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"Offer flat color" she said. "It'll be easier" she said.

She did not account for all the extra work she was going to make for herself by adding all of the filigree, patterns and other bullshittery to make this look as busy as possible.

HOWEVER, I am super pleased with how this turned out in the end and I do really feel this is going to be one of my best this year (as well as make a beautiful print *winkwink*)

As ever, your thoughts are well loved in this house!




Once again you capture such a beautiful scene! That intense expression, the excellent filigree and patterns! Ah I love it all so much! All expertly done with a great color scheme, and amazing art technique! I'm just drinking in this detail and love looking at the golden threads and following them around the piece as they draw my eye to the hands and that beautiful clockwork centerpiece. Definitely a stand out piece for the year, and I'm excited for prints!


All I can say is - thank you so so very much for bringing my bean to dreams I could have never imagined. <3