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It's a little bizarre to spend weeks working your back raw on something you can't show, as for the treadmill that is the internet, this may as well mean you've been comfortably sitting on your hands with a thumb up your b-

If you're in the Discord, or if you've been reading my updates, you'll know that I've been working on a very sekrit NDA project that I agreed on last year. What I didn't realise at the time is how much bloody work this was going to be (largely, because I wasn't told how much work it was going to be).

I successfully met the first deadline yesterday, but the next one is fast approaching (April 6) and after that, I will only have little over a month to the following one (May 11). The crunch has been unreal and has taught me a valuable lesson on what to agree on in the future.

As I deal with that, the rest of my work has had to take a bit of a backseat. That said, I'm still weaving in comms and rewards where I can - like the two WIPs for comm pieces you can find in the thumbnails, which I'm actually really excited about as they're a little 'spicier' than my usual work.

Additionally, in the midst of all of this, I have planned out a fun little event for April 1st - which, for the unaware (or the neurospicy that ever don't know what day it is) is April's Fools day.

More details on what it'll be about will be posted on the day, but to give you a heads up:

  • It'll be open to ALL active patrons on April 1st
  • It'll feature StarStickers, so make sure you have an account if you intend to participate
  • It'll be completely harmless and signposted (aka, no pranks and you won't have to guess if it's real or not)
  • Part of the event will be livestreamed on Twitch 

This will be the first time that I have done something like this for April 1st, so [please look forward to it]!



And with that, I return to the NDA mines from whence I just crawled out of.

Much love and eternal thanks for your patience,



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