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The end of AOT has come...

Thank you to all for being patient with me. Been super duper busy. But had been eagerly awaiting covering this the entire month

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Reaction Highlights:  https://vimeo.com/885819798/65f16b9687

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/NIksp4cyRXg

More Attack On Titan Reactions: S 1- https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Attack%20On%20Titan%20S1


Attack On Titan FINALE Watch Along


Wai R

Hey Greg 👋. Great reaction as always wahhh it’s the end 😭. Great show, perfect for reactions, it feels like the end of an era. Like thrones 😬. The anime hype really kicked off because of Aot and with that, anime reactions. So my opinion on the finale… Well, if you rewatch the first scene of Ep 1 with Mikasa waking Eren and he’s been crying, it’s all kind of poetic how they end with them both at the same tree. Even though I do want to know how things progress for the others, I like that all the time is instead given to that long quiet moment with Mikasa. The finale is pretty faithful to each manga panel even with those end credit scenes being like a montage. Now the last one with the guy and dog heading into the tree cave was eerie. As if everything that happened in this series was just one chapter of the story. Makes everything seem insignificant, but from the beginning Aot was tragic and hopeless at every turn, so to end it off like the whole struggle was almost worthless is fitting to me. But how about that matricide huh???… I’d actually forgotten that. Crazy writing bruh, considering that was Erens original motivation. Wonderful writing, I loved the reveals and mind fks along the way. I actually hated this arc so much and was devastated with the ending so I was the least hype to see these last seasons. I hated every panel with Yelena and Floch and Villain Eren hurt my heart😢 I even wanted Gabi thrown out of the plane early on. But it’s been years and I made my peace, so I watched and appreciate the show as a great adaptation and felt it finished strong and I’m thankful because it’s rare to get an ending in anime, even more to get a faithful ending, even more than that, a high quality faithful ending. Oh what I can’t agree with is your opinion on Eren. Not because you’re wrong but because I tend to disconnect and favour the characters perspective over my own morals and real life views. I just didn’t care about him stomping out that world. I hated Marley so much for their oppression on eldians and even surrounding Paradis with pure titans and the world was nothing to me. On the other hand I can understand Ymir loving Fritz. Just real world experience it can happen bruh… The strongest woman you know could fold to a POS.

Wai R

I edited this so much. Could pick apart the whole series

Brandon Griffin

One of the greatest show of all time in my opinion. It’s beat Breaking Bad as my favorite of all time. The world building, the story telling, the characters, the INCREDIBLE musical score by Sawano, the voice acting.. Attack on Titan is a masterpiece.