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Merry July friendly faces! Yep, that’s right - it’s almost Christmas. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

This month’s update is going to be a quick one, as I already put every bit of writing stamina I had into the mega Masterpost to rule them all which you will most have definitely read by now. Surely. SURELY you wouldn’t have ignored art mother’s hard, hard work.

Surely not.

So then, as you will surely have noticed, this Masterpost includes every key need-to-know thing about this here Patreon - from links to StarStickers and my lesson calendar and, most importantly, my workflow.

Why is my workflow so important? Because it contains everything that I’m currently working on. I appreciate that the delays may have led some of you to believe your reward had somehow vanished into the void, but with this handy workflow you may now see clearly that it is, in fact, very much still in this realm - if a little behind schedule, like your average Spanish train.

With this, what I’m trying to say is yet again, my deepest apologies for how slow things have been lately. Fortunately I’ve got nowhere to be for the next 3 months so hopefully, assuming I don’t get trampled by a herd of geese, things should be speeding up substantially from this month onwards. Should be - you never know with them geese.

Either way, as I said, I’ll keep this short and sweet so as to not distract me from the very important job of, you know… actually drawing. Who knew that freelancing consisted of 10% making art and 90% writing stuff nobody reads anyway??

Much love to you all. Stay cool and wear SPF!



S D Simper

Geese are vicious, unpredictable monsters, so watch your back! (For real, you're doing amazing and we're grateful for all that you do!)