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HAPPY Most-of-the-Way through MAY, PATRON-O-JECTS!!

It's been another hectic month, but we're gettin' it done.  Should have at least 1 more round of Q's to close the month out!!

As always, want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone for being here & for sharing your questions!  Time Stamps for each Question are listed below!



INTRO - (0:00)

CHRIS BUSTIN   (2:13)  --  Hey guys, I know we chuckle together about the phrase, "Keep your politics out of my...!” However, I’d like to think that free speech also includes viewpoints that aren’t liberal. Is there any conservative or libertarian viewpoint that writers could put into a show or movie that you think would be well-received by Reject Nation?

CHASE GARDNER  (20:38)  --  Out of these 2 franchise games would make a great story for movies or tv uncharted or the last of us, Do you think it's odd that both of these franchise from same studio naughty dog are coming out with these projects around the same time?

FLEV DORIN  (34:15)  --  Hi guys! Since you've been on Youtube for many years and saw all kinds of things on it, is there a "genre" or channel on yt that you currently or previously wonder "how is this popular?!"

SEAN DAVIS  (49:26)  --  If you could time travel using a ship, machine, capsule, etc., from a movie or tv show with the same character(s) that use it in the story, who and what would you choose?

DAVID GANDY  (56:40)  --  Which do you find more difficult, keeping a healthy diet or getting enough exercise?


LINK TO ALL MAY 2021 Q&A POSTS: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Q%26A%20May%202021


May 2021 Q&A #2!

0:00 - INTRO 2:13 - CHRIS BUSTIN 20:38 - CHASE GARDNER 34:15 - FLEV DORIN 49:26 - SEAN DAVIS 56:40 - DAVID GANDY


Flev Dorin

I didn't had a problem with reaction channels, those we're one of the first "youtube videos" I've watched on yt besides the Vevo music videos, I discovered a wrestling reaction channel and because I was the only person in my circle that watches wrestling, I didn't had nobody to talk to about and so I connected instantly with those guys! And then I discovered you and more that YT had to offer. John I was about to say mukbangs too! like I would've get if they would do a review of the food, and some do, but some that I've seen just do a mukbang while they're answering questions or something else, like what?! With the vlogs I'm a little on the other side than you, I didn't get it at first but now I know there's a thing of living vicariously through those people (obviously it depends on the person and life that they have), and I quite enjoy some of them. I never heard of 8d audio, I tried listening to a clip right now, but I don't think I have the right equipment for it.

Chase Gardner

I'm excited for both uncharted and the last of us I want to see what they do with the last of us because the game director from the last of us games is part of the last of us tv show.


Reaction videos were definitely YT videos I did not understand the appeal of. YT kept recommending Reel Reject videos to me and I was like, "I don't want to watch people watch tv." Now, look at me, on the fucking Patreon page. The Paul brothers are trash. They know people want to see them get beat up and have made money on that. Silver lining to them being in the boxing world, they have brought attention back to boxing. Interest in boxing as a sport has been declining, as MMA got more and more popular, and the Paul brothers have brought interest back. So there is that.


Full disclose: I don’t have the thick southern accent from Greg’s caricature...lol In fact, most people think my northeastern accent is either from Boston, New York, or New Jersey. And, yes, I graduated from college. :-)

Toasted Toad (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:16:36 I think question of the day is a really good idea, because these are really long videos for people to make space for, even when you give time codes. An hour long video is a bit intimidating, especially for a Q&A
2021-06-02 10:59:21 I think question of the day is a really good idea, because these are really long videos for people to make space for, even when you give time codes. An hour long video is a bit intimidating, especially for a Q&A

I think question of the day is a really good idea, because these are really long videos for people to make space for, even when you give time codes. An hour long video is a bit intimidating, especially for a Q&A

Toasted Toad

I understand how some people feel about reaction videos, but on the other hand, they have come a long way since they started. At first, many were simply people watching the programme and then ending their video when the programme was done, so you were literally just watching someone watch TV. And there would be those just faking their reactions (which there still are, unfortunately). And some do talk too much so that they miss stuff, or can't be involved in the emotional side because they are distancing themselves by yakking on. Back in those times, the only things worth watching were reactions to special scenes (i.e. not whole programmes) which got major reactions. Some I won't say because of spoilers, but the Marvel movie moments are prime examples (although those are audience reactions rather than TV reactors). "On your left". But nowadays I expect a lot more. Good reactors are effectively TV critics, but with a more personal edge - i.e. not just concerned with whether something is 'good', but also how they felt about it and why, (which is what a lot of 'independent' TV critics leave out), and we can see how and whether the programme affected them emotionally as opposed to simply a dry criticism. So I'm only interested in reactors (like yourselves, BlindWave, Sesskasays, DakaraJayne) who give additional commentary at the end. More than just "well, that was good". That also means I'm also more concerned with the reactors themselves, rather than just whether they can compose well on paper. I'm not as interested in what an immature silly teen might have to say, and much more interested in intelligent people who have some experience on which to base their opinion. And we get some reactions that serve a slightly different function in that this person reminds us of how we originally felt watching something (I'm thinking of a couple of reactions by Abnormally Adam to Supernatural which we actually know the cast saw because they commented on it!!) (Sorry this comment is quite long!!)