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Summary: An animal breeder is cursed to start personally giving birth to supply her pet shop with animals. Contains: Female: belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiple breasts.

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The meeting went as well as could be expected.

Maggie sat at the head of the table, her swollen belly perched in her lap, mostly hidden beneath the table top, while still pressing against the edge. Maggie simply hoped that none of her guests noticed her mound, which was only visible from a certain angle, assuming her guests thought she warranted the scrutiny. Maggie attempted a combination of boring yet convincing in her presentation as she spoke with calm composure despite the consistent twinges that shuddered through her gut.

She felt hot and breathless, her face flushed. She knew that she was sweating into her blazer, but refused to remove it, partly to help conceal her belly, and partly because her nipples were stinging. She could feel the disgusting wetness of warm fluid trickling down her chest. Most likely damp spots had formed over each of her nipples, a humiliating indicator of her lactation.

The weird rash beneath her chest was stinging as well, her skin hot and tingly. Somehow Maggie got through her proposal. She went into detail on her “secret partner,” a private breeder, the minimal costs, the rare breeds, and the considerable profits over the last quarter. Without removing herself from her seat, she gave her presentation smoothly, despite the squirming movements and the consistent tightening. “Ohhh…” She gasped quietly, clutching her navel under the table. She blushed and pressed her lips tightly together, hoping no one had noticed. She got a fleeting glance from Mrs. Stevens and a dubious frown from Archburger.

“I have to admit,” Stevens said, flipping through some papers. “I like what I’ve heard, Ms. Price.”

Maggie forced a smile. “Now would be the time to invest,” she forced out, rubbing her tight gut, a knot bulging against her palm. “We’re at a…mgghh…turning point, to be honest. I’m expecting another stock of rare cats any day now.”

Stevens gave her an appraising look for a moment, before lifting her pen. “Where do I sign?”

Maggie’s relief was short-lived by the stabbing pains twisting from her stomach to her groin. Just a little longer. She dabbed at her sweaty brow with a napkin and passed the necessary forms.

Of the three attending the meeting, both Stevens and Archburger signed on. She knew it was hardly polite not to stand and thank them, but she wasn’t even sure if she could get up by that point. She was fighting a potent urge to push, her insides tight and aching badly. She strained to grin and nodded as each investor walked off, giving feeble murmurs of appreciation as she bowed to yet more forms and pretended to be preoccupied by them. She hoped this didn’t get back to her parents; they would think her impudent.

Mr. Benette, the last potential investor, lingered by the door. He turned back to Maggie, who felt like she might pop by then.

“Ms. Price…” Benette walked over. “I would like to shake your hand.”

“Of course.” Maggie quickly looked up and extended her hand, her arm slightly tremulous, but she shook Benette’s firmly. “Thank you for coming.”

“Thank you for having me,” Benette responded. He was young; only a little older than Maggie it seemed. His dark hair was sleeked back and he was dressed sharply. Maggie was sure he was some rich heir or the other. “I admit, that was an enticing proposal. I’m still not quite…convinced, but I would like to see your profits for the upcoming quarter. Invite me to your next meeting?” He held Maggie’s gaze.

“Of course,” Maggie said, blinking back some tears stinging at the corners of her eyes. “I expect t-to have anoth—agghhhhhh!” She clutched her gut.

“Ms. Price, are you okay?” said Benette, looking alarmed. To Maggie’s horror, Benette perused her, and finally took notice of her massive gut. His jaw fell. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize—”

“I’m f-fine,” Maggie forced out with a pleading look. “P-perfectly fine. I just r-really need to finish these contracts.” She feebly patted the forms in front of her.

“Ms. Price—”

“Close the door behind you?” Maggie entreated, a tear finally slipping free to roll down her cheek. These kittens felt big for some reason. She could feel one stretching her, trying to crown. She ran her hand over her face, muffling a groan. She was sweating badly through her shirt; breathing in gasps. God, this was bad. Her belly shuddered, and she twitched in her seat, the first kitten nearly popping free. “Please,” she practically groaned.

Benette hesitated, then nodded, before backing to the door. Maggie knew he had questions, but thankfully, Benette refrained from asking them. Once the door was firmly shut, Maggie heaved herself out of her seat and collapsed to her knees.

She sunk to all fours, but not completely, because her belly was pressing against the carpeted floor. As she fumbled with her skirt with one hand, Maggie somehow dragged herself to an animal bed in the corner. They kept animal beds in most of the rooms, for the mornings when they allowed the occasional dog or cat to wander the store. It added to their image, their advocacy that cage-time should be limited. Ironically, they were a pet shop. Maggie snorted as she drew up her skirt and jammed down her panties, allowing them to get caught around her knees as she groaned and bore down.

“Ngghhhh…” She pushed as her belly contracted. It felt so much better to be pushing. She sighed and rubbed her mound. The process was by no means painful, but it was definitely more uncomfortable than before, this stock larger, stretching her right to the cusp of pain.

“Ahhh…ohhhhhhh…” Her belly shuddered as the first and second kitten escaped her in quick succession. She pushed and pushed, rather disgusted with herself as she felt creature after creature bulge free of her heaving body. “Hahhh…hahhhh…” she panted. This was going to be hell to explain to Dean and Amelia, but she just focused on getting it over with. She could see her belly progressively sinking, growing softer and less tense. God, there were a lot of them. The birth went on for an hour, the whole time, Maggie refusing to look down, because perhaps on some level she suspected there was something just…off about the whole thing.

The whimpering noises seemed to corroborate her indeterminate fears. The kittens had never whimpered in such a way. Maggie waited several minutes, before feeling a slight contraction, and pushing out the last one. Feeling sore and weary, she gingerly crawled away from the bed, turned to face her litter, and blinked at what she saw.


Maggie stared blankly. It wasn’t a…bad thing. It was just different. A weird escalation of what had happened before. She gulped in trepidation she refused to analyze.

Maggie dropped herself to her back as the newborn puppies whimpered and squirmed all over each other in a little mountain of bodies, all of them sleek and dark, awaiting attention. Maggie finally fumbled out of her too-hot blazer. She absently drew up her shirt to expose her burning skin to the cool air. She’d give anything for a nap at that moment, but it was entirely miraculous that neither Amelia nor Dean had come looking for her by then. She needed to get herself together and get her story straight.

She gazed wearily at the puppies. There had to be three dozen of them! She wasn’t even sure if the shop could accommodate them all. “We’ll figure it out,” she muttered to herself. Stock would be moved around. The store would focus on selling puppies for the next few months. She wondered about the breeds, but it was too early to tell. They were all still sleek and slimy, but she could detect nuance, and she suspected a wide variety just as it had been with the kittens.

Maggie’s chest heaved with her heavy breathing. She felt oddly proud of herself. Her eyes began to drift shut, when she winced. “Mmmm…”

Her hand lifted to her chest. It seemed even more swollen than before, though she wanted to believe she was imagining it. Both nipples were consistently dripping now, not letting up, but she was sure it was just all the…stimulation. Her fingers stroked down a few inches, to the stinging of the skin above her ribs, when she encountered a distinctive bump that hardened at her touch and made her whole body shutter. Her eyes snapping open, Maggie sat up with a wince.

She looked down at herself, really examined herself. Her stomach was still somewhat bloated, her breasts now small plump mounds on her chest. They did not conceal the skin beneath them, and she stared in shock at the two extra nipples sitting inches below them, proud, and pink, and dripping.

“Shit,” Maggie hissed, jerking back, as though to get away from her own body. How—when—she had extra nipples! This looked permanent! It was abnormal—lingering evidence of her freakishness even now that the pregnancy was over!

Maggie sat there, hyperventilating. She hastily jerked down her shirt.

A light knock on the door proved a merciful distraction. “Not to interrupt, Maggie, but the new fish tanks are in.”

“Right,” Maggie called weakly, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. She found herself shuffling farther away from the puppies, one of which had managed to squirm her way. Thankfully, most of the others were sleeping by then. “I’ll be right out,” she said.

She heard Dean’s footsteps walk off.


Maggie tried not to wince with every step. Her shirt was wet, chest puffy, and clothes hanging off her, pants practically falling down her newly-slim body. Hugging her blazer against herself, she left the meeting room and closed the door behind her, ignoring as Dean waved to get her attention where he stood in front of the shop beside a mountain of large boxes and a irked-looking delivery man.

Head bowed, Maggie shuffled into the bathroom, locked herself into a stall, opened her purse, and pulled out a bra, a tank top, and a spare blouse.

She was glad she had thought to bring spare clothes. She didn’t like the idea of smelling like sour milk by the day’s end.

Jerking off her milk-soaked, baggy T-shirt, Maggie replaced it with the bra, hissing at the sensitivity of her nipples and the way her breasts bulged slightly from the cups now. She slid into the tank top next, frowning down at her nipples, all four erect, making for a grotesque arrangement. Worse, she was still lactating from all four of them. Maggie hastily grabbed a roll of toilet paper and folded the sheets into four, thick squares which she tucked into the bra and tanktop over each nipple, and prayed that they would stay put, or that the dripping would subside before the paper got soaked up, or that her four nipples would simply disappear, all four of them, because even that would be preferable to than having to lactate a moment longer.

Drawing a deep breath, Maggie pulled on the fresh blouse, buttoned it up, and threw on her sweaty blazer, before she joined Dean in the front of the store. Maggie tried to inexplicably look fatter than she was, but she knew it was no use, and she could feel Dean staring in shock at her newly-slim form, but pretended not to notice.

“Thanks, this is the exact amount I wanted,” Maggie said to the delivery man, not even looking at the boxes. She pulled out her wallet and gave the man a generous tip. “I just need you to pick up the old ones. They’re out back. Dean will show you.” Maggie nodded to Dean and turned away to see her other employee leaning against the lonely register, idly examining a chip on her crimson fingernails. “Amelia, a word?” Maggie motioned towards the meeting room and led the way.

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