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Note: This is a female version of Tail.

Summary: Following an extended disappearance, Sarah develops a growing tail, which reveals the ability to ingest things, produce things, and act of its own accord. Contains: Female: pregnancy, breast expansion, alien impregnation, tail, stuffing, weight gain, birth.


Sarah opened her eyes and stared up at the white lights above her. Out of instinct, she flinched and recoiled, but then a familiar face appeared.

“You’re awake,” said her mother, Tammy, tears streaming down her face.

Sarah slowly sat up. Her body felt weak and sore. She blinked a few times, allowing her eyes to adjust. “Mom?” she said hoarsely. “Dad?”

Her parents embraced her, and Sarah heard murmurs and clapping around her. As the embrace ended, Sarah could see that she was in a hospital setting. The room was full of doctors, nurses, reporters, and police officers. “What’s going on?” said Sarah, directing her gaze back to her parents.

Tammy choked back a sob. “Sarah, you’ve been missing for a year. What happened to you?”

Sarah was momentarily stunned. She looked down at herself. Everything was foggy. “I…don’t remember.”


A week later, Sarah was discharged from the hospital with a clean bill of health. She had gone through numerous interviews with the local authorities, but had maintained the same account that she had told her parents—she honestly didn’t remember where she had disappeared to, nor what had happened to her. It was like she had blacked out a year of her life, because the last memory she had was of sitting on her porch swing on the night of her seventeenth birthday, gazing at the stars.

That meant she was eighteen now.

Sarah walked into her old bedroom. Though it was coated in a layer of dust, nothing had changed. It was like her parents hadn’t touched it since her disappearance. Sarah approached her full-length mirror.

She had always been small and short. Only now, she was thinner than she remembered. She pulled up her shirt to observe her concave stomach and her showing ribs. She peered at the dark circles beneath her eyes. She looked unhealthy.

The bedroom door opened, and Sarah looked up as her mother entered the room. Sarah could tell that she had been crying some more. Tammy walked over to Sarah’s bed and sat down, before patting the spot beside her. Sarah joined her there. Tammy clasped one of her hands in hers.

“Your grandfather passed away over the fall,” Tammy said, her voice thick with emotion. “He left a trust in your name. He never lost faith that we would find you.”

Sarah could do little more than stare. She felt numb somehow, so she just nodded.

Tammy sniffed. “We’ll talk more in the morning. Why don’t you try to get some rest?” She held Sarah’s hand for a moment longer, before releasing it, getting up, and exiting the room. She left the door open, but Sarah didn’t mind.

In her mother’s wake, Sarah laid back in the bed, still fully-clothed. She folded her arms behind her head.

According to her doctors, she had been found unconscious by an agricultural worker in an overgrown field a few miles south from where she lived. No one knew how she had gotten there. There had been no signs of any vehicle being through that area for years.

Sarah supposed that she should have been grateful, but for some reason, she just felt…empty.

Sarah closed her eyes and tried to get some rest, but just found herself fidgeting over the course of several minutes. It wasn’t long before she found the main source of her restlessness. It wasn’t an itch or a discomfort, just an unfamiliar sensation of…pressure on her tailbone that didn’t rest well with Sarah. She got the sense that something was happening to her. Something that she wouldn’t like.

She slid her hand behind her, to the base of her spine, where it encountered a gentle, firmly-placed lump. She’d endured several body-checks throughout her time at the hospital, and no doctor or nurse had mentioned it. Sarah was almost certain that the lump had not been present that morning.

Her arm curled behind her, she absently rubbed the lump for several moments. But if anything, the pressure only seemed to increase with the contact. With a sigh, Sarah withdrew her hand. She felt almost jaded, yet she didn’t know why.


The next morning, the lump seemed larger. As Sarah got showered and dressed, she tried not to pay it any mind.

She joined her parents downstairs. Both were sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for her to join them for breakfast. In the past, Sarah’s parents had rarely waited for her and she’d be lucky if she could scrounge together a bowl of cereal before they would start badgering her about chores.

But today…today, the kitchen table was set up nicely, like it was a holiday or something. Large dishes of food covered the surface. There were all Sarah’s breakfast favorites—cheesy eggs, bacon, sausage, chocolate chip pancakes, belgium waffles, sweet cheese crossaints, english muffins, eclairs. There was even a plate of strawberry poptarts—Sarah’s favorite.

Sarah grabbed one as she sat down. “Wow, mom, you didn’t have to go to all this trouble,” she said as she munched.

Sarah’s father, Samuel, released a snort, as though trying and failing to laugh off the remark. His face was strained. Sarah was surprised to see that her parents were holding hands on the table. It was weird and sentimental—not something her parents usually did.

Sarah’s smile softened. She didn’t miss her parents the way they missed her. In her perspective, it was like she had just seen them yesterday. But it had been far longer than that.

“What are you waiting for?” Tammy forced out, still wearing her strained smile. “Dig in.”

Sarah didn’t need to be told twice. Just the sight of the food roused a powerful hunger deep within her. She loaded her plate with pancakes and waffles, creating a disorderly stack, before slathering it with copious amounts of maple syrup. And then she ate and ate until she felt sick. But for some reason, she ate some more.

Sarah loaded her plate with eggs, sausage, and bacon, then crammed it into a bagel, before she continued to gorge herself. Still working on the sandwich, she compulsively grabbed hold of a croissant. Just on the verge of taking a bite, she froze, her eyes widening. She met her parents’ wide-eyed stares. “E-excuse me,” Sarah said, getting up, and walking off to the bathroom.

Sarah closed and locked the door behind her, before breathing and pacing for a moment. She sat on the edge of the tub and rocked herself for a little while. Then she got up again, and was back to pacing.

It was the lump over her tailbone. The tension there was…increasing. Sarah couldn’t help herself from sliding her hands down to the lump, groaning as she did. It seemed bigger now, more prominent and defined. But it wasn’t just that. It was presently growing, pushing out. Sarah pressed her lips and tried her best not to grunt aloud from the combined arousal and discomfort of the distending lump. She sunk to her knees, hugged herself, and folded forward, panting as it pushed out more and more.

And then it ended, the tension subsiding, but not disappearing all the way. Sarah hesitated, and slid her hand down behind her, to the base of her spine. Where the lump had been was now some weird…appendage. Sarah climbed to her feet and slid down her waistband somewhat, before turning her back to the shower door mirror and craning her neck to see what was going on.

It looked almost like a…tail. A short, kind of stumpy one, flesh-colored, much like the rest of her. It curved down, no more than a few inches long. It twitched slightly, and Sarah could do little more than stare.

She should have been freaking out at that moment. She should have been halfway to the hospital. This was in no way normal.

But for some reason, Sarah just felt queasy, and a little inconvenienced. She adjusted the waistband of her shorts, effectively hiding the tail within. With that, Sarah tugged down her T-shirt and returned to breakfast.


Sarah’s parents chalked her gluttony up to malnutrition. Sarah honestly didn’t know what it was.

She spent most of the day in her room, flipping through an old assortment of glamour magazines but not actually looking at them. There was talk of getting her enrolled in senior year of high school, but she had missed ten months, not including summer. There was also talk of getting her into a GED course so that they could fast-track her into college.

Though a straight-A student, Sarah wasn’t feeling very motivated. Her trust fund was substantial, apparently. Her mother said that she could take her time if she wanted to. Take time off, if need be, and work on getting her life back together.

Sarah was indecisive about that as well. All she really knew at that moment was that the…thing…was growing. She could feel it. She didn’t know how long it would go on. Lowering the latest magazine to her nightstand, Sarah laid down on her side on her bed. She slid her hand down to her lower back, cupping the small appendage. She didn’t dare pull it out of her pants.

She should have been horrified, but instead she just felt mildly nervous. Sarah wasn’t sure why. She absently rubbed the thing, up and down. This would be over soon enough. In due time.

Next Chapter



I'm intrigued to see how this one develops, an unusual concept. Thanks for doing these!


Thank you :D This story was inspired by some art I saw on DA that has since been deleted.

Joshua S

I cant wait to see where this one goes.