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We get a Walking Dead nod & another solid episode featuring a loose hellhound + a closer look at Crowley's sinister plan for Lucifer...  Join us for some hellish fun!!

"Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell"

Reaction Highlights: https://vimeo.com/858266203/c0e592ca6e

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/CRXRtw4Ib_Y


SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


SPN 12x15 Watch Along


Lori Esquire

Man-bear-pig!!! Excellent reference! 🐷 haha!


This was a fun one. I love the dynamics between Lucifer and Crowley. Regarding the glasses they did use them one other time. It was back in S8 during the “trials” when Dean was trying to kill a hellhound and Sam ended up killing it. Kevin found out about it from the demon tablet. Maybe TMI but anyway. Enjoyed your perspectives on this one. 😉


Sam get over the rage at Crowley - he loves Dean and Feathers.