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Note: This is a story-prompt for Joshua Solomon.

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I suppose it was convenient that this was a college for the sciences. The campus was adjoined to a hospital where Tammy was rushed into maternity.

I followed along, if just to savor every moment of my ex-girlfriend’s suffering. Despite my protestations, I was locked out of the delivery room, even though Dr. Fisher, Teresa, and the formerly-pregnant girl from the campus medical office were allowed in. Instead, I was forced to sit in the waiting room surrounded by women in various stages of pregnancy, my arms petulantly crossed over my chest.

Still, I found it amusing that Tammy was being forced to go through the delivery of four babies that weren’t even hers. I chuckled quietly to myself only for the clinic’s intern to shoot me with a glare. Wiping my smile away, I fixed my face with an annoyed expression.

As I scrutinized the intern, I realized that she was one of my classmates from last semester—Lara. Lara had always been mean and gothic, even in a professional environment. She wore her hair shoulder-length with straight bangs. She had a white lab coat almost reluctantly thrown about her shoulders, beneath which she wore a long clingy black dress, her feet in a pair of flats, though she usually opted for combat boots.

Holding a clipboard, she went from patient to patient, asking asinine questions in her drawling monotone. I felt something twisting in my chest, my magic spiking in interest, and suddenly Lara released a gasp.

Her stomach bloated subtly and Lara stumbled slightly, but tried to maintain a professional demeanor. Her brow furrowed, sweat beading against it. Across the room, another woman clutched her newly-flat waist in confusion.

Lara now looked slightly pregnant, perhaps with a child still in its first trimester. Knowing I could do better, I clenched my hands and focused.

Again my magic shot forth, Lara grunting and dropping her clipboard as a second baby populated itself in her belly. Her stomach pushed forward, stretching against the spandex material of her dress. Lara clutched the mound and yelped as her belly button popped out. Now looking six months pregnant, she staggered over to the receptionist desk.

“What the hell!” a second woman hissed on the other side of the waiting room, clutching her flat stomach where her baby should have been.

God, this was fun.

“You okay?” the receptionist asked as Lara leaned her hands on the desk.

“I’m…not sure,” said Lara shakily, opening her lab coat to better reveal her mound.

The receptionist’s eyes widened, and she quickly grabbed the phone. “I need a trauma physician up in maternity…internal bleeding…possible pregnancy…”

“I am not pregnant,” Lara hissed over the growing commotion in the waiting room. I took the opportunity to push another baby inside of her. “Nggggghhhh!”

Lara’s belly surged forward, her back arching as she tried to support its increasing weight. I could see her hips widening, her breasts growing subtly plumper. And I couldn’t help it. I got up and approached her.

“Fuck,” she hissed out, knees trembling.

“Hey, are you okay?” I laid my hand on the side of her shuddering gut. The dress was stretched thin against her mound, coming only down to her knees rather than her ankles, as it had before. I could feel the squirms of movement, see her belly growing wider than the rest of her. I didn’t know why, I just found it all incredibly appealing.

“Does it look like I’m okay?” Laura snapped, flushed and panting. “Something weird—ohhh…”

I pushed a forth baby into her, almost unconsciously, and it was a big one. Lara fell into my arms as her belly pushed out between us, her black dress stretched at its seams, her large belly protruding blatantly through her lab coat.

Her ass was getting bigger, hips plumper. She groaned and shifted, trying to straighten herself, her spandex dress drawn up high on her thighs. C-cups bulged heavily where her previously flat chest had been, cleavage protruding against the previously-modest V-neckline.

She leaned back against the reception area, belly rising, falling, and quivering. She looked as though she was overdue with triplets, her gut looking immense on her thin frame.

The receptionist was yammering hysterically into the phone. Patients were freaking out about their missing babies. One woman was staring directly at Lara, almost accusingly.

Flushed and disoriented as she was, Lara could hardly seem to compose a response. She shifted her hips, trying to adjust the cumulative weight on her hips. She held the underside of her mound, as though to support it. I admittedly found the whole thing to be amusing.

Licking my lips, I couldn’t help myself. I had to do it, just one more time.

Lara cried out and hunched as her belly inflated, dress finally tearing to shreds and exposing her beachball-sized mound. She sunk to her knees, her belly settling against the floor as she groaned and clutched it, and it rolled forward. It swelled, quivered, and advanced till it looked ready to burst.

Pocketing my hands, I eased away from the crowd forming around Lara’s contorting body. Discreetly adjusting myself in my pants, I slipped out of the clinic and headed back to my dorm.


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