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The end of AOT has come...

Thank you to all for being patient with me. Been super duper busy. But had been eagerly awaiting covering this the entire month

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Reaction Highlights: https://vimeo.com/885819798/65f16b9687

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/NIksp4cyRXg

More Attack On Titan Reactions: S 1- https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Attack%20On%20Titan%20S1


attack_on_titan_reaction_highlights (1080p)



Hey Greg! Happy finale! Just wanted to touch base about the Ymir thing. My take on it was that Ymir’s whole purpose is to seek a connection. That’s all. That is shown when she finally makes a connection with the Founding. She never had anything like a connection until she was given children by King Fritz (as fucked up as he is) she loved the connection. Not necessarily the man himself and it’s akin to Stockholm but there is a shot that goes by very quick where u see Ymir holding her kids and Fritz has the spear in him. That to me represents that Ymir was finally able to separate her connection with fritz and realized she still had a connection with her kids and even with mikasa to an extent. So when Mikasa is finally able to CUT the connection with Eren, so too can Ymir separate her connection with Fritz. Thus ending the 2000 years of suffering. As to why Mikasa is the chosen one is left a little ambiguous but The Ackermans have a long history and it could just be the parallels that Ymir can relate/connect to. Also every time Mikasa got a headache was Ymir peaking her in head.