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Note: This is a story-prompt for Axium.

$20 Patreon Directory



Lila sat at a small café, her laptop open on the table in front of her. She took a careful sip of the herbal tea before setting the cup down. It rattled slightly against the saucer.

Lila had been shaky for the past several days. In addition to that, she had been hot and flushed ever since the weird bout of sex with her husbands. And things were only getting odder.

She felt horny all the time, sometimes panting quietly, her thoughts often drifting to Ted’s bizarrely expanded cock. Her breasts were slightly bloated, and tender lately, her groin heated and swollen between her thighs.

Even then, Lila found herself squirming, her panties soaked through, as it had been most afternoons for the past two weeks. She felt a tension inside her than seemed to escalate every day, a growing need that none of her toys could satisfy.

It almost felt as though she was ovulating, but it shouldn’t have been going on for this long. She had gained some weight recently, her hips widening and bottom growing plumper, until she’d had no choice but to start wearing only leggings, sweatpants, and some of her stretchier thongs.

Lila fidgeted slightly against her softening backside, her groin throbbing and chest aching. She released a small whimper that drew some attention from the other customers. Knowing that she had to get her body under control, Lila got up and hurried into the bathroom, before locking herself into a stall.

Her panties were soaked through. She changed them, huffing out deep breaths as she did. When she exited the stall she washed her hands and splashed her face with some cool water, then couldn’t help examining her profile in the mirror. Her ass looked even more swollen than it had that morning, so much so that her leggings seemed to have pushed down, revealing her thongs strap and a good few inches of her crack. Lila tugged up the leggings, when she heard a ripping noise. She stared in horror at the tear formed in the backside of her pants, before quickly wrapping her sweatshirt around her waist to hide it. With that she hurried out of the café, not for the first time, wondering what was happening to her body.

The drive to her parents’ house did not help, the vibrations of the car nearly pushing her over the edge. “Oh god…” she groaned as she pulled over, absently wiping some sweat off her brow. She could feel her loins gushing into her pants. Again her mind drifted to Ted’s horse cock. She almost came at the sheer thought of it. Biting her lip, and doing her best to focus on the road, Lila started the car again, and sped off towards her and Ted’s house.

She barely made it to the front door, her loins pulsing with heat and electricity, her clit swollen and probing through her lips. Just before she could reach for the doorknob, the door swung open on its own.

In the doorframe stood Ted, clutching a small bag of water bottles for the recycling bin. She blinked at her in surprise. Lila’s gaze shifted down to the huge bulge in the front of his pants, which seemed to jerk as she laid eyes on it.

She jumped him.

Before she knew it, she was on top of Ted, blithely rocking against him, as he stretched her beyond belief, and pushed impossibly deep, shocks of pleasure jolting through her body. She threw her head back and groaned, her skin burning, as she grinded harder, wanting him as deep as possible, so deep it hurt. She could feel him tensing beneath her, and her body automatically tightened around him.

Ted came, and didn’t stop, just like before. Lila knew she couldn’t have detached herself had she wanted to. Something had changed…flared at the head of his cock, locking them together. Her body pumped him greedily, and as it did, she felt herself…changing.

Her breasts were swelling rapidly, her hips and ass expanding, increasing her weight against his hips. Most substantially, her belly was bloating in violent waves of growth. Lila released a choked cry, caught between the sensations of her body’s outlandish growth and Ted continuing to unload inside her.

Soon she had EE-cups on her chest, still heaving with growth, but something was developing—beneath them. Lila reached up to cup her ribs to find a secondary pair of breasts developing there, pushing the upper ones higher. She could feel two sharp pains atop her head, two pointed protrusions growing out of her hair that she could hardly contemplate, because at that moment, as she cupped her rounded belly, she could feel nothing outside of an overwhelming desire for more.


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