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[ For those unfamiliar with calendars or time, today is April 1st. Please read the following update accordingly. ]

Today we welcome the fourth month of the year by marking a momentous occasion, as 2 years ago today I launched my rewards platform StarStickers.

In this time I have produced hundreds of rewards and the system has continuously evolved based on analytics and feedback to make sure it was always doing what it was intended to: fill the social media spheres with more catgirls.

In my role as curator and enabler of the art-aholic I have sought nothing more than to deliver on these expectations and for a while now I’ve become aware of a trend in the demand for rewards that has lead me to a clear conclusion:

Y’all really can't be bothered with writing descriptions.

For the last year or so, over 80% of booked rewards have been Mystery Boxes. You know, the ones where you dump your references in (usually late while I make thinly-veiled threats that I never follow through with) and walk off content in the knowledge that someone else’s brain is doing your job? Yeah, dems the ones.

And you know what? I heard you, loud and clear. That’s why, effective-immediately I will be implementing changes to meet this surge in popularity. What this means is that:

From today, all rewards on StarStickers will be replaced by Mystery Boxes.

To make sure we retain the illusion of choice, I will offer you 4 different options to pick from:

  • The Shady Mystery Box
  • The Questionable Mystery Box
  • The Suspect Mystery Box
  • The Dubious Mystery Box

I will also lower the point cost of all of these to 25 points per box to make them fully accessible. Please be aware that the quality of the product you receive will be made to match this decreased value.

These rewards are all now available here: starstickers.onyrica.art 

I do hope that these changes will be to everyone’s liking. And if they’re not, please redirect your complaints amongst yourselves.

After all, this is your fault. =]


[ The serious bit ]

Hi all! Welcome to our first ever official April’s Fools event. This is the first time I’ve put on anything larger than changing the logo of our Discord server, so fingers crossed everything goes to plan!

Speaking of the plan, it’ll go as follows:

  • For today only, all rewards will indeed be swapped by the Mystery Boxes mentioned above.
  • Everyone with enough points may apply for one of these rewards - even if you have another reward in the works or plan to apply to the next true opening. This event is independent of anything else happening in the system.
  • Applications for these rewards will be open from now to 6pm BST. After 6pm, applications will close and I will randomly select 3-4 applicants from each reward type.
  • Applicants who are successful will have 25 points taken from their account. Those who are not will have the points restored to their account.
  • The winning applicants will be contacted to submit references between 6pm and 8pm BST. Any applicants who don’t supply their refs in time will forfeit their reward.
  • At 8pm BST I will go live on Twitch and pick winning rewards at random to draw on stream.
  • Any winning applicants that I cannot draw on time during the stream will have their reward delivered at a later date.

Additional things to consider:

  • Please note that this is a gag event. As such, the rewards that I draw will be very quick and potentially silly, so do be aware of that when making the decision to spend 25 points in applying.
  • Each of the 4 Mystery Boxes will constitute a different type of sketch. These are all secret and you will not know what you get until I start drawing.

After the event concludes, StarStickers will go back to normal and availability will open on the 5th as usual. Please note that due to ongoing deadlines, reward availability for April will still be heavily constricted.

I am really looking forward to this and I hope everyone’s just as excited (or terrified) to see what comes out of it!



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