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Summary: After a one-night-stand, a charming young Spaceforce captain unknowingly impregnates an alien woman who is on the run from galactic authorities. Months later, said alien woman ambushes the young captain, and transfers her massive litter to his body, against his will, just before it is time for the children to be born. She leaves the litter with him for safekeeping. As a male, he cannot birth the litter. Instead he grows and grows as he and his crew struggle to track her so that he can transfer the offspring back over to her. Contains: Male: Pregnancy/belly expansion, breast expansion, multiple breasts, butt expansion, pregnancy transfer. Some female pregnancy.

Previous Chapter


He absently ran his hands over his flanks, the sensation of pressure quite irksome by then.

His ass was swelling, stretching out the seats of his uniform. The pressure seemed to be extending, shifting,

Tom was on a ground mission.

A world called Phum was on the cusp of death, and his crew was charged with exploring it for any organisms that might be worth salvaging.

Organisms as in bacterial, plant, maybe even animal life. The likelihood of there beings intelligent beings was infinitesimal.

His crew consisted of two of his junior officers—Quirik and Landry—who had been determined to spend some time on solid ground (any ground), in addition to a small security team sent over from a Dli, a local planetary partner to the federation. They resembled humans but thicker and bulkier, with smaller heads.

The planet was dry and cavernous. It did not have much vegetation, just twisted gray limbs of trees that protruded from the ground in thick patches, failing to decompose. But there was so much of it that it might as well have been a forest of sorts. He could hardly imagine how thick the vegetation had been in the past. Probably thick enough to walk on. To live on, like a reef.

“Nothing is here,” spat one of the Dlians’s, Felgr. He and the two others of his kind were grim and grumbly, and it was starting to grate on Tom’s nerves.

Quirik twitched, his pincers clicking from where they protruded from his taut mouth.

When the Dlian’s weren’t complaining, they were staring at Tom’s huge belly-mound, as though contemplating how he managed to balance it so well.

“Shouldn’t be much longer,” said Tom patiently, as they trekked. “After we investigate the contents of one of the craters, we should be—”

“The female continues to order Felgr around!” said Felgr irritably. He had easily been the least patient of the group. “It is with child, teats spilling. What is it even doing here!?” Felgr snarled at one of Tom’s officers in frustration, his hand reaching down to the large club he carried on his belt.

Tom scowled. “For the third time, I am not a—”

“Nooo!” Felgr roared, swinging his club in fury. It connected with Quirik’s head, knocking it clean off the young officer’s exoskeleton.

“Hold it right there—!” Tom started, but Felgr was still swinging his club, now hitting Landry who was knocked to the ground, eyes blank and staring skyward. Tom tried to grab hold of the club, but was easily overpowered. The Dlian’s were stronger than him, and Felger’s comrades aided in restraining Tom.

“Look at this bitch. Doesn’t know its place. So far from its mate, teats full, and so close to birthing—past time for it. It’s heavy with child but running around like whore.”

Tom grunted as he was shoved back into the rough cliff side, his belly so large that it was squished between him and Felgr. He looked as though he was past term with quads, four breasts fat E-cups, and indeed beginning to seep through the padding in his bra as he struggled for escape.

Felgr just held him tighter.

“This can be learning experience,” Felgr seethed. “Something gained from whore stupidity.”

Felgr seemed to calm somewhat, because he backed away, but his two friends still kept firm holds on Tom’s shoulders, leaving Tom immobilized.

Then Felgr fiddled with his pants, and from the opening, emerged the thickest cock Tom had ever seen, soon becoming the longest, as it progressed from Felgr’s pants, inch by inch, growing larger and thicker until it was dauntingly enormous. Tom grimaced in disgust.

“Maybe Felgr will breed it,” Felgr said, but by the way his beady eyes gleamed, he had already decided. “Our litters grow large in just days. Felgr has never bred one of its kind, but Felgr’s species is not too distant. Felgr thinks it will work.”

Tom’s throat constricted against the taste of bile rising there. Again he furiously tried to jerk away from his captors, but the two Dlian’s held him strong.

Tom scowled. “You are hereby charged with assault on a Spaceforce captain. My jurisdiction is vast and includes this sector. I will ensure that you are punished to the full extent of the law. Unhand me at once.”

There was a pause, then the Dlian’s faces broke into…grins. The three of them guffawed in fits of snorting laughter. Tom felt his heart sink. He was spun around and pressed hard into the wall so that his belly shoving into it, the mound feeling like it would burst by then. It throbbed, the contents lurching unpleasantly. His nipples ached and seeped heavily into his uniform.

“I want the whore to strain till it bursts,” Felgr growled on Tom’s neck, his breath hot and fetid. “Show it what it really means to be pregnant.”

“The wench must know its place!” screeched one of Felgr’s companions.

“Let Rinan do it!” said the last one. “The pheromones are driving Rinan crazy. Let Rinan breed the whore!”

Tom didn’t know if the Dlians “breeding” him was possible, but he was decidedly terrified of the thought of them trying.

All the anxiety just served to antagonize his body. The pressure returned with a forceful surge that peaked in a weird, painless spasm that made his belly feel like it was clenching in on itself. He tensed and groaned as he was shoved yet harder against the cliff side.

He felt the weird compulsion to push, but it didn’t make sense, this uncomfortable pressure low on his pelvis and ass, as though he had to defecate something huge and heavy, something that was terribly large and sure to tear him to shreds.

“Fuhhhk,” Tom groaned as Felgr tore off his belt as though it was cardboard. Fat, rough hands reached around him, cradling the underside of his belly, feeling the fat bloated mass, then feeling the clenches, the—contractions that wracked it in forceful, uncomfortable beats. “Don’t do this,” Tom pleaded. He futility tried to reach for his communicator on his belt, but it was easily yanked from his hand and thrown aside. His arms were twisted painfully, to the point that they felt like they might dislocate, but he clenched his jaw, refusing to show how much pain he was in. She was truly fucked. Tom shuddered as he felt his pants being shoved low on his hips.

Suddenly there was the soft and sharp ringing of a laser gun going off, two—three times. The hands binding him slackened. There were three heavy thuds, dust rising from the earth. Tom turned to see all three of the Dlians lying immobile around him. He raised his gaze to the person who had shot at them, his eyes widening in shock.


She was as gorgeous as ever, skin a pale green now rather than purple. She was dressed in combat pants and a midriff top, her hair twisted into four intricate buns atop her head.

To Tom’s disgust, he felt himself getting aroused. His body just couldn’t seem to forget her.

“They’re not dead,” said Iglina, regarding the crumpled Dli figures. “But they could be. Do you want them to be?”

“You fucking bitch,” Tom spat.

Ignlina lifted her eyes, finally meeting his. A cruel grin spread over her lips. “I almost forgot how feisty you were. My oh my, look at you, Tom. I’ve never seen someone so fat with young. Did you grow tits? Goodness, you’re fertile.”

Tom’s four nipples tingled. He restrained a groan. “Get—this shit—out of me,” he demanded, his emotions transcending the directives of the disk. His fury was simmering shallowly, in threat of boiling over. He had been searching for her for so long. On a certain level, he had given up, seeing his mission to be the hopeless enterprise that it was.

But now she was here.

“And that ass,” she went on facetiously. “Gods Tom, that ass.”

“Did you come for me? Is that why you’re here?” said Tom as calmly as he could. He resisted the urge to cup at the quaking shudders running through his belly. It was just too much excitement, too much pressure.

“No,” said Iglina, her expression closing and becoming solemn. “I left something here half a century ago. I heard this planet was going to be dusted. Thought I’d swing by and pick it up.”

“And of all the galaxies, all the planets, all the continents, and dust lands of this world,” said Tom. “You’re here. Where I am. I have a hard time believing that to be a coincidence.”

“It’s eerie, isn’t is?” said Iglina warily. “Almost like you tracked me here.”

She was trying to turn things around. Tom wouldn’t take the bait. She was obviously intending to distract or manipulate. “Take—your—offspring—out—of—me.”

“A romantic proposal,” said Iglina indifferently as she holstered her weapon and began to look around. “As much as I’d delight in inflating myself to the size of a shimlorg with our children, I believe you’ve been doing such a good job at it. Why not hold onto them for now? Keep them safe in that plump flesh of yours.”

“It’s far past due,” said Tom. “These creatures are literally going to kill me. Do you want my death on your hands?”

At the blank look Iglina gave him, Tom realized that she probably had a lot of peoples’ deaths on her hands.

Tom was reminded of the savagery of the Wasprither aliens, who were more animal than intelligent being in Tom’s personal opinion. They gained their name through their famous practice of injecting parasitic egg clutches into unwitting hosts. The host would subsequently swell up with eggs until they burst. The newborn Waspirither offspring would then feed off the host’s body. It was disgusting and savage. Tom wondered if that was the sort of predicament he was in now. The only difference, he supposed, was that Iglina’s huge litter was technically (and biologically) his as well.

Iglina shrugged and began to walk off to examine some jagged rock protruding from the cliff side. Tom struggled to follow and keep up, the spasms wracking his body now quite forcefully. It was uncomfortable and something was clearly going wrong with his body. He needed to contact Suls about it, but he refused to let Iglina out of his sight.

Iglina scraped at the rock with thick, pointed fingernails, eventually uncovering a jagged fissure, which she continued to tear at with surprising strength. Tom strangely thought about how her alien cunt had gripped and sucked him in.

“Ah, here it is.”

Iglina unearthed a weathered parcel wrapped in cloth. She brushed off the dirt and clay but stopped herself short of unraveling it. She gave a sigh, “take care, Tom,” and began to walk off.

“Wait!” Tom shouted. He was clutching his gut, rubbing, kneading, willing his insides to calm down. “Wait,” he said, more calmly, once Iglina had turned back to him.

She raised her brow. “When should we expect the reinforcements?”

“I haven’t called anyone. You can check if you want.”

She tucked her parcel under her arm. “That will not be necessary.”

“Iglina, I am willing to negotiate.” Tom resented that he was pleading.

She was apparently unimpressed by the offering, because she just turned and began to walk off again. Tom staggered after her, ass tight, hips throbbing. He stumbled, and fell to his knees. He groaned and leaned down to lay his hands against the earth, but his belly got there first, huge globe that it had become.

He was sure he looked pathetic there, hugely swollen, slumped down in the dirt. He heard Iglina’s footsteps halt.

“Are you hungry?” she asked.

Tom looked up at her turned back. “…what?”

“I may have something in my pod.”

Tom choked out a bitter laugh. “Fine. Whatever. I’ll go with you. Just give me a minute to get my footing.” He hauled himself up, feeling larger and heavier than he ever had before. His four nipples stung, and he felt them seeping into his uniform.

Iglina turned to appraise him. “You’re keen to feed them,” she murmured thoughtfully.

With that, she walked ahead, leading him in the direction of her pod. Tom knew he should have made a call in to headquarters, but he didn’t want to risk losing her.


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