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Slugs on Deviantart

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Summary: Connor is impregnated with a massive, mutated slug. And unfortunately for those around him, the condition proves contagious. Contains: belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, bug expansion, unbirthing.


When Connor came to, he was sprawled on the floor on his back, and he felt entirely…odd. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling, blinking until it was no longer blurry. As he laid there and attempted to determine what was so unusual about the sensation of his body, he realized that it was in fact the lack of sensation. The lack of a heavy, tight mass on his abdomen, pinning him against the floor. With a shaking breath, Connor ran his fingers over his stomach, and miraculously, blessedly, the mass was gone. He was still rather bloated around his midsection, but no longer was he touting a boulder of a mound, squirming and threatening to burst forth at any moment.

So I did it, Connor thought, continuing to breathe hard. The birth was a success!

But as Connor slowly lifted his throbbing head and looked around, his surroundings seemed like anything but a success story.

The place was a mess. The large salt-water bucket was top-sided, a puddle lying on the floor. The stomach pump machine was broken apart in the kitchen. Beside it, Gary was lying prone and unconscious as a stray slug worked its way into his mouth. If the scientist was infested, it was a minor case so far. His stomach was not showing as of yet.

In contrast, Matt was sprawled on the floor by the couch, trying and failing to climb to his feet. His belly was a massive, pulsating mound that had burst free of his clothes. Connor could see tennis-ball sized masses rising, and bulging as they rolled against the taut surface of his skin, before sinking again as Matt grunted and squirmed. Though Connor felt inclined to comfort Matt, given the other man’s evident panic, instinct told Connor to get as far away from Matt as possible and never look back. Connor could envision himself getting in his car, driving off, and leave his hell-hole of an apartment behind. In fact, Connor suspected that he very well would have done it, had he thought he was capable of moving. But as things were, he felt feeble and exhausted. Any headway he made in lifting himself from the ground resulted in him promptly falling back down, banging his head on the floor, and seeing stars.

I’ve been through a lot, Connor admitted, his hips throbbing, and his ass sore. His body felt like it had been crushed by a steamroller and then torn apart. His abdominals didn’t even seem to know how to work anymore. Connor sighed and cushioned the back of his throbbing head with one of his arms. He just had to relax. He had to let his body recover a bit, and then he would run off.

But as Connor spotted the massive, fat—thing—lazily squirming across the room, awkwardly flailing beneath its own great weight, Connor’s efforts to get up were suddenly renewed. Doubled. Tripled. He struggled to get up.

It was the slug. His slug. It resembled an elliptical gray beanbag as it sluggishly dragged itself across the floor, moving in inches, fat as it was. The gigantic slug left behind a thick trail of transparent slime as it proceeded to wherever it was heading off.

Just the sight of it left Connor fighting not to retch. He couldn’t fathom how he had managed to give birth to the thing. It was just massive! Disgusting! It looked like the slug was the one containing a full-grown man.

Connor heard a feminine whimper, and his eyes darted to Tina. He had not noticed her at first, because she was seated in a corner, her head down, and back against the wall. She was conscious but disoriented, a thin trail of blood dripping from her hairline. Connor also saw that her ankle was a nasty purple shade, and twisted at a strange angle. The slug was headed straight for her!

Connor managed to lift his back several inches off the floor, desperate to get to his feet, though he didn’t know whether it was to help the others or simply run off and save himself from a possible relapse of infestation. He hissed in discomfort as his nipples ached, and he did his best to ignore the wet patches growing on his shirt.

Yet again, Connor’s muscles resigned, and he found himself again plopping against the living room floor. He breathed heavily, but quietly, hoping to avoid notice by any stray slugs. He watched helplessly as the massive slug cornered Tina, who was now squirming in fear. Like Connor, Tina tried and failed to get up, her bottom connecting with the floor as she released a pained yelp.

She was wearing a skirt, and fidgeting madly. She shivered as the giant slug made contact with her leg. It had plump grooves, and seemed to be pulsating—Tina shuddered. By impulse, the slug made its way towards the nearest human orifice, as though it didn’t know how massive it was.

Tina began to sob in panic as she squirmed madly, but the mass of the slug easily pinned her pelvis against the wall. In a desperate measure, she wrenched herself to all fours, and attempted to crawl away, but the slug was already—attached to her. Connor stared in horror as Tina’s face reddened, and the very tip of the slug pushed into her sleek opening. “Oh god, oh no!” she cried, trembling violently as the slug pulsed, and another two inches of its mass was pushed through.

She sunk to her elbows, her bottom in the air as she gasped, reddened, and groaned as the slug throbbed. The incredibly fat mass of the creature simply seemed too massive to negotiate her small opening. And her slim body was just too small to accommodate such a thing.

Still, the slug pulsed, Tina releasing a surprised grunt every time the creature shifted another inch inside of her. Her legs were spread wide now, her whole body quavering in discomfort. Her face had gotten redder, beads of sweat gleaming on her temples, as he pressed her lips and feebly pawed at the floor, her hips throbbing as they took in more of the slug.

The slug twisted violently, as though with impatience. Tina yelped as she was flung onto her back. She continued to groan and cry out between her ongoing violation and her swollen ankle. “Oh god, oh god, nnnggggg…annggghhhh!”

Now the slug was shoving into her impatiently, her hips bulging with its thrusts, and looking like they might break. From this position, Connor could see that Tina's belly had already swollen to look as though she was seven months pregnant, and the slug was proceeding with such haste through her opening, it looked as though nearly half of it was inside of her, though it was hard to tell.

Tina was so tiny. Connor couldn’t help cringing at every moment of her ordeal. Now the slug’s vicious squirms and thrusts were partially lifting her off the ground at times, her bottom rising from the floor as she groaned and struggled. Her belly looked tight and flushed, having long since pushed out beneath her shirt. It gleamed with sweat just like the rest of her, and was beginning to look as though she was due with twins.

“Nnngghhh…someone…h-elp…I…I ca-can’t…take…anymore!” Tina grunted out, a vein now bulging on her temple. And to Connor’s horror, she caught his eye. “C-Connor… Connor…”

Connor stared at her in silent horror.

“Mmmphhh…” Tina grunted out with another thrust. She pressed her lips, looking like she didn’t even want to speak anymore. She squeezed her eyes shut, as though waiting for her own impending doom. With another thrust, her mouth fell open, and a small squeak burst up her throat. Some drool rolled down her chin, her pupils blown. And still, the slug continued to work.

Connor was almost relieved when Tina’s eyes rolled upwards, and she passed out, there on the floor. Her belly looked overdue with quadruplets, and was still rapidly swelling. It looked painfully tight and pressurized, even compared to the way Connor’s belly had been. It bobbed forebodingly as the slug continued to proceed. Connor was almost relieved when the end of the slug finally disappeared beyond Tina’s flushed, swollen lips.

She was truly massive, and Connor didn’t imagine she would be able to get up without assistance, if at all. Small and thin as she was, she would be completely unbalanced, and ill-equipped to carry the mass. Even there pinned beneath it, Tina’s breathing was harsh and shallow.

Her belly button throbbed, and as her belly shuddered, it seemed almost painful. But the slug seemed content as ever. Tina released a quiet groan, and her stomach growled.

Connor was not surprised by the slug’s hunger. The girl looked as though if she didn’t put on some fat, she truly might just burst right open. The thought made Connor wonder about the slug’s end-goal.

But as much as Connor had contemplated it in the past, he truly did not want to think about what would become of Tina, and the slug. Though of one thing he was certain. The slug had no intention of relinquishing its new home.

The End



So what happened to Matt?

Visha Oakwood

Idk, how the slug got out seems really luck, would rather it had stayed inside her, hope there comes an alt ending for this