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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ryan Caday.

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Pilar sure has a lot of weird snacks, Sandy mused as she stuffed another one of the aforementioned snacks into her mouth. It was vaguely sweet and tangy, and had the texture of a peeled grape. It had come from one of the many jars that lined the shelves in her roommate, Pilar’s, bedroom.

“Ah, here it is,” Sandy murmured to herself as she finally found the textbook Pilar had asked her to grab on the way to class. Sandy tucked the book under her arm, made to return the jar to the shelf, then hesitated, and instead stuffed it into her backpack. She hadn’t eaten lunch yet. Pilar owed her anyway.


Unbeknownst to Sandy, the jar of “snacks” were actually radiated and genetically modified capsules of pig DNA.

In the days that followed, Sandy was surprised to find that her appetite was out of control. Though she was a big snacker, she found herself feeling even more hungry than usual, and she constantly needed to have things at hand to munch on or she could hardly concentrate.

Sandy’s speedy metabolism had always aided her in staying fairly slim, but she could see and feel the weight rapidly piling on, her stomach steadily curving under the strain of the continuous feeding, and her hips, thighs, and breasts rapidly filling out.

Sandy usually wore a modest B-cup, but her breasts went up a full cup in just about a week. She was getting softer, more voluptuous, and slower. Her physical activities devolved to dragging herself from her couch to classes, then back again, all while she continuously stuffed chips and chocolates into her mouth.

“Sandy, you’ve put on weight,” Pilar mentioned one day, eying her.

Sandy shrugged in response as she stuffed the bottom half of a slice of pepperoni pizza into her mouth.

She had rapidly gone from voluptuous to “full-figured,” and from that to indifferently fat. Her stomach had softened and rounded and pushed out. Her ass had swollen round behind her where it had hardly existed before, and her breasts had blown up another two cup sizes seemingly overnight.

Her skin had a strange sheen, and a pink glow to it that Sandy actually thought was quite nice. Through it all, she still couldn’t stop eating. She could almost feel herself swelling, gaining, and still, she stuffed her face with fats and starches in a constant and desperate fashion.


It had been another couple of weeks, and Sandy didn’t know whether to be astonished or impressed. The pounds had continued to pile on as she gorged herself nonstop. In her haste, she had become a sloppier eater, chewing loudly, grunting, and snorting. There seemed to always be a food stain on her clothes no matter what time of day it was, and she began to wonder if she looked like a slob. Sandy had also become very sedentary, getting extremely winded when doing a task as simply as getting the mail. She always felt hot and flushed, and found herself taking a lot of cool baths to sooth her burning flesh.

Her tits had gotten huge, both easily FF-cups by then, stretching out every bra she crammed them into, bobbing on her chest, nipples bulging. Her ass was huge, rocking and swaying behind her. Her belly had gotten so massive, she looked as though she was heavily pregnant. She wobbled around cupping the mound, her only ambition being to fill it more.

There were other changes as well. Her nose seemed both flatter and wider, while her lower face almost seemed to be changing shape, tapering towards the protrusion of her nose. Her skin had truly become a pink color. And between the tip of her belly and the bottom of her breasts, she was developing strange mountains of fat that were really starting to bulge out.

Her tailbone was itchy and irritated. She rubbed and scratched at it whenever she could, eventually encountering a small raised bump that just seemed to be getting more and more distended.

Sandy knew that she should have been truly concerned about all her changes. That she should have consulted a doctor by then. But her solitary focus continued to be on eating. So she continued to put it off.


It was a few days later that she was hit by a weird…episode.

It happened in the night, and at first she thought she was dreaming, until it drew her out of her sleep.

She twisted and writhed, her body hot and thrumming with a strange, exacerbating pressure. She felt as though she was stretching, her hands rubbing up and down her swollen gut as she panted and clutched at herself, her ass throbbing, belly rolling forward, and breasts slowly inching out. “Ngghhh…” She let out a wheeze, finding herself clutching at the flesh under her tits, feeling it grow bigger, swelling beneath her hands as bloated flesh spilled forward, leaving her quavering from the odd waves of pleasure.

When it was over, she laid there sweat-soaked and gasping. It took her hours before she gathered the energy to get out of bed. She dragged her heavy body to her mirror and marveled at what she had become.

Her clothes were stretched; belly bulging outwards, and ass poking out beneath her straining night shorts. She now had a pig snout and nose, two massive pairs of breasts, and a pig tail protruding out behind her. Her belly still dominated her torso, though now it seemed twice as large. Sandy continued to stare at herself, lips parted.



Hopefully her first reaction after seeing her lovely body in the mirror is to..... eat and eat and eat~


Sounds like shes going to be another fat pregnant piggy