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Melting Sky

"//We are on schedule."


“Intimidation: Intermediate 7 //We are on schedule. ‘What?” //Nothing, Your Grace.” This is the most I’ve laughed in the last two weeks and I’m still grinning, thanks for that.


Thank you!


How far out of town had Lancer made it when Viv retook Kazar? I don't think we're gonna have too much time before they come back. On the plus side, that means Viv gets to kill him much, much sooner than expected.


Could you remind me what this refers to? Presumably it's not just the over-arching plan to make her Empress.


Solfis mentioned getting the ‘genocidal maniac’ skill early in the story and I turned it into something of a running joke ;)


It’s nice to see the true enemy mentioned to Viv. Now I’m waiting for the brother “forgot his name”. Then she will also know the name of her benefactor.

Melting Sky

That might work in her favor. If the prince is actually stupid enough to turn around with his current force to avenge the boo-boo on his fragile little ego then team Viv might be able to take him. He lost most of the mages that are key to launching a siege. Viv also has a pack of uber high-level assassins on her side. Even if she can't command them directly I imagine some of them have enough personal reasons to try to end the prince if the opportunity arose. The prince has the bigger army, but Viv at this point has him beat on elite units such as casters, super-soldier assassins, elite holy warriors, mini dragon, ancient death bot, etc. That along with a massive defender's advantage might be enough to break his forces on the walls and force a retreat or provide an opening for an assassin.

Morog T Tiny

I keep seeing that the black manna affiliation is going to kill her but from earlier chapters it seems like she will change as the affinity keeps going up. Not death but evolution to something not necessarily human.


The elementalation is what is going to kill her I think. You can't survive as a human if your blood starts turning into acid, and your heart to shadows.

James Han

Lol Solfis said that Viv is on schedule. On schedule for the genocidal maniac skill I'm guessing🤣

Morog T Tiny

bob the lich but she is not a necromancer, but she not only has that form of magic, she specializes in it 100 percent? I guess we will see where the author takes us.


I suspect Arthur will be involved with what happens then?

Melting Sky

From what I gathered the elementalization process is the result of having too high a mana attunement and it is both the cause of death and the means by which to survive it. Those rare legendary individuals who successfully master the process, evolve into a new stable elementalized form and survive it to become something more than just a purely physical being, whereas the rest die in a horrible manner very much akin to what Davis described.


nicely done, ty.