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"The Girl Next Door"

Reaction HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/503626890/e1dd80bc12

REVIEW Begins at:  40 Mins & 28 Seconds

Episode Synopsis: Dean is furious when Sam disappears to follow a case with clues identical to a case Sam solved as a kid...  The trail leads Sam to a demon he defeated years ago..


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Supernatural Season 7 Episode 3 Watch Along [re-up]

This is "Supernatural Season 7 Episode 3 Watch Along [re-up]" by JBird on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



The right thing to do maybe wouldn't be to just let her go, but to talk it through with Sam. Maybe even talk it through with Amy and her son. Not to lie and manipulate his brother, go behind his back, and execute his childhood friend in front of her young son. Maybe say "Hey Amy, here's our phone number if y'all ever get sick again or are in a jam, maybe give us a call so we can figure something out that doesn't involve murdering people?"

Jason Usher

Great reaction, I completely agree about what Dean did at the end, My main problem isn’t that Dean killed her but that he basically creates a most likely way worse killer in the kid the way he spoke to him after murdering his mom


Everyone has betrayed Dean but Bobby, so he's gone back to his older view of the World. Cas betraying him broke him. Don't worry though too much, just hold on.


So now the Dean bashing begins. I don't like this episode, partly because of all the hate it generated towards Dean. It was a no win situation. And I think someone in the new showrunner team obviously has a different viewpoint of Dean than I do. I don't doubt that the writer of this episode wanted to create this conflict and show Dean in this light. I don't like that. But, that being said. Dean is always the one who seems to have to make the tough decisions. I am sure it was really hard for him to do it. He didn't want to do it, but he's often had to do things that no one else wants, or can, do. She was actively killing people. She killed someone after Sam caught her in the act of going after someone even. I didn't see it as heartless at all. He didn't make it a chase or fight. It was very quick and you can tell that he tried to show at least some respect for her. Knowing Dean and how he feels about monsters - especially those that kill - this was very smooth. Which comes across to you as cold, but not to me. He didn't draw it out. How could they trust her? If her son got sick again, you know she'd do the same thing again. So, let's just say what should have been done? Let her go and just wait until she kills again? How are they to keep an eye on her? They killed Madison in season 2. How is this different? Madison was more innocent than Amy Pond. They could have let her live, but had her just get locked up every month. But they didn't, because they knew there would come a time she'd get loose and someone would die. I just ask that people think on that. So you'd just let Amy go? After killing 3 people. Because her son was sick? That make it okay? Just let her go. Really?

Jason Usher

But in killing her he most likely created an even worse monster in the kid, also she didn’t kill until her kid got sick, she literally only did it to save her kid, also Madison was very early before Sam got Dean out of the John Winchester way of all monsters are evil, after that, Dean let monsters live multiple times like that Vamp that Gordan was trying to kill, Dean also let Sam live even though he was technically a monster for a while, also with all the flashbacks and all the time they spent on Amy Pond it was very clear she was decent, probably more decent than both Sam and Dean, and as Sam said if it was them and it was to save their kid they would have done the same thing, and of course it’s wrong to kill but Both Sam, Cas and Dean have done way way worse than what she did


I disagree, of course. So it's okay to murder people if your kid is sick? And no, Sam and Dean would not do the same thing. Not directly and on purpose. So, it was okay for Amy Pond to make someone else's child fatherless? Or motherless? Because her child was sick? That's okay? And how do we even know that there were no other options? Yes, they've let some monsters go - monsters who were not killing. Decent people don't kill other people. It's a slippery slop to start comparing Sam and Dean to others. Amy saved Sam, so that obviously made things difficult. Does that give her an out to kill others? Of course she's going to do whatever it takes to save her son. Of course Sam and Dean will do whatever they can to save each other. But there are differences. Monsters and other hunters do come after Sam and Dean, so they aren't given an out for what they do. It's a horrible job. Of course Amy Pond is going to believe she's good and only doing what she has to. A lot of killers likely think that too. Doesn't make it right. She knew what she was doing when she started killing. She knew there would be a chance hunters would come after her.


Don't forget....Jensen CHOSE to play it that way as the director. You can blame whoever you want, but at the end of the day, it was Jensen's call to be that cold. It's kind of funny to watch so many people freak out when it was HIS CHOICE. And I trust Jensen's choice...because he knows his character more than I ever will. I may not like things but ffs it's not real life. Also, Amy was killing the people who were causing the most harm and death. The pimps and the drug pushers...not good people. As someone who has lost a few family members to drugs, I have little sympathy for those who destroy the lives of so many people whether through legal peddling or the hustler on the street corner. This episode was meant to cause us to feel things...and either way, it succeeded.


Again - I don't see it as cold as others obviously do. If you can see it through my eyes, you see that he was actually being as kind as possible and keeping things calm. There was no big fight. It was quick and he did show care. At least I saw it that way. And we can't really assume Amy only killed people who "deserved" it. Is that even a thing? A drug dealer is not forcing his product onto people. So selling drugs is a death sentence? So killing a drunk guy is okay too? Killing a drunk guy who was going to drive could save people that might get killed by the drunk driver. But she was desperate and can't take it for granted that she just killed people who "deserved" it. So she gets to choose who deserves it? She was the brutal one here, in how she killed.


Hi Michele. Hope you are enjoying Dean’s birthday today (Jan 24) ♥️ The end scene is a bit of a dichotomy. I agree with folks that Dean seems a little cold, but I see that as his defense mechanism so he can go through with something that he knows he has to do. At the same time, you can see that Dean gingerly lays her down on the bed, rather than let her fall in a heap to the floor as they do with every other monster. So I believe Dean is sorry about what he had to do...but that’s the job. She killed humans to save her kid, and regardless of what Sam says, I cannot see them doing that. I do only wish he had talked a little more softly to the kid.


Fun fact. The red headed boy hassling Amy as she leaves the library also played little kid Lucas way back in 1x03 episode “Dead in the Water.” Like Greg and John, I so very much hate the exposition dialogue when in Rufus’ cabin. So ridiculous to remind each other they are hunting Leviathan. Cringe factor off the charts. And I completely agree that so much could have been improved regarding logic or character motivations with just a few additional lines of dialogue, here and there, so we don’t have to make up our own rationalizations to explain why a character is acting differently than we might have expected. Really sorry to say this isn’t the last time the writer of this episode does this to us.

Jason Usher

I didn't say it was okay to kill people, but say that Sam or Dean wouldn't do the same to save their child is just wrong, majority of people if given the choice to kill someone and save their child or not to kill and watch their child die, they would chose to kill, majority of parents would do anything to keep their kids safe(& alive)

Jules R

The casting of young Sam is perfect! Did you know it’s still the same same from the flashbacks they’ve done already on spn?

Sharon Owen

Loved the Ryan George reference - super easy barely and inconvenience!! haha!