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Note: This is a female version of Clause II.

Additionally, this story has no prequel (ie, there is no 'Clause I.') The series starts with this story. Apologies for any confusion.

Summary: To meet the requirements of a will and inherit her family fortune, a train-wreck of a woman is forced to become a pregnant BBW with the help of a quirky doctor. Contains: Female: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, weight gain.


Diana was an attractive young woman with an athletic build. Her dark brown hair was styled in a short pixie cut, and she was dressed in leggings and a somewhat wrinkled blouse. Presently, she was sitting at the reading of the will of her great aunt, Meredith, who had passed away three days earlier. Surrounding Diana were second and third-cousins, mostly distant relatives, each hoping that Diana’s reclusive billionaire aunt had left them a morsel of her fortune, but Diana knew better. Diana had been closest to her great aunt, which was to say she saw her once or twice a year, and Meredith Hardington was not one for sentimentality. As Diana was Meredith's closest living relative, the entirety of Meredith’s fortune was being passed down to her. At least that was what Diana thought.

Up to that point, Diana had received a 1 million dollar allowance from her aunt every April. It was October, but Diana was already running low. She blamed the entourage. They weren't getting any cheaper. Friends these days necessitated the priciest drinks, the most luxurious suites, and the occasional gifts of clothes and jewelry to keep them happy. She was forced to wine and dine them whenever she was in need of a good time. In fact, Diana was meeting up with them that evening.

Diana tapped her foot impatiently, hoping the lawyer was quick about naming her benefactor, so her cousins could relinquish their dreams of fortune and she could get on with her incredible life.

“It looks like everyone in the will has arrived,” said Meredith’s lawyer, Mr. Maroon. He was looking mainly at Diana as he said this, which satisfied the young woman. But the lawyer was giving her the oddest of expressions. “Let us begin, then. I would like you all to know that this will has been verified by several specialists. Meredith Hardington, rest her soul, wrote this in the presence of myself and two other attorneys. She was completely lucid. Every piece of this document has been legitimized. I would even go as far as saying that this will is more than ninety-nine percent indisputable.” Mr. Maroon paused. The room was silent, everyone waiting on bated breath. Diana simply smiled to herself. This was going to be good.

Maroon continued: “I would also like to say that immediately after Ms. Hardington wrote this will, she locked it up for safekeeping. Neither myself nor her other attorneys were allowed access to it, nor did we have influence on Ms. Hardington's stipulations in it. If we had, we certainly would have advised Ms. Hardington against…well…we’ll get to that.” Maroon awkwardly cleared his throat. “As Ms. Hardington had previously informed me, I have been named executor of the will. As for the benefactor…why don’t I just read it, then?:

”I, Meredith Hardington, leave all my tangible property, my residences, my estates, in fact, the entirety of my 1.7 billion dollar fortune to my great niece, Diana...”

A smirk spread over Diana’s face as her cousins either tensed or sagged, their hopes dissipating.

”…under the following provisions: Within 10 months of my death, Diana must become pregnant at full-term and of the dimensions outlined in clause 2.”

The room fell silent again.

“Pardon?” said Diana. She was sure she had misheard.

Mr. Maroon repeated: “I, Meredith Hardington, leave all my tangible personal property…”

“No, the…other part,” Diana’s third-cousin, Rich, piped in.

“Right,” said Mr. Maroon, and so he read: “Within 10 months of my death, Diana must become pregnant at full-term and of the dimensions outlined in clause 2.”

Rich couldn’t hold it in any longer. He burst into laughter.

Diana was baffled. She stood, shaking her head. “This is a joke, right? I can’t become pregnant. I don’t even want kids.”

“Unfortunately, it’s what the will stipulates,” said Maroon. He gave Diana a dour look. “Your great aunt was a…curious personality. If these stipulations are not met within the next 10 months, I’m afraid the government will be able to claim your aunt’s fortune.”

Now Diana was getting angry. Her cousins’ expressions ranged from amused to surprised. One or two looked appalled, but everyone else seemed quite pleased with Diana’s predicament. “You don’t think I’m going to contest this?”

“You can try,” said Maroon with a shrug. “But that can take years, and thousands of dollars. Even then, there are no guarantees. As I said, this document has been verified extensively. I’m afraid you won’t have much of a case.”

Diana was in a state of astonishment. This couldn’t be happening. Someone placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Meredith was an old curmudgeon,” said Diana’s cousin, Penny, sympathetically. “Think of this as an opportunity to – embrace change.” She forced a smile.

But Diana was all but interested in the proposition. She stormed off and climbed into her car.

Diana spent that evening pacing around her penthouse apartment while on the phone speaking to a variety of lawyers, but they all proved pessimistic about her contesting her billionaire aunt’s will. One even flat-out told that her she wouldn’t get a dime of the money unless she started popping out babies. At this, the attorney had himself a good chuckle.

Diana retired to her desk with her head in her hands as she tried to figure out why her great aunt hated her. What had Diana done that had caused Meredith to retract her promise of the family fortune?

The money left over from Diana’s April allowance was draining quickly, and would not be replenished now that Meredith was dead. Diana had payments that were due on multiple cars, her apartment, and a club she owned, on top of her everyday expenses, like dinners, shows, and nights out with her buddies.

Diana had barely been homeschooled, and had skipped out on college. In fact, she had no marketable skills whatsoever. How was she going to survive without her aunt’s financing? She stood to lose everything!

Her cousins would be so glad to see her suffer. With their greasy hair, patchwork clothes, and dirty children, they would enjoy every second of it.

On the brink of a meltdown, Diana called her friend, Ted, in hopes of venting. As usual, Ted was sympathetic, but irritatingly cheerful about everything.

“Pregnant?” Ted repeated, bursting into another fit of laughter. “What was your aunt smoking? Had she met you?”

“Apparently she was out of her damn mind,” said Diana bitterly.

“Or just spiteful,” Ted suggested. “Or, or just sick. Y’know, sick in the head. Maybe she wanted to see your suffer.”

“Yeah. Right,” said Diana. She began counting down in her head, trying to remain calm.

Ted’s laughter finally began to subside. “Well, why don’t you just do it?” he suggested lightly.


“Get the last laugh. Get pregnant and claim your inheritance.”

“Ted are you out of your…” Diana trailed off. Even if she somehow got pregnant, she didn’t necessarily have to keep it. And yes, the pregnancy would completely destroy her slim figure, but that would be the least of her worries if her money dried up.

“Well try to sleep on it. You’ll think of something. There has to be a loophole there.”

“Thanks Ted.” Diana hung up the phone and went straight to her computer, where she spent the rest of the night researching fertility specialists. Of all the ones in her city, there was only one who had triumphed impossible odds, even getting into conflict with the local authorities because of the unconventional methods employed. Diana decided to give Dr. Reed a visit. If anyone could help her do this, it would be Reed.


Dr. Reed’s office was in an old dilapidated building that made Diana feel even more hopeless than she had prior to seeing it. The waiting room was empty, and it took Diana all of five minutes to get an appointment with her.

She was surprised by how attractive Reed was when she walked into the room. Usually doctors were pasty and drained, but Reed was a fit and voluptuous woman with wavy hair that went down past her shoulders.

Rather than trying to explain anything, Diana simply handed Dr. Reed the will. She sat down on the exam table and watched the doctor read it over with wide eyes and a blank expression. But as her eyes worked their way down to the bottom of the document, a look of astonishment crossed her face.

“There’s just the fact that—I’m infertile,” Diana blurted out. “When I was fourteen, I got sick, and…” she trailed off. She had never spoken of it aloud.

She actually had never minded it. It had facilitated her boyish style, and a weird relief of burden she hadn’t known she had been carrying, as a female, all her life.

But now things were just a mess. This whole pregnancy thing was fucking with her mind.

Diana looked up, meeting Reed’s eyes.

“How badly do you want this, Diana?” said Reed. “Is it okay if I call you that?”

Diana nodded as she considered the question. Becoming pregnant was on her list of ‘desires’ just after ‘jumping into a pool of crocodiles’ but the convenience of being rich would outweigh everything in the end. “Desperately,” she said.

“And how much are you willing to pay?” said Dr. Reed.


Reed smiled. “Good to know. I’ll do it for free.”

Dr. Reed then started walking around the room, pulling out various vials, syringes, and forms as she yammered on about the proposed treatment in such confusing medical terminology Diana could do little more than nod.

“How long is the process?” Diana managed to get out.

“It can take a few months.”

That would be the best case scenario, granted she wasn’t being overly optimistic in consideration of her time constraints. She only had ten months after all. Diana anguished over the thought of her lean frame blowing up with baby weight.

“You’ll be glad to hear that it’s a completely non-surgical treatment. You’re in good health, and I am very confident about your case, Diana. Why don’t you read over the material and think on it overnight,” Reed said.

“I don’t have time to think. If I don’t get pregnant, I’m out a billion dollars. Literally.” Diana grabbed the liability waivers from Reed’s arms and began to flip through them, scribbling her signature on each page. She even authorized Reed to choose her sperm donor, as Diana couldn’t be bothered. Finally, Diana signed the final page. “Let’s do this.”

Over the next two hours, Doctor Reed did some blood work and checked her vitals. Everything came back in normal range. She checked and documented Diana’s weight – 120lbs – then proceeded to give her five different hormone injections that would aid in fertility.

Finally it was time for insemination, which proved a mortifying process.

“You’ll need to come back every two weeks for check-ups,” Reed explained as she discarded the last needle. “I will re-implant you once a month until pregnancy results.”

Once a month? That gave Diana very few opportunities to get pregnant, considering her time constraints.

“The bi-weekly doses or hormones should also help. This is a very aggressive treatment, Diana. I just want you to know that I have a lot riding on this as well. If this procedure fails, I will end up in deep financial debt.”

Diana didn’t like the word “experiment" in this scenario.

“In fact, I’ll probably lose my practice.”

Diana almost snorted at this. It wasn’t much of a practice.

“That’s it for today. No strenuous activities. And no drinking. I’ll see you in two weeks.”


Over the next few days, Diana could feel no discernible difference. Her nights, however, were occupied by dreams of being indigent like her cousins, with blotchy skin, shoddy clothes, and a house full of dirty children. Soon she was indigent and rotund, her abdomen blowing up like a balloon. She would jerk awake, then fall asleep again, then the whole thing would start over.

That night, Diana couldn’t fall back asleep. Glancing at her phone, she saw that it was only one AM. She decided to text some friends to see if she could get any bites, but no one answered. She was sweating, uncomfortable, and strangely aroused. Reaching into her nightstand, she felt around for a dildo, then put it to work.


By Diana’s next appointment, she had gained two pounds, but that was hardly of any significance. She lay back on the table, and allowed the doctor to examine her stomach, which looked and felt the same from the outside, but inside, there was a strange, tingling pressure. Diana did not mention it.

Dr. Reed then began to examine her chest, which caused Diana to hiss in discomfort. She had not realized how sore it was.

“That’s a good sign,” said Reed. “It means your mammary glands are responding.”

Diana just frowned in disgust. She had always been flat-chested. She hoped her breasts didn’t grow because of the treatments.

It was only when Reed raised her brows that Diana realized she had thought aloud. “Diana, it’s really up to how your body responds to the treatment. Judging by the preliminary swelling, I’d say-”

Reed was interrupted by a knock on door. She answered it and accepted some forms from a lab tech. “Your blood work is back.” Reed closed the door and looked it over. “Hm.”

“What?” said Diana, sitting up slightly.

“Your hormones are elevated.”

“Even the…pregnancy ones?” said Diana. She didn’t know whether to feel hope or dread, so settled on uneasiness.

“Indeed. Though it may just be your biology having an excessive reaction to the hormones. It’s too early to determine whether your body has accepted it, so to speak. I want to hold off until your next appointment to make any definitive statements.”

“Great,” said Diana flatly. “Are we done here?”

“Not quite,” said Dr. Reed, pulling away then opening her drawer of needles.

Diana imagined Reed took a sort of sick pleasure in giving her the five injections. After she was done, Diana tried not to shudder at the thought of what they were doing to her.

Next Chapter



Thiccc pregnant women are the best


A promising start!


Says "complete" on DA. Are there any more chapters somewhere or has this been discontinued?


Hi Meade, it looks like I mistakenly marked the female version complete when only the male version is complete. I will correct that. Since this is the gender-swapped patreon reward, a new female chapter will release every month.