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Cow Girl on DeviantArt

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Summary: Sequel to Cow Girl II. Decades following Lucy's ordeal, the cow-person condition is becoming an epidemic. Laura has the misfortune of contracting the gene. Contains: Pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, multiple breasts, udders, lactation, and more.


Laura eased herself down with a whimper, eventually managing to settle herself on the soft, low bed. Her body shuddered, and she could feel herself continuing to grow in waves of heat. Her insides squirmed. “Ohh…” she grunted, clutching at her lower tits, which felt hot and bloated.

The way her heated udder was cradled against the underside of her belly was an entirely new sensation. She didn’t know how it had gotten so big so fast, but it frightened her—the freakishness of it all. She was reluctant to sit up, even partly, because any pressure against the udder left Laura sore and groaning, her loins tingling. She was mentally going through her outfits, even the maternity ones, and she couldn’t think of a single piece of attire in which the mound wouldn’t be obvious, unless, of course, she succumbed to wearing the amorphous sacs some designers alleged to be maternity wear.

“What did they do to us?” Laura practically whined out, wiggling slightly as she tried to get accustomed to the strangeness of the pink mound bulging at her pubic region, hot and throbbing. She grimaced as her belly shuddered with growth.

“Isn’t it great?” Wendy managed. “I can feel everything. I can feel the babies…mghhhh…growing…”

Laura opened her eyes, and as she appraised her gargantuan blonde acquaintance, she could see the slight budding of breasts on her chest, small mounds that hadn’t been there before the meal.

“Wendy, they made us huge,” Laura responded in irritation. “It can’t be guh…good,” she groaned, as the pressure inside her surged, the belt of her robe coming looser as her body arched against the tension. The combined arousal and discomfort was driving her mad. She was already huge. How the hell was she supposed to give birth to these things!?

Wendy hardly seemed to care. One of the waiters had appeared, and released Wendy’s massive belly from the confines of her robe. The waiter took to massaging oils into Wendy’s fat gut as the blonde moaned in blithe contentedness.

Laura stared at Wendy in all her massiveness, feeling an irrational fear. I have to get out of here, she thought, her eyes darting to Kim, who was also being treated to a massage, and was happily lapping up the attention. Laura shook her head.

Wendy arched somehow, spreading all her limbs back to give the waiter better access. Laura could see that in addition to the small breasts, Wendy was also finally developing a bloatedness at her pubic region.

“Ohh…” Wendy squirmed, rubbing her hands against the small A-cups on her chest. “They’re finally, mm, coming in. I was worried about how I was gonna feed the little ones.” Her breasts seemed to expand in her hands as she squeezed and kneaded the soft flesh. They looked so flushed and perk as she finally pulled back. Laura had to blink several times as she stared at the mounds. They looked like B-cups now.

“Ohhh…yesss…” Kim groaned.

Laura cringed away from a third pair of hands looking to gain access to her own growing gut. This isn’t right. She squirmed, her breasts heaving, the upper-pair pushing against her robe to reveal a sweaty line of flushed cleavage. Her body was tightening, throbbing with heat.

It left her drained. And although she wanted to remain there, sprawled on the bed, giving in to the waiter’s comforting fingers, she knew she had to get up.

Somehow, she got off the bed and staggered to the locker room. She found her clothes where they had been dumped unceremoniously into a hamper, and proceeded to squeeze herself back into them, her body aching in protest.

The shorts barely pulled up anymore, and didn’t come close to zippering or buttoning, her udder bulging almost entirely out of it. Laura did her best to support the abnormal, flushed protrusion as it wiggled uncomfortably with her lethargic movements.

She pulled on the baggy, boyish button down, to find that the buttons at her chest were pulled tight and straining, diamonds of her cleavage showing between them. The lower buttons didn’t even close anymore.

Worse, the material only covered half of her belly, the skin below her navel bulging out free and visibly. She fruitlessly tugged at the fabric, but it didn’t come down any farther. Instead it squeezed her, and threatened to shrink more.

Her boots were the only things that seemed to properly fit now, though they had gotten admittedly tight around her thighs.

Gasping for breath, Laura staggered towards the exit, servers frowning in her wake as she stumbled through tables and past other patrons, all gawking at her immodest form. She unintentionally knocked against shoulders and wineglasses with her belly, causing spills, breaking dishware. In her periphery, Laura could see that a new group of girls was now seated in the Jaccuzzi with a fresh table of food. She shook her head and shuddered.

“Laura, wait up!”

On the verge of pushing herself outside, Laura hesitated, and turned to see Kim standing in the restaurant a few yards opposite her. She was in a new outfit—undoubtedly complements of the restaurant. Kim was wearing a loose belly shirt, to Laura’s astonishment, her large mound proudly on display, some of her lower breasts even visible beneath the hem, her nipples just barely concealed by the fabric.

They had somehow stuffed Kim’s momentous ass into a pair of leather pants, with a patch of spandex sewn into the front that cradled her udder, but was so thin that the mound might as well have been on display like her belly was.

The udder bobbed slightly, smacking Kim’s stomach as she waddled forward in some ankle boots. Laura came to the unpleasant acceptance that her belly was now bigger than Kim’s was.

“Heading out?” Kim twirled her car keys about her finger.

“Me too!” someone gasped out.

Looking past Kim, Laura could only stare at Wendy, who was dressed in a bandeu top and a short skirt, her belly also out in the open, and yet all the more obscene. The mound shivered with movements, indents forming as the creatures within squirmed and kicked.

Wendy’s walker looked as though it was about to burst. The girl seemed as though she was attached to a bolder. She couldn’t possibly expect to fit into Kim’s car. Despite it, Wendy wheeled herself outside after the two of them. The hostess followed them onto the sidewalk.

“We arranged for a van,” the hostess whispered in Wendy’s ear, accommodating as ever.

Wendy nodded. “That should do,” she wheezed. She was flushed red, her cheeks puffing out with her breaths. She truly looked as though she was ready to pop.

Almost too abruptly, a van screeched up to the curb.

“Next meeting?” Wendy called out to the other two women.

Laura had the intense suspicion that Wendy would not be attending the next support group meeting. Notwithstanding, she nodded dumbly.

Laura and Kim stood by, blankly watching as Wendy and several waiters tried to navigate Wendy’s gravid body into the back of the nondescript black van. It took a good ten minutes, but they succeeded. Before long, the van was speeding off.

Kim yawned and raised her arms, arching her back so that her puffed areola pushed out from the hem of her belly shirt. Laura watched her belly swell slightly, then sink. “I could use a nap,” Kim noted, scratching her side.

Laura nodded back, still too stunned to form words.

“You should come by later,” Kim add thoughtfully. “I’d love for you to meet my boyf—”

“Laura!?” a voice shrieked.

Laura’s blood ran cold. She closed her eyes, willing this all to be some terrible nightmare.

“Laura, is that you!?” a male voice followed.

Laura opened her eyes to see Kim’s amused face. Turning slightly, Laura’s gaze fell on her parents.

“Christ,” her father said, eyes wide with horror. “Tell me this is some sort of joke?”

“How could you do this to us!?” Laura’s mother was freaking out. “What about your future? Oh god, look at you.” She gazed on Laura’s extra breasts, not yet noticing the udder.

“This can’t be real,” said her father.

Laura’s mother approached, poking at her. Laura squirmed uncomfortably and backed away, trying to cover up her fecund body, but it was fruitless. She was literally bursting out of her clothes. “I—um—” she stumbled over her words, energy renewed by her humiliation.

“It’s real, John,” Laura’s mother choked out, but she blinked back her tears. “You’re coming with us.” She grabbed Laura by her upper arm, and began to drag her off as Laura clutched at her bobbing udder and struggled to stay balanced.

Kim wiggled her fingers in a playful wave. “Later,” she called.

Laura’s mother shot the redhead a glare.

Before Laura knew it, she was being stuffed into the back of her parent’s SUV and the car was speeding off towards the clinic where her mother worked.

Her mother was merciful enough to throw a sheet around her shoulders before she led Laura and her father inside. The place was packed, but Laura’s mother strolled right up to the front desk, where she exchanged some tense, but hushed, words with the receptionist.

Laura stood there beside her father, in silent mortification, as she felt the gazes of other patients drink in the odd form she made. She could feel the frustration practically radiating off her father. Just as Laura’s eyes temper began to flare, her mother beckoned them over. “We’re up.”

Laura was led into an exam room. Her parents waited outside as she donned a large, shapeless maternity smock that was a little too small. It hung high on her thighs, and wouldn’t tie in the back, but she made do. She was rather stunned by how quickly her mother had acquired the appointment, but Laura supposed that was a perk of having a parent who was a doctor.

Holding her tense lower back, Laura eased herself down slowly. She still couldn’t believe how big she was. It was unsettling, and made her all the more miserable, her family’s tension making her backtrack from the efforts she’d made to accept herself.

Somehow she missed the weightlessness of the hot Jacuzzi water, the sedation of eating, the mellowness of being massaged. She could almost sympathize with Wendy’s adoration for the restaurant. It was a sort of reprieve.

And it wasn’t just that. The comradery had also played a large part in the relaxation. The comfort of being around other cows, and not feeling like the odd one. The sense of community. It had somehow become important.

Laura wondered if she could ever be as carefree as Kim and Wendy were. She sighed, and shook her head. It wasn’t likely. At least not until she…accepted things. She bit her lip as the door opened and a young doctor let himself in.

Laura automatically sneered. “You’re the best mom could do, huh? What are you, twelve?”

The man gave her a dry look. “Charming as your mother. I’m Dr. Greene. It’s lovely to meet you, Ms. Lawrence. Even despite the…circumstances.” He did a long and purposeful once-over of her swollen body.

Laura bristled. Apparently professionalism was out the window. “Excellent bedside manner,” she snarked.

“It’s my best feature.”

“Can we just get this over with?”

“My pleasure. We have a bit of a queue, if you hadn’t noticed.” With that, he unraveled his stethoscope.



After how shifty the bar staff were and how the cowgirls were lead into a private room after being fattened up I kind of expected a kidnapping. For the girls to wake up in stalls naked and be treated like the human cattle they are seen as by their new "owners" for the last few chapters. Kind of disappointed the suspicious bar didn't go anywhere what with the green liquid and all.


Wow, I didn't even think about that. Interesting idea, though I think that would mark the climax and conclusion of the story, and this story still has a ways to go.


What in the world, I come back after a 3-month short break and the next chapter is now behind the top tier even after it was published in December!?!


I am not sure how that happened. I corrected that issue. My apologies.