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Apologies for the radio silence! I've been doing that thing I do when I get overwhelmed which is try to get a bunch of things started/rolling instead of focusing on a single one. It's easier for me to lower the barrier for entry that way.

This is actually something I recommend my students do whenever they're struggling to find focus/motivation - don't worry about making a masterpiece. Just worry about making something little, just enough to crack the door and let the pressure out. A lot of the time, that's hands down the hardest part of the process.

Either way, here are a few things I'm working on - mainly this Mermay personal piece I started about two years ago and have never found the time to complete, as well as my two current commission projects. One of them features a NSFW token, meaning the end result will be slightly spicy (very subtle though) and the other is a bit of an experiment with a new rendering style. I'm really looking forward to completing these!

That aside, I'm pleased to announce that the artbook I mentioned in my update has been sent off to print! Everyone keep your fingies crossed that it looks okay, as I had to do some serious battling against the CMYK demons to make sure the colors matched the original RGB pieces. 

The book - which will be released as a limited run on StarStickers in June - will be A4 sized and featuring 64 pages of my best work between 2019 and now. I'll probably bundle it with some special things too, so please look forward to it!

And now back to the grindstone with me. Ttfn!




Hey! Glad to hear from you. I like your work above, they look great. I'm also glad that your artbook has already been sent to print!


Your approach to work, however, is commendable, but try not to overload yourself so much to avoid burnout. Your Mermay picture is amazing