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Note: This is a male version of Campus.

Summary: When Simon leaves home for the first time and starts college, he immediately notices that his campus has a shockingly high fertility rate, among other things. Contains: Male & Female: belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, pregnancy, weight gain, birth.

Previous Chapter


When Simon got back to his dorm room, his hands were unconsciously rubbing into his bloated B-cups, but as he noticed, it became a deliberate motion. The mounds were just so hot and tight. It was like they had grown too fast, and needed to soften. The tension made his nipples hard and achy, pressing outward. They just needed room to drop, or a little encouragement. Simon continued to kneed into the flesh, his lips pressed to contain his moans.

The tension in his belly was a chronically uncomfortable status that he might have even been getting used to. Still catching his breath, Simon peeled off his clothes and climbed into the shower. He hunched under the downpour of hot water, as he rubbed his swollen abdomen, and came to the horrifying acknowledgement that he was genuinely beginning to look as though he was—pregnant. His belly was too tight to be ridden off as fat, the flesh too drawn and prominent. It lacked softness, instead retaining the firm, round, shape of a womb. Eyes burning beneath the sprinkling water, Simon rubbed his hand against his irritated navel. He grunted and massaged the itchy, flushed skin, as the face shuddered and tension blossomed, until a shot of pressure made him yelp as his belly button popped outward.

Gasping for breath, Simon leaned on the wall with both hands, his heaving belly gently brushing against the sleek tiling. “What the fuck,” he hissed quietly. He felt as though he was in some insane dream. Turning off the shower, Simon climbed out and got dressed, trying his best to ignore the uncomfortable tightness of his pajama shirt hugging his midsection. He climbed into bed and closed his eyes, determined to sleep until the world made sense.

But when he awoke, the world was the same. He grasped onto routine in his efforts to hold himself together. That morning, a weird, lurching sensation had started inside of his gut. It seemed to grow stronger as the hours passed, until he was in his History class fidgeting uncomfortably to bear the alien sensation.

With the lurching was a recurring sensation of tightening that bloomed from his core. He could feel his heart pounding, his skin flushed and tingling, as though his body was expending energy on things he was not privy to.

He was losing control of his body, his sense of lucidity, and his feelings of safety. The only thing that he retained a firm grasp on was his certainty that he had to get off campus.

After classes that day, Simon again tried to depart, with renewed resolve yet a faint, underlying sense of futility. He found himself crammed in a tight tank top and sweatpants, his round, heaving C-cups bulging against the sagging neckline of the shirt, his round, bubble of an ass sticking out behind him in his overtaxed pants, and his belly rocking back and forth as he awkwardly padded around under his rapidly increasing weight. He unconsciously held the underside of his belly, as though this did him any good. He often wanted to freeze in his tracks at the consistent sensation of squeezing inside him. It was frightening, and it reminded him of how his aunt had once described…contractions, during pregnancy. But it wasn’t accompanied by pain, just a prickling of his skin, a tightness of his abdomen, and a flush of heat that washed over his sweaty body.

As Simon stubbornly walked about campus, trying to make sense of the convoluted layout, guys grinned amusedly, and girls waved amiably. Everyone treated him as though he was normal, or as though they knew him, as though he hadn’t swollen up like a blimp in a matter of days.

Simon regarded himself. He looked as though he was…eight months pregnant. He couldn’t believe how much things had gotten out of control. His gait was awkward, hips aching. He was close to waddling.

“Nrrgghh…” he stopped and hugged his girth as he suffered another powerful squirm. If this was any other college, he would have gone to see the school medic. But here, here, Simon felt paranoid and suspicious of everyone, from his classmates, to the administration, to the robotic cafeteria staff shoveling slop onto trays.

If I could just get to the road… he thought, as he resumed his extracurricular activity of attempting escape. He didn’t bother with asking people for directions this time, knowing that it would not yield productive results. His shirt seemed to be hugging him more tightly than ever, more of the unfamiliar cleavage creeping up from the neckline, fat tits pressed tightly in the shrinking confines.

His breasts has finally begun to drop, and it was heavenly, the mounds no longer angry tight balls, but plump tear-shaped masses. Of course, the gentle dropping had probably tipped them to a new cup-size, exacerbated by compensatory fattening. His Cs were probably Ds now. It was admittedly hard to tell, being a guy and all. His nipples seemed permanently hard and flushed, and both had swollen up unusually large, perpetually sticking out in his clothes. His breasts perched against his distended belly, but even without that shelf, they would have sat on his chest, high and perk.

Campus was endless. Simon panted heavily. He had resolved to go straight forward in one direction, and had been trudging onwards for at least an hour, yet the campus never seemed to end. He would have attempted to investigate and catalogue the endless rows of identical, randomly-named buildings, but it seemed too much effort for his flustered state. The buildings that actually stood out were the several campus cafeterias, food courts, cafes, and dining halls. Simon had stopped for a snack on more than one occasion. At present, he was cradling a large muffin like a microphone, as he ogled several other students convened on a lawn in what appeared to be a birthing class.

“S’cuse me,” someone said.

Simon narrowly avoided bumping into a blonde guy in a tight top, and as the other student passed, Simon was shocked to spot the largest ass he had ever seen. The guy’s butt was impossibly large, illogically gigantic, like two plump basketballs sticking out on his long frame. The guy had impressively buff pecs and a flat stomach, but his ass overshadowed his otherwise fit form. The swollen cheeks wobbled in the athletic pants he was wearing. Simon could hardly figure out how the guy kept his balance.

Between his wandering, and gawking, Simon hardly minded the building he was encountering until he was standing directly in front of the door. He looked up to see his dorm building.

“Impossible,” he blurted.

“Oh, hey Simon,” said one of his dorm-neighbors as he passed on his way out of the building.

It was as though Simon had walked himself in a giant circle, which was utterly ludicrous. He was on a college campus, not lost in the woods somewhere. Feeling a little crazed, he brushed his sweaty hair out of his face. Palms against his tense stomach, he hauled himself up to his dorm. It was just a puzzle. He would figure it out.

That night he tossed and turned, and had more dreams of a stranger against him, throbbing inside him, seed spilling, filling, stretching him impossibly as he groaned and shuddered, loins throbbing, hips jerking.

When he awoke the next morning, he was drenched in sweat. He looked down at himself, at the way the hem of his nightshirt was no longer connecting with the waistband of his pajama pants. How his outward belly button looked slightly larger, and how his breasts felt heavier, where they wobbled on his chest.

It took him an hour to find an outfit he could still squeeze into, the pants hem seeming determined to slide down the plump curve of his ass, the neckline of the button-down pulling low against the fat globes on his chest. The material was so tight he was practically bursting out of it. He watched his belly heave up and down with his heavy breathing and its continuous, growing pressure. He still couldn’t believe how fast he was swelling. What had merely been an obstructive mound was now heavy on his pelvis, making it ache and push, pressure shooting to his groin with every step he took. He was breathless and sore, and unnervingly aroused. His nipples were stinging and pushing as though to tunnel through his clothes.

“Looks like you’re coming along.” Someone whistled.

Simon looking up at his roommate who had just entered the dorm living room. Paul was thin as a twig, but had a bulging beer-gut that looked imposing on his skinny frame.

“Oh, n-no, I’m not…” Simon protested, but trailed off at realizing how ludicrous it was. He found his eyes pinned to Paul’s stomach, but he tore his gaze away. “Paul, w-what…what the hell is going on here?”

Paul smiled goofily. “What do you mean?” he said, as he plopped down on the couch. His belly sat in his lap. It was wider than his flanks. Paul cradled it loosely with his hands.

“It’s just that everyone on campus seems to be—knocked up.”

Paul blinked innocently. “What are you talking about, Simon?”

Simon was momentarily at a loss for words. Was Paul really going to sit there and pretend that neither of them looked as though they might pop out a child in another moment. Then again, even Simon realized that founded foolish. Crazy, really.

“Ahhh…nnggghhhh…” Paul grimaced and clutched his gut, hips twitching. As Simon stared, he could see the mound shift, gently rising and rolling outward. An inch…two…it finally stopped at three or so, Paul’s fitted shirt visibly tighter on his torso.

Simon’s jaw hung slack. “Did you just grow?” he said, astonished.

Paul opened his eyes and looked sheepish. “Oh no, that was just—some indigestion.”

This was too much. Simon turned and locked himself in the bathroom. He leaned on the counter where he hyperventilated, panicked thoughts racing around his head.

Was he growing that fast? Was he inflating, like Paul was? In horrible spurts he barely acknowledged? Was it happening to everyone?

His panicked fingers pulled and tore away his clothes, until he was bare again, exposed, where he could appraise his slim form with its odd, almost synthetic bulges. How his hips were somewhat wider, and his ass was huge, simply immense, where it protruded behind him, looking as though he had gotten it professionally augmented. He stared at the perfect jugs on his chest, nipples flushed, areola puffy and pink. His arms and legs remained slim, his eyes childishly overwhelmed as they took in the horrifying transformation of his body.

His belly made him look as though he was at term with child by then. He found himself constantly shifting and fidgeting to balance it better, clutching it, cradling it, trying to bear the arousing pressure on his loins.

Even then he held the underside in a hopeless compulsion to ease its low weight on his hips. What’s going to happen now? he wondered as he surveyed himself blankly. Was there an actual child inside of him? Was that even possible? Would he…give birth to it?

Over the next few days, Simon only grew.

He tried calling his parents one evening with a distinct lack of optimism. Somehow he knew it wouldn’t work now. The number was disconnected. Sometimes a stranger would pick up and say that he had misdialed. It was like the contact list in his cellphone had been altered, because none of his numbers for friends or family members would work now, and he sadly didn’t know anyone’s phone numbers by memory.

In classes, Simon noticed how accommodating everything was, especially for the students who were swollen in some way or the other. The desks were large and wide, with plenty of space for drastic dimensions. He was never faulted for being late. Every building seemed to have a dining facility as well as a “birthing station” in which flustered young students routinely disappeared to pop out their offspring. It was all bizarrely comfortable. He allowed himself to be swept up in the numbing surrealness of it all.

He buried himself in his studies, and tried to ignore his changing body, growing resigned to his fate. People were popping all around him. Would he be next? Would it be over?

He hoped it would be. It seemed to be the only solution left for him. His condition was uncomfortable and violating, but at least it would have an inevitable conclusion.

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