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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ryan Caday.

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“Goodness, Ella,” her mother hissed. “You’re huge. Is this thing real?” Her hands hoovered over Ella’s abdomen but she seemed to scared to touch it.

Ella felt her face flush even more than it already was in her state of exhaustion. “I have gotten a little bad with my diet lately,” she admitted bashfully. “Your fault I have a sweet tooth,” she added with cheerful awkwardness in an attempt to lighten the mood.

“Sweet tooth? Ella you’re massive. Let me get a wheelchair. Maybe we can have you admitted—”

“Mom,” Ella cut her off, mortified. “How is dad? Is he alright?”

“Your father had a fall. But honestly, that’s the least of my concerns right now,” said her mother as she ushered Ella through the door, Ella waddling to keep up, her back arched, body straining. 

Her belly seemed to constantly be in motion, bobbing or lurching, sometimes seeming to vibrate with what Ella assumed to be severe indigestion.

“Mom,” Ella said miserably. He mother always made a fuss about every little thing.

“Nurse!” her mother called out to a passing hospital worker. “I need a consult for my daughter. Can you get her a wheelchair? She’s had some sort of growth. I saw her last month, I don’t think she could be preg—”

“Mom!” protested Ella, now panicking. She was fine. At least Jackie always said as much. “You’re embarrassing me. I’m not getting examined. I just gained a little weight. Where’s dad’s room?” Ella said, feeling breathless and desperate. Her hands slid up to cup the underside of her belly, her back aching. A wheelchair actually did sound kinda nice. It would be a relief to get off her feet if just for a moment.

“You are seeing a doctor, Ella! You look like a damn planet.

A sob tore through Ella’s throat. Things were always the same between her and her mother. Her mother would get bossy, the two would argue, Ella would cry. They cycled perpetually. “I just want to go home,” Ella managed, wiping furiously at her eyes.


Blinking, Ella turned just enough to see Jackie standing inside of the hospital entrance.

“I got your message,” said Jackie, walking over. “Is everything alright?”

Ella couldn’t recall sending Jackie a message, though she reasoned that she had been rather scatter-brained lately. She of course did not pause to suspect that Jackie was tracking her phone. She didn’t even notice how flustered Jackie looked, as though she had rushed right over once learning that Ella was at a hospital.

Ella just gave a relieved sob. “Dad’s fine, apparently. Can I catch a ride home with you?”

“Of course,” said Jackie, walking over, and linking her arm with Ella’s. For—emotional support. Certainly not physical. Ella wobbled forward.

“Ella, where do you think you’re going!?” her mother snarled.

But Ella ignored her as she left her parents, and worries, behind at the hospital. 


Later that evening, Jackie laughed as Ella recounted the confrontation she’d had with her mother in the hospital lobby.

“College can be stressful,” said Jackie as she continued to tinker around in the mini-kitchen. “All of us put on a few pounds. Your mom always blows things out of proportion.”

“Right?” Ella eagerly agreed. She had retired to the small living room of the dorm, squished down in the couch. Her large belly was perched in her lap, and Jackie noticed that it had grown wider than Ella’s torso. It was truly massive, shoving Ella’s huge breasts upwards, and passing the span of Ella’s knees in the seated position. Ella looked flustered and exhausted and continuously rubbed her hands into her heaving mass in an absent way. Occasionally the mound would shudder and Ella would grimace.

“You okay?” said Jackie, sending her a glance.

“Yeah,” Ella blushed. “Just some indigestion.”

“Mmm.” Jackie joined Ella in the living room, passing her a two-liter shake. “Made you a treat.”

Ella grinned appreciatively and immediately began to suck the shake down.

Unbeknownst to Ella, in addition to blended butter, sugar, oil, cream, lard, protein, rice, and growth hormone, the shake was laced with a powerful sedative. Within only five minutes of finishing it, Ella fell asleep right there in the living room.

With effort, Jackie carefully nudged Ella down across the couch in a supine position. Jackie watched her breathing for a moment, worried that the position would compress Ella’s lungs. God, she really was huge.

Once she was satisfied that Ella was taking deep enough breaths, Jackie hurried off, to return a moment later with sterile gloves, a syringe, a jar, and some other equipment.

That evening, Jackie inseminated Ella even more with the experimental sperm. She couldn’t help herself. The experiment was a massive success thus far. She wanted to test Ella’s limits. She wanted to see how bountiful Ella could become.

Afterwards, Jackie gave Ella an injection, dosing her with a strong drug that would block labor for at least another few weeks. Judging by the shudders of movement, Ella showed signs of having contractions. Jackie wanted to ensure that the experiment didn’t end any earlier than she wanted it to.

After she was done, Jackie simply sat back and studied Ella for a while. She spent an hour there, prodding, measuring, and taking notes, until it was getting late, and Ella started to squirm.

Then something strange happened. Ella’s belly pushed out in a heave, but it didn’t lower. Instead it continued to bulge like rapidly rising dough, as Ella groaned, twisted her face, and pawed at it in her sleep. Her face was red, and she was gasping. Her belly continued to push outward, flushed, gleaming, looking like it might just explode.

Then it stopped. The growth spurt ended, and Ella’s body relaxed, though her brows were still furrowed in discomfort. She moaned quietly and rubbed the mass.

Jackie slowly smiled and continued to take notes.




Awesome! Can't wait to see what happens to Ella next!


I love how in these stories like this and Piglets the girls are oblivious and so far in denial about their current state lol