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Ebook Reward

Smashwords Link:


Coupon Codes:
Intern, Campus, Maid, Delayed: 59HY2
Boyfriend: YR26W
Toy: NU96A

These coupon codes will give you a 100% discount at check-out. I will continue to update this list as I clean up and merge my smashwords accounts and post additional ebooks. Thanks so much for your support!
Published: 2023-12
Ebook Reward (Monthly Message)

Smashwords Link:


Coupon Codes:
Intern, Campus, Maid, Delayed: 59HY2
Boyfriend: YR26W
Toy: NU96A

These coupon codes will give you a 100% discount at check-out. I will continue to update this list as I clean up and merge my smashwords accounts and post additional ebooks. Thanks so much for your support!
Published: 2023-12
Ebook Reward (Monthly Message)

Smashwords Link:


Coupon Codes:
Intern, Campus, Maid, Delayed, Midlife: GGSPL
Boyfriend: YR26W
Toy: NU96A

These coupon codes will give you a 100% discount at check-out. I will continue to update this list as I clean up and merge my smashwords accounts and post additional ebooks. Thanks so much for your support!
Published: 2024-04