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Summary: Following infection by an alien parasite, Charles begins to hear a commanding voice in his head that demands him to stuff his face with food, massage various body parts, insert edibles into his orifices, and partake in other unusual activities. Charles’s belly grows and grows as the parasite swells in consequence. Charles’s efforts to balance his busy work life with the frightening voice of the parasite proves to be disastrous. Contains: Belly expansion, breast expansion, possible egg-laying and more.


Charles was a slim young man of twenty-six. His dark brown hair hung in his eyes. At present, he drew it back with his fingers as he pulled his car into the vacant four-car driveway and lifted his sunglasses to the top of his head.

Since he was a small child, Charles had spent his weekends at his family’s lake house just outside of the city.

Through decades had passed, and the rest of Charles’s family rarely managed to uphold the tradition, Charles still made sure to venture out to the country every weekend, now enjoying the solitary peace of life by the lake. In some ways, it had become his method of decompressing after a long week of work.

It was one such weekend. Charles unlocked the door to the large cabin and stepped through the threshold. All to myself. He smiled as he lowered his duffle bag to the ground beside him.

Wasting no time, Charles dug out his swim trunks. He wanted to savor as much of the morning sunlight that the first day of the weekend had to offer.

Charles walked into a bathroom and quickly changed into a pair of short, tight-fitting black trunks. He grabbed his sunblock and cellphone before leaving the house and heading straight for the lake.

The grass was green as ever, the sun beaming, and the property vacant. It was hot but slightly breezy. The conditions couldn’t have been more perfect for the swim.

But as Charles lowered his things and walked to the edge of the lake, he was stunned that the ordinarily blue water was extremely dark and had taken on an almost…purplish hue. He blinked a few times, wondering whether his eyes were deceiving him. Charles looked around. Sky—blue, he catalogued. Grass—green. Trees—brown. Nothing else seemed amiss.

Charles could not imagine how the lake water could have undergone such a significant and unnatural change since the last time Charles had taken a dip, only six days before. There were no signs of pollutants. It almost seemed chemical. But who would dump chemicals into his family’s lake?

With a sigh, Charles settled down on the grass, deciding against going into the water that day. He would simply have to wait until next weekend, and see if the water returned to normal. If not, he would consult his father on the matter. But as things were, swimming didn’t seem like a safe idea.

So Charles sat there in the grass, and continued to gaze at the still water. There was something foreboding about it. And yet its allure seemed to grow the longer he sat there staring.

Lightly shaking his head, Charles pulled his sunglasses back down over his eyes. He stood, and stripped off his trunks. Sunbathing then, he decided, before laying himself back down on the grass.

It was not the way Charles had wanted to end his stressful work week, but it would just have to do. A contented smile spread over his face as the sun’s rays seemed to permeate his frigid body. Charles stretched himself out one more time, and promptly fell asleep.

Charles awoke late in the afternoon, disappointed to realize that the air had chilled, and the sun was much lower in the sky. He lifted up his cellphone and gave it a glance, to notice that he had numerous new messages from his job. It would undoubtedly be a long night.

No rest for the weary, Charles mused with a sigh. He got up and threw one more glance at the lake. It was still purple, now glowing brightly under the low sun. The sight of it was truly bizarre, and Charles could not help taking moments to stare at it.

Charles stepped a bit closer to the lake, lifting his phone, and taking a few pictures that he intended to send to his mother. He could probably send some of the photos to the local environmental protection agency—maybe get the water tested. Just as Charles snapped the last picture, his phone managed to slip on some unabsorbed sunblock in his palm. Charles gasped as his phone fell from his hands and dropped onto the muddy banks, less than an inch from the water.

Without hesitation, Charles began to carefully climb down on the muddy bank, his right big toe hitting the purple water as he reached for his phone. Suddenly his foot slipped, his whole body becoming unbalanced, and Charles dropped into the water, fully submerged.

It may have only been seconds but it felt like minutes that he thrashed beneath the ice cold water, unable to distinguish up from down. His anus tingled strangely—it felt like something was almost…pushing through his puckered skin. As Charles shuddered, he involuntarily took in some gulps of water and nearly drowned, when his hand suddenly connected with mud.

Charles pulled himself up onto the river bank. He looked around for his phone, but it was long gone. He climbed back onto the grass, coughing and gasping. Strangely, his anus was aching and his dick was hard, now arbitrarily seeping pre-come.

Shaking water from his hair, Charles grabbed up his swim trunks and headed back into the house. He quickly rinsed himself off in the shower. And exhausted, he went to bed.

Though Charles tried his best to get some sleep, most of his night was spent tossing and turning, his insides burning. His face was flushed, and he was drenched in sweat. The times that Charles did manage to doze, he had dreams of pain, and darkness, and a receding, pleasurable sensation, always just beyond his reach. But before he could chase it, he would awaken again, gasping, sweating, his insides seeming to throb.

In the early hours of the morning, the varying sensations suddenly stopped. Utterly exhausted by that point, Charles dropped down into a dreamless slumber.


The next morning, Charles trudged into the kitchen. “Eugh.” He felt as though he had been hit by a truck. He wandered over to the fridge. He had it regularly stocked by a grocery delivery service. As Charles lifted a carton of milk, he glanced out the window to the lake, and was surprised to see that the small body of water had returned to its rich color of greenish blue. What the hell? he thought, relieved but also somewhat appalled. What was going on? Was he losing his mind?

Opening the milk carton, Charles brought it to his lips. He took several generous gulps, and had emptied half of the carton before he placed it down on the kitchen counter with a sigh and a wipe of his mouth.

More, someone growled.

Charles looked around, startled. The voice had come from nowhere, and yet it seemed to have blossomed from within his head. “Hello?” he called in uncertainty. His heart was pounding, he had no phone, and there was possibly a trespasser in his family’s cabin. It was either that, or he truly had gone insane.

Charles fumbled in a drawer for something to arm himself with, but the sharpest thing he could find was a fork.

More, the voice repeated.

Now Charles was almost certain of it. The voice had come from inside his head. He heard the fork clatter to the floor. “W-what?” he stammered. Dammit. He shouldn’t respond! I need to go, Charles decided. I need to get help. He started for the living room to get his keys and his duffle bag.

But the moment Charles stepped out of the kitchen, he was consumed by an icy chill that couldn’t have been mental. It left him shivering so violently that he had to grip onto the wall. His head throbbed as the voice spoke again.

More…consume…more! it boomed. It seemed neither male nor female, but inhuman…feral.

Charles staggered back into the kitchen, and the sensation of coldness began to recede. He didn’t understand what the voice wanted, but something brought him back to the milk carton on the kitchen counter. With a trembling hand, he lifted it to his lips, and drank hurriedly, small trickles of the white liquid trailing down either side of his chin. He drank and drank, until he had emptied the carton, and his stomach felt full to bursting. He then lowered the carton, and waited in silence for further instruction. However the voice in his head said no more.


Charles didn’t trust himself to take the hour-long drive back to the city. Though it was only his first day in the cabin, there were too many eerie things going on for him to feel comfortable staying for the rest of the weekend. He waited impatiently for his cab to arrive, after which he hurriedly climbed into the back seat. He dropped his head and closed his eyes, intending to leave the purple lake, restless sleep, and disembodied voices behind. He would have to think long and hard before he ventured back to the country.

Next Chapter


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