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"Twice Upon a Time"

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Doc Who 10x13 Christmas Special Watchalong


Henry from CO

Thanks guys, a very fine reaction to Twelve's last hooray. I really enjoyed Capaldi's time as the Doctor although in the beginning I didn't think I would. I thought he did a terrific job even if some of his episodes weren't the best. In fact there's an argument he was the best actor to play the role. YouTuber BWHERE has made of video that discusses this point that I'll add here for your viewing. Take care, everyone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB_zGDZtEOI

Gwinnell Heald

A note on the doctors regenerations: the reason they dont want to change is because the experience feels like that version of them dies. There is no memory loss. There is initial original memory loss due to regeneratiom sickness, the whole brain has been fried and rebuilt, it kinda makes sense theyd have a recovery period. After that, they have memories. It is simply the fact that they will no longer be themselves. Its like an exaggerated version on the difference between you as an adult vs a kid. Youre the same person, but you act differently than you would now. They are the same person througg regenerations, they just wont think/feel the same as they do currently which as you can imagine would be quite jarring. Not to mention regeneration is painful. Sorry for the rant but youve mentioned it a couple times so i thought id try explain? Tldr: regeneration≠death No memory loss Regeneration hurty: recovery period after make brain fucked temporarily. Sometimes temporary memory issues.

Robert English

I don’t know how to convey in words how special the Twelfth Doctor is to me. Here is an attempt. 12’s arc is so drastic that it feels like Capaldi played 2 or 3 doctors. Capaldi commands the role in a manner I feel hasn’t ever been done before or since. Some of his stories were weaker but Capaldi demanded your attention and elevated any material given to him. I cannot help but feel heartbreak every time he regenerates. He is the longest lived Doctor being in this body for over 4.5 billion years. He lost everyone along the way and still feels inspired to help others. I understand why he doesn’t want to change because he just so tired. What a wonderful final adventure, saving the ancestor of your best friend with your past self. The First Doctor is how 12 started off, a grumpy man bitter at the world but each one inspires the other to change and become new people. Goodbye 12, you were my Doctor.


To me, this is my 5th favourite Doctor Who story of all time – yes, I love it even slightly more than the finale two-parter which is at number 8. I can understand why it might not work as well for everyone but it really wraps up my love for this series. To me, it is the perfect farewell – the final notes of swansong. I do recognise that Chibnall-era follows this and accept it, and I am certainly hopeful for what is to come, but in many ways this will forever be the "ending" of Doctor Who for me. To say that I love the 12th would be such an understatement. He is my favourite character in all of fiction. Not just Doctor Who, not TV, but all of fiction. I can't even begin to put into words how much he means to me so I'm not gonna try. Moffat can write when he wants to and 12th's arc really shows that. It is probably quite undisputed (I'm gonna assume, I don't know for real) that he has the best and strongest arc of all the Doctor's. And the last 3 episodes just sum up him as a character so brilliantly. And that is probably one of the reasons why I so love the fact that there is no villain in this episode. The thing to beat is himself – but that is what the Doctor always does, he turns to find another fight – even when he is giving up. And damn does Moffat's writing combined with Capaldi's acting hit hard here. I can quote the end of this episode word to word but throughout the episode (and not just in the dialogue, but writing of the story and the characters as well) the writing is just stellar. I can understand why many might be underwhelmed by Bill – and it's not as if she's incredibly high in my ranking of the companions either – but I do think she works really well within the last series of 12. Whereas Clara often brought out the worst in the Doctor, I think Bill brings out the best. And I also think that there is less focus on her really brings more focus to the Doctor; this is really HIS series. And Capaldi bloody owns it. But to only note the acting and the writing of the episode would be a sin. The fact that they let Murray Gold go is a tragedy. Though the episode would be heartbreaking regardless, his touch is what really turns the episode to gold. And there is another way this episode is a swansong. But what I really want to also note is JESUS CHRIST THE FUCKING CINEMATOGRAPHY. The episode (and the two previous as well) looks so goddamn good. Like, I wanna scream good. There are so many shots where it feels like it heightens brilliance to perfection. So many times if I could stop watching (which I can't) I would pause and just awe for a minute. (Not gonna go on a rant though I could, but I can't understand how they went from this stunning cinematography and great editing to whatever the hell is to follow in the Chibnall era. I don't know whether to laugh or cry; both.) And I'm really doing both throughout this episode. Moffat's humour doesn't work with everyone – and not always with me either – but here it just does. But that ending. Like from dropping off Gatiss at the battlefield, I'm genuinely just weeping. And I don't say that lightly; I rarely cry whilst watching TV/films; even Tennant's departure doesn't make me more than heartbroken inside. But this is my favourite character. And THIS is my favourite show. It's not always that – but here, it's nothing but. So, that's it. This episode is probably the best exhibit of my love for this show. I've loved rewatching this show with you guys. Though I haven't always agreed with your takes, and though you haven't always loved it like I do. But isn't that the brilliance of this fandom as well! That there are no same opinions. Your differing opinions of the show made me think about it in a new way as well. Sometimes I changed my mind; sometimes my opinion was solidified. I don't know if I will continue to the Chibnall era with you guys. I am still curious about your opinions so maybe with the highlights ('cause I did rewatch the entire Chibnall era last year, and sure my opinions were slightly changed, but I ain't bloody doing that again). But even so I need a break; so I'll be probably doing some catching up later. Though this show brought me to your Patreon and now we're kind of done, I don't think I'll ever quit being a patron; you guys are really just fucking great at what you do and have often brought light to my darker days! So, keep being you and hope everything continues well with you behind the scenes. I'll continue to be here, but let's see if I'm silenced within the Doctor Who comments. Oh, and Rosie I don't know if you'll ever see this, but thanks so much for a brilliant job you've done. I can't believe how much I've learnt of my favourite show anew. And, Jesus bloody Christ, I didn't think I was gonna write such a long comment – a whole proper review. As I'm at it, I think I'll just sneakily copy most of it to Letterboxd.

Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

Thank you, it’s always a pleasure and I’m glad a lot of people still enjoy the dr who facts (just stressed about how it’s gonna work when they’re caught up as if they react to it live then no facts until the week after but if they do it that way then that means a week of diving through the internet and trying to find Easter eggs in every scene 😂😫) but aye I hope you stick around for the highlights cos you’ve been with it this far, might aswell cross the finish line in roughly 30 episodes time and plus you’ll get more facts 😂👌