s belly, tears prickling at the corners of Tori’s eyes.

What am I doing? Tori thought, the tears now pouring, and her body throbbing. It advanced visibly, shoving forward, bigger, wider, red, and huge.

"Unngghhh!" Tori moaned, dropping to her side. She couldn't believe she'd... “Ohhhhh…” She sobbed.

Her hands scrabbled, cradling her belly, not knowing what to do but trying to contain the heated pressure that felt terrifying as it burned within her.

“I'm s-so sorry,” Tori sobbed out as she struggled to breathe. “I'm so sorry.” She arched and croaked as her belly gave a terrifying spasm.

It was only then that Tori noticed Sid's cellular phone lying on the ground in the corner, the screen broken. Tori extended her arm just enough to grab hold of it. She brought it to her face and pressed the power button. It still worked.

She didn't know if she wanted help but she had few options if she decided to seek it out. And they weren't pleasant ones. Tori stared blankly at the broken screen for a while, deliberating on whether to resume her mundane routine with Wilson and Valerie or allow things to end right here and right now.

She gulped.

The End


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