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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ryan Caday.

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Carrie raced home and locked herself in her bedroom. She couldn't believe that had happened. She was absolutely mortified. Her backside had grown so fast and in front of everyone. It had torn right through the back of her pants. It had been humiliating.

Carrie laid curled up in bed on her side, her butt feeling warm and full behind her. Eventually she sat up and went on her phone to browse social media and see if anyone was talking about her horrifying incident at class. She felt higher than normal, like she was seated on a platform of some sort, or a cushion. Her butt was plump and squishy beneath her. It was a little awkward to be balanced atop it.

The doorbell rang a couple of times but Carrie ignored it. Soon there was a knocking on her bedroom door. “Carrie, your food’s here,” her roommate, Veronica, called.

Carrie’s eyebrows shot up. She hadn’t ordered food. “Not mine!” she yelled back.

The doorbell continued to ring.

“Carrie get the door!” shrieked Veronica impatiently, her voice sounding farther away now.

Carrie sighed. Clearly this was a mix up. She lowered her phone, intending to go to the door and explain to the delivery man that he had the wrong place.

She fumbled as she tried to get up from her awkwardly elevated position. Once she got her feet beneath her and tipped herself off the bed, she realized that she was still in the same torn pants from earlier. Carrie went to her closet, looking for something that might accommodate her new growth. She still couldn't believe how massive her ass had gotten, bulging out behind her, bobbing with her every move. Nothing she tried on came close to fitting her, her massive butt cheeks bulging out over the waistbands. She even managed to tear a second pair of leggings. She tried on some gym shorts but they were rendered a thong, the material sinking into the considerable depth of her butt crack.

Finally, she found a spandex skirt that she just barely managed to squeeze herself into. Flushed and panting by then, Carrie exited her room and went to the front door.

The delivery driver was balancing a massive stack of pizzas. Obviously, he had the wrong place. The order was probably intended for a house party or something. Carrie started to explain, "Sorry you've got the wrong—"

"Delivery for Carrie Carlson,” said the driver.

“Huh?” said Carrie in bafflement.

“It says you paid by card,” he went on as he let himself into the apartment and lowered the towering stack of pizzas on a coffee table. “Thank you, miss. Be sure to rate me in the app.” He made his way back outside. “Or tip if you liked the service,” he added, throwing a wink. As he did, he seemed to notice Carrie's backside for the first time, his eyes widening and his jaw dropping. “What in the world,” he muttered as he stared at the jiggling, volleyball-sized mounds as they stretched out Carrie's skirt to extreme dimensions.

Carrie shut the door in his face, her face burning hot. This was the weirdest of weird days. She fully intended to lock herself back into her bedroom but the aroma of the pizza gave her pause. Was that pepperoni she smelled?

Carrie slowly approached the boxes. She really shouldn't have. This was clearly some sort of mix up. But it was already paid for, and the delivery man himself had said that it was for her.

What if it was another trap from Sid? She really shouldn’t be eating anyway, not with her uncontrollable binges and the surging growth of her ass. This could only lead to more trouble.

Yet the aroma of the hot mozzarella was overwhelmingly amazing. Pizza was another one of her favorites. Just a taste, she told herself. Carrie pulled the first box down from the top of the stack and opened it. This one had extra cheese and Italian sausage. Carrie took a slice and bit into it.
God, it was delicious.

She quickly finished the slice in only seconds and was lifting a second one. The whole pizza was demolished a few moments later, her butt warm and throbbing, but she could hardly care. She wanted more.

The second pizza was also double cheese with double pepperoni as well. Carrie practically sucked it down, feeling the tension in her backside surge. She chomped her way through slice after slice, box after box, her stomach remaining oddly vacant but her backside growing tight and uncomfortable.

She belched. God this was good. Carrie grunted as a fart tore through her ass, but she just kept on eating. She wiped a smear of tomato sauce off her cheek though only seemed to spread more of it across her face.

Her clothes were shifting, the waistband of the skirt sagging, and she knew her body was changing. Carrie reached back to feel her ass behind her and was astonished by how far it seemed to span now. She looked at the now-empty pizza boxes messily piled across the table and frowned.

Lightly shaking her head, Carrie waddled her way to the bathroom. She grunted from the stuffed sensation in her ass, her skirt close to splitting.

Carrie belched again as she looked at her reflection in amazement. She turned to her side to see her profile. Her ass resembled a pair of basketballs—maybe even larger. Carrie lightly shook her head. What on earth was happening to her?



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