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I still have some prompts to post for this month. Inthemeantime,please choose the stories that you would like for me toupdate next month (December). Thetop three choices will haveguaranteedupdates. The rest will be chosen by me. Poll will remain open for 48hours.

Note: In event of a tie, the story that has been waiting the longer time for an update will be the one that is chosen.



Pray for Farrow


Is there any chance you can update the directory?


All the directories should be up to date. Why, is there something missing?


Under Advanced Access, the latest story is Tenticals II, part 3


Under $10 directory


After Tentacles II, Part 3 in the $10 directory, the stories that follow are Laying, Part 1, Pet Shop, Part 3 - Female Version, Pet Shop, Part 3 - Male Version, Half Alien, Part 8, Farrow, Part 18, Medication, Part 4, Pet Shop, Part 4 - Female Version, Pet Shop, Part 4 - Male Version, Laying, Part 2, Spiders, Part 6, Pet Shop, Part 4 - Male Version, Pet Shop, Part 4 - Female Version, To Science, Part 9. Farrow, Part 19 - NEW. If you're not seeing these, you may want to delete your cookies or try using a different browser.


I thought the same, so I started using the app