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And just like that we’ve passed the threshold that separates both halves of the year and now we’re all teetering dangerously close to the edge of 2023 - barely clinging onto a flimsy swimming pool noodle over an abyss of tinsel and a thawing Michael Bublé.

Because time is clearly a precious commodity, I’m going to do the unthinkable and speedrun this update like I’m streaming a world first race.Hold onto your wigs because this one’s coming in with a whoosh.


The NDA was completed in an unceremonious puff of gas and silence. I will comment more on this whole production once I’ve actually been paid.


Illustrated rewards: Availability will open tomorrow but it will be very reduced due to my still overloaded workload. Please note that for the foreseeable future, illustrated rewards are likely to open every other month in order to stabilize my workload. This will be reviewed over time as I make progress through that list.

Prints: New prints have been added to the shop!

Artbooks: The books and prints are ready to be shipped, but a hiccup in production has stalled the bookmarks so shipping has been temporarily paused. This should be resolved soon, so please expect shipment by mid July latest. New artbooks will be available in August (or any month in which illustrated rewards aren’t available)


After a few months’ hiatus, I am looking to resume our FFXIV art parties! Please look for the details in the Discord soon.

A quick reminder that all tiers remain limited and are constantly reviewed and trimmed down, and that points on StarStickers expire after 6 months of being unpledged.

At the time of this post, the available tiers are:

Intermediate Tier: 1 slot
Advanced Tier
: 2 slots


After the last few months of unrelenting work pressure, my health has taken a slight tumble. My drawing hand was injured thanks to the NDA project and I’m currently undergoing therapy to get it back into shape.

Additionally, I have to fly to Spain for a few days this month to deal with some family matters. I will do my best to keep working through that time, but your patience will be greatly appreciated regardless.

SONIC BOOM. Look at that - I even managed to keep it under 500 words. I feel like I deserve some kind of reward for that… maybe stickers in the shape of a star or something.

Much love and sunshine to you all,




That advanced slot is mine! Mwa ha ha ha ha!