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I still have some things to post for March, but please choose the stories you would like for me toupdate in April. Thetop three choices will haveguaranteedposts. The rest will be chosen by me. Poll will remain open for 48 hours.

Note: In event of a tie, the story that has been waiting the longer time for an update will be the one which is chosen.

Insect Queen: A young woman is injected with a serum by her vindictive ex who works in genetic engineering. Over time the woman begins to bloat up, her petite breasts becoming full and large, and strange developments beginning on her scalp, above her rear, and beneath her arms. Eventually she is forced to hide as she develops antennae, two more sets of arms, two more sets of breasts, and a large insect abdomen to supplement her bloated stomach. She begins to lay over a hundred eggs, but soon realizes her last coupling resulted in her becoming fertilized for life, and will lay more eggs every few months/weeks. Soon she is struggling to raise a horde of bug girls supported by the state, each clamoring for her milk. Plot Summary submitted by Fox Face.


Joshua S

I need so much more of Neighbors. Its JUST getting good.